Hi All - my daughter was diagnosed with alopecia areata in March. She is 13 years old. She is currently treating one large patch on the top of her head with injections. The hair that is remaining/currently on her head has totally changed. It has become frizzy and most of it is broken into short pieces over the entire head. Is this related to the patchy alopecia areata? Does it mean that it too will be falling out soon? Do kids ever regain their original hair texture? Everything I have researched doesn't talk about the hair that is left on the head. The last three months have been overwhelming and surprising with the diagnosis. Any advice would be so appreciated. Thanks.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi. My daughter is 10 and has AA. She has
many small patches right now. Her soft curls have also
changed to brittle hair. The Dr told me
it could be hormone related and not AA...?
I find that hard to believe though. Has
your daughter had her thyroid checked?

Hi N - my daughter's hair is so brittle too. Her dermatologist told me that it was related to puberty, but I find that hard to believe because it showed up when her alopecia showed up. We have been to 4 doctors and none of them thought it was necessary to order a thyroid panel. The hold situation stinks. Thanks for responding.

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