Hi, everyone--my heart goes out to everyone... all of us.... who are dealing with this disease, being fairly new and having my grandaughter recently diagnosed with AA I was wondering how many of you have more than one child that has this condition and if so was there a difference in how the cases presented in each child? I can see that all parents and families desperately want to find the reason behind it what triggers the immune system in each child to respond in this way ...... has there been much research in physical environmental causes like toxin in landfills--things in housing construction that might be dangerous to the body? I see many of you talking about diet and hoping that might boost the immune system as well......always searching for the elusive answer..........thanks, grandma

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Hello Jody
My daughter has alopecia she has had it since age 9, I have 2 sons who do not. I have 3 brothers one who has had alopecia since he has been 6, and also my Dad had alopecia which he developed when he was 18,so I dont believe that it is anything enviromental, each grew up in a different enviroment. I just hope that researchers come up with an answer to what causes this. Best of luck to you and your grandchild.
Thanks so much Amy for replying. The reason I asked is because it appears her younger sister may also be developing AA within approximately 5 months of her older sister. We're a little in denial because it is so hard to believe this may be possibly happening again and they have a younger brother and we're wondering what the implications for him may be. Obviously there is no answer for us....it just seemed too coincidental that they would both have this disorder so closely together--they are close in age only about 17 months apart, --currently they are 6 and 5 years old. We are all so scared and trying to come to grips with what this will ultimately mean for our family.....made me wonder about environmental issues, although I imagine genetics is the likely culprit...although we are not aware of anyone in our family that had alopecia other than in the form of androgenic alopecia.....thanks again.....just the beginning........Grandma..
Hi Jody,

I have 2 boys. My youngest son Sam, who is 23, was diagnosed with AA when he was 12. It developed into AU within a couple years of the diagnosis. My oldest son Nathan, who is 30, does not have alopecia. There is no family history of alopecia, but our family does have a strong history of auto immune disorders. Like Amy, I don't believe it is caused by anything environmental. There was an article on May 26th about a gene that scientists found that may be responsible for hair loss or alopecia. I posted it on my blog. Below is the url to the news article. There was also a great deal of national news on it on May 27th. I haven't seen or read any updates since, but I do continue to keep my eyes open. I hope all goes well for you and your grandchild. Good luck!





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