



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Well, I wish I had the internet while growing up. This seems like a great community...and so many Canadians! It warmed my heart to stumble across this site.

I've had AU since I was 10 years old. Last summer, while skinny dipping at a lake, was the first time in 17 years where I felt rays of sunshine on my head. It was the most beautiful feeling.

Currently, I live in Montreal, but will be relocating to Toronto this summer to start a grad program in Film Studies.

I look forward to communicating with some of you here and making a positive contribution to the community.
Do you have alopecia?
Choose one
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Karen

    Hi Stephanie,

    I always like reading about another asian with alopecia who has basically just gotten on with life and able to achieve in whatever they want to do. I think you look absolutely beautiful and I hope that my daughter when she grows up can show the same confidence as you.
  • Roger

    Welcome Steph

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Stephanie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Carmella

    Welcome Stephanie!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Stephanie, actually I am from Montreal and rj is from Detroit.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Ooops forgot to also mention that the site has only been up for 2 months now. But it is growing fast! Look forward to getting to know you!
  • Orbit

    Hi Stephanie, thanks for your kind compliments! I agree that fashion and alopecia are some what opposites, but I guess its all in the way you look at it. I just try to make the best of my situation and I'm so used to it now. Looks like we've both been dealing with our AU for a long time, is it still a daily "struggle" for you or is it just a part of who you are?

    On th film note, I have a friend (I believe he still does this), who runs the Toronto Film Festival and many other friends who have/and still work in the industry there. Its a very interesting field to explore.....I'm sure you'll like relocating to Toronto. :-)
  • Diane

    Hi Stephanie,
    We are at least 3 Alopecians on the MTL island ;-)
    I live in Ahunstic, near Boulevard Gouin, so it was not me you saw.
    Tell me, do you have good store for hats? I usually buy mine at Chapeau-Folie on St-Denis (south of Mont-Royal).
  • Carol

    Hi Stephanie

    Welcome! I like your profile picture, you look very happy in it. I'm sure you will have fun in Toronto when you come and your program sounds so interesting. Hope to talk to you some time!
  • Roger


    So how is Montreal to live in? I know its french spoken. Maybe Toronto is "better"?

  • willow

    Hi Stephanie,

    I just got rid of my wig a mere 3 yrs ago, and it has to really be storming outside before i wear a hat, people have no idea as to the feeling of a breeze or the sun is like when you've sported a wig for years. I wanted to share a name with you, since you are moving to Toronto. There is a great dermatologist there who has been working with people with alopecia for many many years. When I was very young, she tried so hard to help me with self acceptance, and last year I travelled a distance to see her with another issue, and was so proud to walk in her office with my cute lil head. I like your cute lil hat!
  • Roger

    Canada looks great! Tonight at a irish bar here in Sweden I met a guy from Vancouver =)
  • willow

    Her name is Nadine Hradsky, she's downtown Toronto, bloor street. I would guess she's in her late 50's, she was doing the steroid thing back in the late 70's, when many doc's had no idea what Alopecia was. Its great tho that your not doing the doctor thing, acceptance is the very best medicine of all.
  • willow

    Going bare is a huge adjustment, people do stare, and sometimes i feel uncomfortable. The tat was put while I was still in scarves, and the entire idea of it was, when people stare, rather than feel alien, I could think in my heart, they weren't staring at all, but looking at my tat. Yes it hurt, but, it didn't hurt anywhere as bad as all the comments, cruelty-wig pulling teasing, even job losing, traumas I went thru. The tat has great simbology to it also, making it that much more personal.
  • Zoey

    Thank you sweetie.. :)
  • Paul

    i dj all kinds you name it i got it
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Stephanie,
    I love Montreal! I visited last year and it's a wonderful city. Do you speak French?
    A bientot,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Stephanie,
    Please let me know what you think of the book --
    a big hug,