
55, Female

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About Me:
Hi, My name is Dina and I am 40 years old. I am from New England. I have had Alopecia Areata for almost 10 years now. With the help of great wigs and supportive family and friends, I have adjusted very well to the disease.
I am here to share how I feel about alopecia. I know many feel sad or bad about having the disease. I have to say, I have never felt that way. The only time I felt scared was when I found my first bald spot and all I could think was that I was seriously ill. However, after finding out what i had and my bloodwork and my check-ups all coming back clean, I was not only RELIEVED but thankful. I have lost many friends and family members to cancer. I thank god that if I was to be given anything at that point in time that it was alopecia. I remember sharing with my hairdresser the news and sort of whining a bit about what was I going to do? She told me she was recently diagnosed with MS - another reality check for me. From the beginning I carried on as normal. I wore pieces for awhile and transitioned into full wigs when needed. Nothing special or custom either, human hair by Wig-Pro - not terribly expensive but very natural and no one was the wiser. I of course tell people I have the condition but I have to tell them. I own a retail business so I am around people all of the time, I have never let this disease get in the way of going boating, being around people, working out, etc etc. I have alopecia but I don't let it have me. I have had men not want to date me because of it, I feel more badly for them than myself. I can't relate sometimes to people with this disease who totally let it ruin their lives because when I was first diagnosed I joined NAAF.org and gosh, those stories scared me, these women were just about suicidal. I was worried that would happen to me, I actually stopped going to that website because I didn't want their experiences hurting mine. I tried some treatments early on. However, my dermatologist put it into perspective for me right from the beginning, you can try different treatments Dina but there is no cure. Some treatments might work some might now, but you will have to be diligent about the ones that do. I am just not willing to poke my head with needles, pour solutions on my head or take any type of medication orally to grow hair only for a short time.
I think you just have to put it into perspective that it is hair, for the 10 years I have had it, I have been healthy and I really don't give it much thought or attention. It has to become your new norm!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Dina, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

    co- founder
  • Roger

  • Daria

    Hi Dina. Welcome to the site. I'm 36 and live in Maryland. I found this site a couple of weeks ago and am so glad I did. You'll meet a lot of really great people here. Take care!
  • Roger

    Hej hej!

    I checked Rhodie up! It looks so beautiful! I know New England is specially great in the fall =) So nice colours and so.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Hugh Mclellan

    hello how are you
  • Nicole

    Hi Dina! I am from the New England area as well! I have had alopecia universalis for about 3 years now. These new Engalnd winters are cold on a bald head..especially when they seem to last forver!!! LOL!! :)
  • Dee Connelly

    HI, I agree with the proper human full scalp prosthesis it can truly change your life, instead of the cheap synthetic ones I use to wear.
  • kastababy

    Hi, and welcome!!

    I noticed that you said alopecia runs in your family -- have you and your family registered on the National Alopecia Areata Registry??? Your family registering would certainly help the registry to understand how this condition works!!!!
  • mary

    Hi. Thank you for the note. I was reading other comments and was wondering what a full scalp prosthesis is.
  • Carly

    thanks for the warm welcome! really didnt expect it
  • Annina

    HI!Thank you for your welcome!...actually I have to learn how all this "thing"(the site) works :)
    I realized my pc is a bit old...and I'am not able to view some member homepages properly (i.e. Iamrj's one).Are you from U.S?(I haven't checked it out yet)...well ...maybe chatting would be slightly difficult because of the different "time"..."hours"...but we can keep in touch someway.
    I'm Italian and the cofounder of the mailing list(created to connect people with alopecia) has been invited here.So he started an italian group on Alopecia world....actually...It is difficult to be "present" anywere :)
    I can guess here there are nice people...I think the "spirit" of this kind of community would be the same as the one of the Italian Alopecia mailing list.
    We call ourself "foxes" 'cause the word "alopecia" come from the ancient greek word for FOX...

    Foxes loose their fur in a way that resembles ....our head...well sort of :)
    Sorry for my english...well...you know...it isn't my mother tongue..and typing it is even more difficult(it'easy for me to mistype word even in italian).
    Have a nice day :))))
  • Manola

    hi.. i'm Manola...kiss..
  • Annina

    ....I would love to be bilingual....and you ..had the oppotunity and did't happened....well better this way so I'm forced to write in english :)
    "see" you soon...at some time :)
  • Annina

    have a nice..afternoon..here is 10.00 pm...
  • Manola

    Dina Hello! I am good, apart from fatigue because in this period are very committed to work. Tu how are you? Even I have only registered a few days ago and I have already found many friends. Good night and many beautiful dreams for you.
  • Katey

    Hi! It's nice to meet you! Thanks... I like your pics too. Have a lovely day!
  • Annina

    Hi Dina! I wrote a blog in my page so you all can know some more about me.
  • Andrew

    Hi Dina, thanks for the comment. Sounds like you have adjusted well too! Yeah if you ever want to talk...just drop me a comment!
  • Alberto

    I love your Smile !!!!
  • Daria

    I did it!! Got both the brows and the eyeliner done Tuesday! Love it, am sooooo glad I did it. It's still a little scabby, but I'll post pics as soon as I can. Apparently, the pigment dries up and then flakes off within a week or so. Then the true color comes out. When you first get it done, the color is very dark. The lady who did it was great though. Very gentle and kind! I can't say it's a comfortable process. Not really pain....more like a giant annoying mosquito buzzing around your eye that you just want to swat at.....but I think it's definitely worth it!
  • Annina

