My name is Jeff Woytovich and I am the Founder of the Children's Alopecia Project. I have 4 daughters, Helena(11), Madison(10), Sofia(7), and Amelia(3). Madison has had alopecia since she was 5 years old and my wife Betsy has had it since 1976.

I started CAP becuase ther were no support groups just for kids, I wanted to make sure that Maddie continued to have a strong self-esteem.

We help the children and their families know with self-esteem so the can become stronger teens and more productive adults and the advocates of tomorrow. We do not deal with research or wigs or treatments, we concentrate on what is most important when you are a child, self-esteem.

We have CAP Kid Meetings in MO/IL, NY, MI and of course PA and will continue to start more across the country. We do this by keeping a database of over 300 kids and their families and we link you up to meet. The next step is for a parent to volunteer to facilitate the meeting with CAP's support.

Visit and register so we can add you to the list and help your CAP Kid.

If anyone would like any information mailed to you please let me know your address and it will be in the mail.

Jeff Woytovich -

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jeff, I was wondering were in NY are there CAP meetings?
email for the meetings in NY
Hi Jeff
I'm Maritza and I just joined the network. My son has AU since 6 months and is now 5 1/2 years old. I would like to know where the NY chapter meets as well. I am completely with you on the idea that we should not worry about the wigs, treatments, etc., we should be building on self-esteem and that will build a better future. Having hair isn't a promise or ticket to future happiness, self-esteem and great coping skills provide for the building blocks necessary for success.

Hope to see a NJ CAP kid meeting soon.
Thanks, Maritza
email for the meetings in NY
Hi Jeff,

I'm the mom of two girls, ages 6 and 3. Both have alopecia. I agree that having a strong self esteem is most important, especially for girls. My question is how do I instill this in them? Are there any resources that speak to this?

Email me at and let me know a little about your situation. I promise I will do my best to help you get pointed in the right direction to start putting all your ducks in a row.

Jeff Woytovich
Founder - Children's Alopecia Project



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