With such a diversity of faith walks here at AW I was wondering how you
pray through life and what form (if any) it takes.

As a child my prayer life was predictable: before every meal, at bedtime and
after making up with (sometimes) bickering siblings. Still today I pray
at these daily activities and other times more spontaneously. More recently
I've begun to mentally think "Okay, God - I' m listening." on some days so the
chatter is less on my end!

How about you?

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That's a great question, especially where you say "okay God I'm listening". I sometimes pray for God to speak LOUDLY to me, because often I'm preoccupied with what I think is right, rather simply trusting in his will. Prayer has become an integral part of my day and I don't feel my day is complete without it. With Alopecia, there are so many facets that we don't understand, that doctors can't assist with, and with that I pray for a greater understanding from God.
I'm Catholic, so for me, the rosary has been my favorite prayer. Fora few years I "prayed" it everyday, but 50% of the time I was thinking of other things, like all the things on my "to do" that day. I try to make time for prayer everyday, but it doesn't always happen. My prayer about my alopecia has been asking God to help have peace with it and to find a solution that works for me. Not for a cure, but a way of dealing with it.

I've been studying "Solo; the Message Remix". I think it's great. It makes me realize things about myself by asking questions about my life that have to do with the bible reading that day. I love it.
Hi Lois,

"Solo: The Message/Remix" is Protestant study bible. "The Message" is a version of the bible in our everyday language today. I really like it. To be honest, it probably wouldn't be a great first bible, because sometimes its translation is so liberal. (honestly, sometimes how he words certain things makes me giggle a bit). But if you know the verses already, its a great bible to read at the end of the day when I'm tired and want to read the bible, but don't feel like thinking too much. The "Solo" asks great questions that really make you think.

I like your ideas for praying during the day. I know we're supposed to "pray at all times" so I think it's good to try and do it throughout the day, even if it's a short prayer.
Take care!
The Message actually loses a lot of the intent of the original texts. It's not a translation, and not even a transliteration, but an extreme paraphrase. There is a reason that it it rarely quoted from a pulpit. I'm not saying it can't bring you closer to God, but when I ran across "Thank God for prime rib" and "Thank God for broccoli" (Romans 14:6) I just couldn't contain myself and busted up laughing. My personal favorite for informal reading is actually the New Living Translation, and for deeper study I prefer the New King James Version.

I am a believer in praying without ceasing. During little tasks I find myself praying the Lord's Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, the prayer of Jabez,, etc. I also send up "darts" to God throughout the day as needed. When someone asks for prayer, I lift them up then and there, knowing full well that if I don't I might not later. However, when I sit down to pray, I follow the FACTS form. That is Faith, Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.

Faith: a declaration of what you believe. I keep it simple and speak the Apostles' Creed.
Adoration: Praising God for who He is...sometimes I speak His many names/titles, sometimes I sing to Him (How Great Thou Art, Glorify Thy Name, Refiner's Fire, etc)
Confession: This is a big one that is missed by many...recognizing your sin and repenting has been lost by most churches but how can we really approach the Holiest One with sin that has not been dealt with? Frankly, we can't...the prayers of the unrepentant are not heard by God.
Thanksgiving: Thanking God for the blessings in our lives and recognizing His providence in the smallest things.
Supplication: Asking Him to meet your needs and those of others.

Notice Supplication is the end? There's a reason for this. We are called to be in relationship with the Most High, but you don't start your earthly relationships just asking people for stuff do you? No! We commune with our friends and family and if we need something we tell them. This is a LOVE relationship...the more you fall in love with Him the more you think about Him (just like an earthly romance) and the more you desire to please the One you love. He desires to spend time with you and praying is our way of talking to Him, reading His word is His way of speaking to us. And of course, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10). When we stop and really listen, we will know He is guiding us.

Yep, I'm a cradle Missouri Synod Lutheran :-) It is the doctrine I adhere to the most, but I'm currently attending an Assembly of God. Kinda 2 ends of the spectrum in ecumenicism.
I know what you mean about "The Message." My personal favorite verse from it is" ...look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them." I was cracking up when I read that! But if you can get past some of the translations, "Solo" is a good deep thought provoking study bible. It has made me realize good and bad things about myself that I had never taken the time to really think about. I have three young kids, so I know I don't always take enough time to work on my own spiritual growth. This really helps me.

For me, I know that my life stays on track when I truly believe and focus on God as my loving Dad. When I start to lose sight of that truth, my life will start run off track in one way or another.



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