I'm a bit nervous...I bought my first wig last night (actually my mother in law bought it for me). Now it's time to prepare for the next step - deciding if I am going to shave my head or just cut my hair shorter. I have too much hair to wear under the wig, so I am thinking about just cutting it chin-length in hopes of when the patches start growing back I can revert back to my natural hair sooner. The thing is, I have a lot of bald spots. I can cover them with my other hair by pulling it up in a barette and pinning some hair over the spot by my bangs. Another part of me is wanting to just take the plunge and shave it off. After reading through many posts and discussions, I know not to shave unless I am 100% sure. The thing is, I WANT to be sure, but I'm not. I guess I'll cut it short and see how it looks and then go from there. Baby steps. I've only had alopecia for 6 weeks and it has progressed quickly. 6 weeks since I found my first small spot that is now the size of a baseball and I have 4 more of those to match not to mention the numerous smaller spots. This has been a HUGE adjustment, but I think I am doing okay. Love this site and so glad I found all you fine people. it sure does help to talk to others who have gone through it, are going through it and became so much stronger because of it. I'd love to hear your experiences of when you were at this point.

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Ohhhh that is a biggie isn't it buying your first wig....Been there and done that! Now my wig is so much a part of me that I don't think twice about. I love my wigs..... I love switching the color up. It took me a while to find "the one" but I finally did. I look horrid in bobs. Layered is the way to go for me. Someday when I work up the nerve to shave the old noggin I will buy a Freedom Vacuum wig.

I still have not shaved my head. When I first discovered my first patch at the back of my head my hair was short and layered. Thank heavens the hair loss was slow so I was able to grown my hair out a bit to covger the patches as they got bigger and bigger they got! In the end I was sporting a bob look which is not my favourite but it worked to cover things up with ALOT of hairspray. That made it easier to cover plus I died it blonde...LOL. Bald patches weren't as obvious when you are blonde as much as they are when you are brunette. By mistake I got some dye that was supposed to be blonde and I ended up being auburn...LOL I just about died.

All this was going on while I was off with my daughter who I had adopted from China. I had an advantage as no one had seen me from work..... I knew I had to take the plunge as the hair loss was going to continue so better to go back to work already in a wig with a new look. I still had enough hair so I just pinned it up and slapped on the wig.

I did shots for a year but even the regrowth is coming out so now I am at the point where it is so be it...I am done with the shots and am resigned to not having any hair. Still have not got the guts to shave the head yet but starting to look Frankensteinish without the wig. I figure in another few months I will shave the head. I am one of those gals that has to have only a few strands of hair on her head before she will shave! LOL..... I am gearing up for it like buying sleep caps. I am not keen on walking around bald. I am not at that point of comfort yet. I wear around home alot of the BeauBeau Scarves which are awesome. You just slip one on and feel so good. You do what you have to....Don't knock yourself out about whether you should shave or not. You will know when the time is right. As far as your wig goes if your hair is in a bob just pin it up....

Hang in there girl. Alopecia is huge! It is quite the journey but you can make it through it.... By sticking together and reaching out to others you can see you aren't alone. It really isn't the end of the world..... Wow I can't believe I said that....whoo-hoo yeah for me!!!


Lori, thank you so much for your kind words and support. I haven't worn the wig out in public yet, I can still hide my spots by pulling my hair up. I got very discouraged today when I spotted more spots! I have 3 new ones and all the others are getting so BIG. I am seriously contemplating just shaving it off this weekend. I am so tired of worrying about the spots, looking for spots, seeing how much hair I've lost today....{SIGH} And this might sound strange, but I am getting really disgusted at my hair. I'm almost angry at it and just want it off my head. It's like it betrayed me or something...

I am going to get some bandanas/etc for around the house or at the gym. Like you, I need to be prepared.

You are so upbeat and such a cheerful person! It's nice to know that the AA hasn't knocked you down!
Take care!
LOL!!! I just posted a comment on your pic asking if the wig was real hair or not! Stupid me and awesome wig for you!!!

How was the shave....liberating or terrifying?
LIBERATING - Freeing! I feel reborn, I really do. The image of the butterfly is so appropriate. I'm glad I didn't jump the gun and waited until it felt absolutely *right*. My husband tried to give me allt he reasons I might regret it, but as he talked, I knew nothing would change my mind.

I have been wearing the wig to work for 3 weeks now, and no one here knows it's a wig. That stuns me...but if they don't have any reason to think it is, why would they?



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