Student asked me today. I asked if her hair was real. Then I said yes. She kept trying to get closer and closer. I know this was a kid but it made me angry. At a newcschoon and the little kids can becreallb annoying about my hair. Any ideas??
Kids can be persistent!
I had a student ask me when they're going to see me without makeup (no eyelashes so I wear eyeliner) and I said probably never. They asked why and I said it's because I can make those decisions about my body, just like they will be able to when they can wear makeup.
When dealing with kids asking you questions, try not to get agitated or flustered. It's sooooo very easy to!
When they ask you about your hair, ask them why they ask? Tell them not everyone is going to look the same and you made some adult decisions to change you appearance a little bit. You could even spin a little tale and say that you're real hair got hurt and you're using fake hair or what-not.
"Is that your real hair?"
"Why would you think that?"
"Because it looks fake, like a wig"
"I'm giving my real hair a break right now. I'm wearing a wig because I can. It's something I don't want to talk about because it's hard for me to talk about. It's not polite to point and judge somebody because they look different. Different people do different things because they can or something happened, so they have to."
Explain it to them. They're kids, not stupid. If you have to, tell them you don't like talking about it and it's hard for you to talk about. They will understand and let it go.
Hope that helps! Keep your head up!
Kids say "unbeweavable"
Ha ha....but it still hurts to hear
I stopped wearing my wig because I didn't want anyone pulling it off. So I have Areata....justvwear a head band. Not so stylish...and boring at times..hard to match with outfits....but at least I dontd havevthecworrh of my wig falling, slipping or being pulled off in class or hall
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