Right people, here's a question for you!! As a lot of you know, i am completely bald - eyelashes and eyebrows too.... i would never dream of going bald as i look soooo stupid and i cant stand the way i look at the best of times, and now i have no hair it's a million times worse!! anyway, i'm going on holiday with my husband and 2 boys in may. I always wear a wig and even the thought of just wearin a head scarf or hat sends shivers down my spine, but i was wondering if anyone knew if there was anywhere that you can buy fashionable head sscarves or hats?? please help, dreading going on holiday!!!

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Oh I'm so sorry you are feeling a little stressed over your holiday and how you are going to present yourself. There are a few ladies on here that sell headscarves - do a google search on beau beau's as I believe they work for many. The other place to look maybe the Naaf Marketplace. Just go to www.naaf.org - I'm sure there will be some alternatives there as well.

I hate to hear that you don't like your look very much... I believe that possibly makes things difficult for you. I truly hope you find something that makes you feel lovely. :)


I just found this group as well - they may help 'Hat Lovers' - do a search and find them.
For headscarves I ususally just get those cotton fashion scarves that the chav types like to wear round their necks, they make good headscarves, as long as the material fods into a square or a rectangle then you can fold it from there into a bandana type shape and tie it - I think they look cool and make you stand out. To be honest I get smiled at and treated with a lot more respect now I wear a headscarf than i ever did when I had hair. You can buy the fashion scarves on most market stalls and in shops like HnM, new look etc. Give head scarves ago, theyre quite comfortable and you might find that you really like them. Once I started wearing them I never wore a wig again. xx



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