My son gets a sad look on his face when he looks in the mirror. If he is not thinking about his alopecia and not looking in the mirror, he is a happy, smart, incredibly well-adjusted person. When he looks in the mirror (which thankfully is only once a day) he gets sad and depressed. He has never met anyone with alopecia and won't discuss support groups or naaf conferences, etc. He prefers to act like nothings wrong. He wants to continue with his various treatments. We both like his Doctor and want the treatments to continue. (He has tried many). I want to know how to make his sadness go away.
Any suggestions?

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Replies to This Discussion

A therapist will really ease your mind and give him tools to help deal with what he is going through. Also, meeting another child or person like him will help. You can search for groups on alopecia world for somone in your area. This has helped our daughter and we hope it will help your son.



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