My daughter has just been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata - she has a small patch on the top of her hair.    She was terrified of the shots so once the steroid treatment did not work, we just stopped all treatment.    Other than that little spot, she has a head of thick long hair.  Would it be worth it for me to cut it off to try to save for a wig just in case?  If I am going to do it, I want to do it before the chlorine does it damage!

Thank you so much!

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Thanks - I wonder how early on you told your daughter about Alopeia?  Probably not at first since you didn't know how it would progress. My daughter knows what it is called but I have tried to not make a big deal about it.  She hates talking about it.  So that is my dilemna - She loves her long hair and I don't think that I will be able to get her to cut it without telling her that she might lose it in the future.

I think that I am answering my own question and I think that I am just going to let her have her long hair and deal with whatever the future brings.  In some ways, that feels like the hardest part - that you can't plan on anything!  Thank you very much for your response.



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