My young daughter has AA and so I share in her struggle. I would like to find out if there is anything being planned for Alopecia day that we can go to and meet other families dealing with it.
Send any events my way. I would also entertain organizing something with a few families if interested.

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Orlando area

Hi Julianna,  My girl is 11.  This has been a challenging year for  her but she is handling it well.  I want her to meet other teens in case she finds it better to talk to someone truly knowing how she feels.  

I live in Boynton beach fl in Palm beach county and an interested

Hello, my daughter is12 now. She has AU since 9. We are near Orlando. The biggest and best event is the CAP kid event at NC beach, Alapoosia 2015. On 08/13/2015 . We will be there ! Registration requierd. CAP kids  free.  This will be our first gathering. The Miami CAP group is active and not far from you.



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