At the moment I have numerous patches, some very big and others not so big but getting bigger. I have now shaved my head and sometimes razor it but I hate the look of the patchiness and wish it would just get on with it and all fall out. I can't stand people seeing my blue patterned head but I really think that if it was all out then I would be able to hold my head high and get my head out.
Does anyone else feel like this or are you thankful for what you have?
I feel guilty wishing it would all fall out but this is how I feel.
Tell me what you think peeps.

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ha! i agree that patchiness is very annoying but i wouldn't want it to all go away tbh. i'm never giving up hope of all my hair spontaneously growing at any time :D plus because alopecia has pretty much taken care of my beard so it still gives me something else to shave in the morning hahaha.

When I first shaved my head I had a map of the world on it. I was told by my consultant that I had lost about 40% of my hair and decided to shave it because I hated the random patches on my head. I have photos of my alopecia thought the different stages of it and looking back there was an awful lot of head without hair on it which clearly showed I had lost more like 60% of my hair.

Once I had shaved my head I just blocked the alopecia out of my mind and got on with life. I now have virtually full re-growth although I still shave my head every day as I now love being bald. I think the new image is great and it feels really good. On more recent photographs is clearly show that the map of the world has virtually disappeared. There still looks as thought there are a few small patches but these are just where the hair re-growth is still white. I am sure that they will darken over the next few months.

Regardless of what happens I am still going to shave most days. It’s pretty good with a shaved head.

Don’t worry about the patches. Let them take their own course. At the end of the day we are all our own personalities and that is what really matters.


When I first shaved my head back in December last year I had a "map of the world" on it and at first I thought it looked weird but at the same time it was better than having hair in places and bald patches in other places. I just put it out of my mind and left it too develop at it's own pace in whatever way it was going to go. At first my head was also very white which made the head look a lot patchier. As the year has gone on and my head has got tanned the patches have looked far less noticeable. Also I have a lot of re growth which may or may not last.

I think it is better to just let it go its own way. It will be as it will be.
I totally agree Ray, I now go out and about with just my shaved head, no bandanas and no hats or wigs. I am much happier although it's only day 7 so I'm still getting used to it.
I do hate the map look but like you I'd rather that than the hairy patches that made me look like a dog with mange!
I am also of the thinking that what will be will be and I'm not having any treatments as I am letting it go the way it wants to go...if it grows back so be it, if not then I am the one who's not sweating in summer!
hi ive just got the one patch at the moment and growing slowly its driving me mad not knowing which way its gonna go.. can i ask who long you had you rfirst patch before the rest came.. im driving myself mad keep checking.. i just want to shave it off but think its bit exterm for one big patch as i can hide it as long as i have it in pony tail x
I had my first patch for about a month before i noticed more...the first patch did get very big very quickly although none of my others have got as big yet.
I am actually having quite a bit of regrowth at the moment, my second patch has almost grown back and there is about a cm of growth around the edge of my big one. My little ones are still smooth as an egg though. I'm afraid if there's one thing i've learnt from alopecia is that it does what the hell it wants to do and there's nothing you can do about it.
If you can hide it then don't shev until you cannot hide it anymore or until you become too paranoid about someone seeing it if the wind blows in the wrong direction. I shaved mine so soon as i had such short hair to start with.
I hope it all goes well for you, just try to be strong and hold your head up high!
Callie x
I just got on with being bald.

The "map of the world" on my head did start a lot of conversations though.
Hi Callie,

I'm thankful for what I have just now because it covers up what I don't have (kind of). BUT I wish the underneath part where it it bald was just completely clear. I like to wear my hair in a high ponytail from time to time and I don't think it would look that bad at all (as long as you like punk) if it wasn't for the fact that there are random sprouts in the middle of my dramatic under 'shave'. Patchiness is a bit rubbish but the stuff on the top of my head is just great.
I wish i'd had long hair when i started to lose it as i think i might still be able to blag it right now but as you can see in my pics, my hair was very short so i had nothing to hide anything with lol. I had no choice but to shave my head and now I feel ok to go out with a completely shaved head but once there is any sign of growth and it's back on with the hat!
I haven't shaved my head for about a week now and my alopecia is a lot worse than i thought it was....i look like a mangy dog!
It's horrible and I'm well and truely fed up with it now!
I've just been lucky enough to pass the application stage for the police and now instead of being excited, I'm just thinking about how I'm going to deal with my alopecia!
My wife has alopecia universalis, and she looks beautiful bald.
I prefer a woman with a smooth bald head, instead of patchy hair. It looks better. Smooth skin is more feminine. I prefer bald women. You can really see a woman's feminine features when she is bald.
I had numerous patches and was humming and harring whether to shave or not, but I was worried about the patchy look. So glad I decided not to shave as it all started growing back. Now, over a year later I STILL have a full head of hair.
I know a guy who shaved it all off because bald seemed better than patchy. Shaved real close, and wears hats. I think I would wish the same as you Callie if that was me.



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