    Hi Dina!Today is Election day in Italy...I really hope something could change...but italian politics is a real mess ....usually things go always worse....
    One of my collegues has double citizenship(italian and american)..I often tell her to vote for your presidential elections.....but she thinks someone should vote only in the country where pays revenues(tax)...I tell her that american politics has a strong influence in all the world...so ..she should do it...but I think I wasn't able to persuade her :)

    it's important to find "the thing" that make us comfortable....probably..if I am going to loose my hair again in my 40s or 50s...I don't think I'll fell confortable bald head.....as I wrote in my blog I've been lucky to live in an environment very open and lively...and that had helped me a lot.Have a nice end of weekend...:)
  • Annina

    please help me !
    a linguistic question:
    what does "lol" means?
  • Alberto

    You're Very welcome and hope you week goes Very well Indeed
  • Stacie Duda

    Thank you! You are also very beautiful! People with alopecia seem to radiate their beauty for some reason! I love it. I really hope that I am the first bald Miss New York as well. ...prove to everyone that bald is beautiful!!!!!
    Thanks for the friendly greeting. Have a great week!
  • Annina

    hi Dina!...election day is over ..and the "wrong"(for me)party won...:( ...I'm a bit sad...
    apart from that...actually I'm stronger than before..if alopecia happened to me just few years ago..probably I would have reacted in a more dramatic way...
    I had some troubles in the past..could go over them...and probably this made me stronger...but I tell you...I'm stronger about some things ...but about others I'm not at all :))
    I'm living an ectic time ...my rent has been rised...my flat-sharer left...and I have to ri-decorating the flat in order to make it nicer before looking for a new flat-sharer..
    As you can guess I don't live with my boyfriend..he's younger than me...and after 1 year with him...I think he's a bit immature...so I don't feel comfortable to decide to live together. yet..I'm seriously thinking about my future with him...'cause I think we have to fix up some problems...but by now I don't feel like making a definitive decision...It's not the right time...Hope to be over this messy time soon :)
    Always glad to hearing from you.
  • Annina

    Hi Dina! well ..my troubles were very different(less serious) from what you had to pass through....YOU are a real strong woman!
    For me it wasjust bulimia and depression...but they had been quite tough for me as well(or should I say "all the same"? I'm not sure).
    My parents are both alive but I don't see them very often...I have some problems relating to them,above all my mother.
    We are 4 in the family(I have an elder sister) and we all live in 4 different places...actually...apart from resembling phisically to my father.. we all have 4 very different characters....:)
    I left my family at 18 after high school(my sister left 7 years before me..at the same age) I went and lived in London for 1 year ,then came back to Italy(I would have liked to stay in London..but I had to "cure" my troubles...you can imagine...undertaking a psychotherapy speaking a foreign language would have been a bit difficult ;)
    I chose Bologna to become my hometown(my real hometown would be a town just 1 hour by train from Venice..even if it is surrounded by hills and mountains).
    Anyway I have marvellous memories of my year in London..It was my first time alone..It was a year of discovering,full of experiences.Finally I was experimenting
    life for the first time..I used to say that I was born in 1992 (as I went there.)
    I've never been there again....partly because I wanted to see other places(unfortunately it didn't happend so much) ..partly because it was such an important and meaningful year,that I didn't want my memories of it to be spoilt....you know ..places change...and big cities like London change even faster .
    It wouldn't be the same anyway...I'm not 18 anymore...:).
    I really love Bologna even if it has changed a lot during the past 2/3 years.
    Regarding the election..apart from the party that won..the real and serious problem is the candidate who'll become prime minister(for the third time in the past 8 years!1!!!)...a man who Italy should be ashamed of....but he's very powerful...Sorry,I don't want to bother you with politics....I respect views and ideas different than mine,but I don't respect people like him at all....people who change the laws to their (dirty)interests....(just to say one thing)
    My only hope...he's older tha 70....maybe some age ailments....:))...but he's so filthy rich he could clonate himself...
    I'm joking of course....
    In the next days I'd like to take some pictures of Bologna,so you' ll see how it looks like.
    Goodnight and a big hug
  • Annina

    and let's hope both to go over our "messy time" fast and soon :)
  • Alberto

    Thank you Dina for adding me to your friend list
  • Roger

    Thanks. Im getting a cold =( so I will be spending my time at home. Too bad cuz its getting warmer here in Sweden now...ggrrr.

    Hope you are alright.

  • narjiss

    hello dina,
    i like this name, and i like ur page too, thx for welcome and i hope we'll have chance to talk together , i added u as a freind
  • Steve

    Hi Dina!

    Thanks for the comment...great hearing from you. It's just nice to not have to worry about it here. Anyway, I'd love to chat with you sometime too!

  • Steve

    your pics look great btw ;)
  • Liz

    Hi Dina,
    Nice to hear from you. My AA is from my Mum as she had it & lost all hair. Get the eyebrow semi permanent make up done, its great I've had it done now about 3 times, you get it re touched every 3 years, you can choose from strokes to a solid line, I have the solid blockline, saves time & money on eyebrow pencils too. What do you do about yr eyelashes, I wear black liquid eyeliner with eyeshadow so you cannot tell I haven't eyelashes. Nice to hear from you, have nice weekend.
    Love Liz x
  • Samantha

    Hi Dina,
    Thanks for the welcome. It is great to have found this place.
    BTW..are you sure you're 38? You look 20!