Hi I am looking for a support group for alopecia. In Winnipeg,selkirk I have been unsuccessful for 4 years to find one. Is this one still active. It would be nice to meet with others that are working through hair loss as well.

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Hi there, new to the group and interested to see if anyone took you up on this? I'm an early stage alopecia struggler - with alopecia areata that has gotten rep
Bad and I think the support would be helpful.
Let me know if anyone has been meeting or interested in doing so!

Hi Dora,
I would still like to meet with someone else who has Alopecia. No one has ever contacted me. This hair thing is pretty crazy. I'd love to just meet someone else who has experienced it. Text me 1-204-541-0161. Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Hi there! I am also looking for a support group in the Winnipeg area. You can text me at 204-330-3477. Looking forward to speaking to someone who knows what I'm going through.



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