
, Female



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About Me:
am 34 yo, and have alopecia since 20years, sometimes it's ok and now...i feel very bad about it and loose all my illusions, anyway am happy to discover this community , i hope u accept me here :)
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Welcome to Alopecia World!!!

  • Christine

    Welcome, and you will be accepted here. We all experience the same feelings as you about alopecia. All we can do is take it one day at a time.
  • Dina

    Hi Narjiss - Everyone here is in the same boat as you, so I hope that you do make some great connections and find support here for those tough times that we all go through Narjiss. Thank you for adding me to your friends list and let me know if you ever want to talk. Have a great weekend! :O)))
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Narjiss, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Hugh Mclellan

    it's been really hard for me dealing with it. I am in sales so looks are alot. I am trying to keep busy and not think about it. Being really positive about the whole thing helps.
  • Hugh Mclellan

    yes church helps every Sunday. Do you have any pics. I would love to see ya.
  • Hugh Mclellan

    yes i am online still
  • Hugh Mclellan

    are you on yahoo yet
  • Shannon

    thanks for the compliment on my eyebrows. that is very kind of you! i am so glad that i had them tattooed on permanently.
  • Katie

    Thanks for adding me to your friends list! This disease certainly has its ups and downs. I hope this website helps us all.
  • nathalie

    je ne sais pas mais je me suis inscrite sur le site français et n'ai eu des contacts que très récemment
    merci beaucoup à plus tard
  • mandy

    Hiya narjiss hun so were are you to chat to???pmsl
    hope you ok and why would you not be accepted hun were all as on here bald and beautiful.

    Ali-p deffo has its ups and downs and hits us again when we least except it the bloody thing but please dont let it beat you ok were all here to help one another ok

    Take care for now and weres my chat lol
    lv mandy x