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Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Rebecca, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl co- founder
  • Rebecca

    thank you for the warm welcome :) I appreciate it.
  • Carol

    Hi Rebecca

    Welcome to the site! I noticed you're from Ontario, where about? I'm in Guelph myself and there are quite a few of us around. I've had alopecia all my life so feel free to ask me anything! :D
  • Rebecca

    thank you i am from london ontario, and i am super excited about meeting other people with alopcia,
  • Courtney

    Hey there! Welland sucks. Unless you're old enough to go to the bar there is not much to do in the evenings. Where are you from?
    Welland is South of Toronto though. lol.
  • Rebecca

    hahaha ive always been horrible with directions. Im from london ontario
  • Jennifer

    Hello Rebecca i ready your comment on the NAAF Conference. I have been going every year since i was 12. if you tired to book the hotel on line try calling them. Also NAAF has a roommate program so you can contaact them and they will connect you with another single female going and you can share the cost of the room. hope that helps
  • Gena King

    Hey rebecca I just read ur comment in the chat area and just wanted to say that hair has a mind of its own girl. Im 25 but when I was 10 I was diagnosed with au and it all come back in 5 yrs evens my brows, I turned 22 and now I just have aa. So only ur hairs knows Im tellin u.
  • Orbit

    Hi Rebecca, I see that we are close to each other, I'm about a 1/2 south of you. I just thought I'd pop in and say hi! :-D
  • Matt

    Sometimes, I really don't know. :)