
Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a mother of 3 boys & 1 beautiful little girl. Madison is 7 and has alopecia universalis since age 4.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Dotty

    Hello again, of course I remember you and Madison. I'm so glad to see you. The group is Alopecia Areata Support Community and I am currently a manager there. You should get back in touch. I run a weekly chat there on Wednesday nights, 6 - 8 pm EST. Hope to chat more often. Give Madison a big hug for me.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Madisonsmom!

    I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Cindy

    Hi Madisonsmom..
    I have a 6 yr old with Aleopica..I hope to see you around? Is your daughter is 1st grade? My daughter is in Kindergarten and has AA for a year. We hope to see her hair come back in the future...Samantha wears a wig and is well adjusted. How has your daughter dealt with her aleopica?Cindy
  • kastababy

    Hello! I just wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World and just tell you that Madison is beautiful!!!
  • MARIA (mom of Savanna)

    Hello Madisonmom

    My name is maria and my daughter Savanna to has AA/AU, she is 6yrs old and has had it since she was 3 yrs old, she has adjusted well with it, but she still has some issues and ask many questions..How has your daughter handled school? Does she wear any wigs? I hope to talk to you, this has been a great site for me i have met several parents on here who have daughters with AA and I have learned of diffrent things to possible help her....

    Maria mother of Savanna
  • kastababy

    I've had alopecia since I was 4 years old; during that time I have lived mostly with alopecia totalis, but more recently I have dealt mainly with severe alopecia areata. I have a special affinity for children with alopecia, seeing as how I was a child with alopecia myself.
  • Cindy

    Hi Sharon..

    Nice to meet you...Your daughter sounds comfortable with who she is..I am glad to hear she is having a good experience in school. I have to say that I admire your daughter and all the other kids out there who have the courage to go to school hairless..Samantha does not leave the house without her wig on. She loves it so I am lucky..I never allowed her to be seen with patches and once we could not cover them any longer we got her a wig..We did not have to push her to wear a wig..She thinks it is cool and I think Hannah Montana helped. I am private about her AA and only our close friends and family know..It is my choice, but of course I can't stop Samantha from sharing if she chooses to do so. Samantha has had AA for almost a year now and once summer was over she aggressively lost her hair..It has been hard and now she has almost no lashes or brows..It will be nice to get know some of the other parents on this board who are facing the same issues...I hope to see you around..Cindy
  • Jessica

    She's so BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for the comment, I'm so happy I have found this site it makes everything a little bit easier to know are not the only ones going through this.
  • Janna

    Hello! Welcome to the website. This place seems unlike any other, with so many supportive people. I, too, have a daughter with alopecia. She's adorable, sweet natured and confident. (Can't say the same for myself some days) lol. She's going to be 3 in July, and has had it since the age of 8 months. Madison looks like a little princess!

    I look forward to getting to know you both!
  • Janine-Connor's mom

    What a beautiful girl! This is a very supportive group of moms/dads
  • Cindy

    Happy Alopecia Day Madison!!!

    your friend, Samantha
  • Mommy


    Madison is very cute, especially in her dress up clothes. Since you said you are participating in the M.D. Anderson study I was wondering if you live in Houston?. We live locally and would love to meet if you do! My daughter is about to be 4 next month. She has had it since her 3rd birthday. She wears hats when we go out and nothing when inside. Occasionally she takes off her hat with close friends & family. As we approach the 1 year mark, I have kind of been thinking about maybe getting a hair hat in case she wants to wear it sometimes? What do you think of those? When did you start discussing/ accepting that her hair might not come back with Madison? Lynn