My daughter has 3 bald spots that are bigger than past ones, and she seems to be thinning more too. We are trying to be proactive since she is a junior in high school and that is certainly a challange enough with out losing your hair! Right now the spots can still be covered, though one is about 4x4.
Has anyone teen had fabulous luck with a wig that was great ....even by teenager standards?

They are calling her bald spots alopecia and she has thyroid issues as well as possible iodine deficency.

This is all brand new to me and I would love to know where to start and also where to avoid!

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Replies to This Discussion

Cindy, Does your daughter have the Hair club for kids Bio-Matrix hair piece? Does she go every 6 weeks to have it un glued and re glued? My daughter and I are both concerned over the gluing process and such. Can you give me a play by play with the ups and downs both?



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