So this year when Olivia started back to school and with a new wig everything was going great. When I first met her teacher I had that odd feeling, you know that sixth sense you sometimes get that hmmm I just dont know about this person. But I passed it off Olivia liked her stop being so judgemental. As the first couple months went by test came home and the comments were with explantation points and very direct (did I mention this is her 2nd year of school) I also got emails from another mother about things of her teaching skills etc. But of course I passed it off as dont worry about it. We finally had parent teacher the first part of December and she was very nice said Olivia was very confident would take her wig off in class and set it on the desk etc. we thought GREAT!! Until the last week of school as she sometimes does she doesnt want to wear it to school but this time of year I told her it is just too cold. But after some questions I came to find out that her teacher got mad and said "either leave your wig on your head or stuff it in your bookbag or hang it on your hook!" I was furious she told me she set it on the floor and she felt really sad. I was ready to head to the school but Olivia was sick that day so she stayed home and I calmed down. I know she did say this because Olivia would be scared if I was going to the school to talk when it was all a story. So now Olivia is no longer going to wear her wig, the last day before Christmas break she went with one of the many many hats that we bought her and was so happy when she got home. I asked her if anyone said anything and she said only 1 kid I also asked what would make her feel super happy wearing a wig or going without, "going without" I told her she didnt have to wear it if she didnt want to. Talk about a happy kid. And if the teacher questions why shes not wearing her wig she is going to tell her she had no where to put it.
I guess the issue is if the wig was in the way and she was constantly taking it off which Im sure she was the teacher could have called or like so many other fantastic teachers, had a special spot in the classroom for it, I do know her teacher from last year would have called and we would have figured something out! Thanks for listening to my crab fest Happy New Years!!!
Also a great site to get dvds for schools and lots of info for kids is they sent me a great dvd and school info pack the dvd was shown to alot of kids at Olivias school a super resource!

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Replies to This Discussion

It is awful what happened to your child it is not crab at all. I am thinking to buy a wig for my daugther your post has showed me about the problems I can have in school thank you very much. Teachers should be more aware of the coping problems that kids with alopecia has. My daughter is always taking off the bandana she wears for school, she lost them a lot so probably the same thing is going to happen with the wig.
well hopefully this is not common I have to say though she is so much more happier without it now I want to find head wraps or patterns for some. One other thing that came out of this even though her teacher leaves little to be desired there was one kid at her school that called her wig girl all the time he hasnt bothered her since she started going au naturel so to speak, every cloud has a silver lining! We let her decide if she wanted a wig and also if she wanted to stop wearing it and I am so glad we did she is not ashamed of who she is and thinks she looks pretty cool I hope this lasts!!:)
It sucks that a teacher would be so cold-hearted. At least that's how I see it (as a very protected mother). Olivia seems to be just like my ReRe. Happy and Alopecia Stylish! God bless you two.
Alopecia stylish love that!! Thanks



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