Hello Moms and Dads,
My 8 yr old was diagnosed with AA in Dec 2013. Started out as 3 patches, one in the front and 2 on the sides. It has been 3 months now and she has been losing rapidly. The shedding gets worse each day and every time i comb her hair, I cry a little in my heart. She has lost most of her hairline and now has very thin hair on the sides. It is that hard time when we just do not know what will happen. I want to think positive but indications are not very good.
However, my daughter has been SO wonderful about it!! She did worry about it a bit in the beginning but now she seems to have moved on. Her positive attitude keeps me brave. I am sure all of you know what I am saying.
I am from India and did not even know something like AA existed. I have been trying to reach out to other Indian parents who might have children affected with AA to learn if there were any dietary changes they might have tried with Indian food to help but so far have not had much luck connecting with anyone. I am hoping there are some in this group.
Thanks so much!
I dont know much about the dietary parts but act fast ..Get to a dermatologist ...they can give her something to slow down the process ..
Hallo, I also have a daughter with 8 years old! You will find a lot of doctors who will try to give you foam, steroid's ect. but from my experience ( Lavinia has AA since she is 6 month old) there is nothing what really helps, yes some believe you can slow down the loss, but in the end she will loos it, or maybe it will grow and loos again, it is a up and down! My daughter' s hair came 3 x back but shortly lost again! It is a autoimmune diseases, so it works how the immune system want it!! One thing I learn in those years, more I try to support the immune system with vitamin's, garlic ect. she got more cold's!! Support her in her confidence this is the best what you can do! We have to learn to live with that and be thankful our kids are healthy! Good luck! Sabine
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