My son has AT (and has lost some lashes and brows thinned) mid Jan. Anyway he has had some regrowth of peach fuzz that has continued to grow it is not thick by any means but none the less is there and growing. Has anyone lost all hair and had regrowth? what did it look like? how long did it take?
thanks in advance :)

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Hi Sara,
I was wondering if you had any responses to your question? My son has AU and he is 5, I see that he has one eyelash that grew back, yes just one. I can see some fuzz on his head and you can only see it if the light is just right. I to am wondering if anybody with AU has had their hair come back or is this just how it goes, a little fuzz here and there and then it disappears again.

Thanks for reply Cristine! No I have not heard from anyone else. We have Cole seeing a wellness Dr. my husband does not think it is working since he really has not had much growth- but I said we had to try it for 1 year. The little fuzzies do grow some have gotten rather long???? He still has about 4-5 lashes on each high. Recent blood work said his c-reactive protein was high and they want us to see a rhumatologist (?sp). We live near Madison so not too far from you. My son is 2 and since he lost his hair in Jan, has been really shy around new people (not sure if it is because of the hair or the 2's) so I would love to have him meet some other kids. Thanks for the posting! Also we went to children's in milwaukee and a parent worked with a nurse from dermatology and set up a support group for parents in the area. We did not go to the meeting, but said we would be interested in any get togethers. Maybe something you could look into starting in your area too. - I will keep you posted if they set up a get together.



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