
40, Female


United States

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About Me:
I have been living with alopecia universallis for about 9 years now. I've posted a blog about some of my early experience with alopecia. Now I am happily living with alopecia. I always say, "alopecia has been both the worst and best thing that ever happened to me." I have learned so much about myself as a result of having alopecia and I truely believe it has made me a better person. I don't take anything for granted and I appreciate everything and everyone in my life. I am a very happy person who after having alopecia for about 8 years have completely adjusted to it. It was hard at first but now I am so happy with who I am with or with out hair!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Shannon

    welcome back!
  • Julie Koch

    You seem like such a positive person and it's nice to see that! I hope you are doing well and keep up the positive attitude!
  • Sheryl Miller

    Hello Nicole !

    I read your posts and look at your pictures and wish I had half your strength ! Im not sure what I have..... Im guessing diffused alopecia ( did I say that right?). Long story short I have been thinning for the last 5 years. Been to 8 different drs and gotten opinions ranging from "you have Lupus to you are low on vitamin D." No one has said anything about alopecia, but what else can it be ? Anyway..... a wig is going to be needed in the near future. I wish I had the strength to just shave it off and get the upper hand, but Im terrified ! I love your wigs ! I was wondering if the company that you got yours from makes the lace front wigs ? I live in Arizona and the summers here are just awful ! Wish I could find a support group here in town. Anyway.... just want to say thank you for all your positive posts ! Im a complete stranger, yet you have given me hope ! Thank you !