Sherry Schaefer


Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I developed aa 23 years ago, becoming au within a few months, got full regrowth within two years, lost most of it again and have cycled in and out of full regrowth and loss since. I've taken my personal experience with areata and combined it with my hairdressing experience (40+ years)to help women get top brand wigs. You won’t find a better price on Jon Renau’s new Blake Lite wig, for example. I love reading how others here are dealing so incredibly well with their areata and other types of hair loss. We are not our hair. That said, thank God for great wigs!

YouTube Sherry Schaefer
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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Comment Wall:

  • Hayley

    xxxxxxxxx hi Honxxxxx
  • kastababy

    Hi Sherry, and welcome!! We are so glad to have you here sharing your stories and experiences with us. I hope you enjoy meeting others like us as much as we are excited to meet you!!!
  • Karen Martin

    LOL Hi Sherry it is me Karen...the one from TN that is waiting on her Erika...and you are thinking...great SHE is here? Can I not get away from HER? LOL Hmm looking at your info....and I thought I was the OLD one. LOL Hope your day is going great.
  • Sherry Schaefer

    Yikes the woman is a cyber stalker!!! LOL Hi Karen!!! My favorite Tennessean - is that a word? It is now! No honey, I am the old one...only 11 mos til the big 5-0, a major life event that will make losing my hair look like stubbing my toe!!!
  • Elizabeth

    Hi Sherry!
    I love that picture!
  • Alexandra

    Hi Sherry!!!!! It's Alex from Fl. How are you? I'm still enjoying my lace front wig though it might need some hair replaced again soon, but it's still looking amazing. I've posted a couple pictures where I am wearing it, even one from last week where i was in a friends wedding and the hairstylist did an amazing job styling my hair.
  • Karen Martin

    LOL on the Cyber Stalker. LOL Who would've thought I would pop up here? LOL Got the wig...everyone likes the first one...even my worse critic friend that is my eyes says "Well look at's so shiny and real and I love the color." LOL She was the one I thought would be the one to say the color wasn't me. LOL And it is to flat in the bangs. She always wanted the Salsa to fluff more and it WOULD BE fluffed to the moon already. LOL But she really loved this one. I can tell when she is trying to soften the blow. LOL I went to apply for a CNA job today and everyone loved my hair. I worry about a patient pulling my wig off so had my friend to pull on it and it didn't budge...made my eyebrows pull up to the top of my head. LOL The hair spray on my real hair thing works. She said they would pull the hair out of the wig before that thing comes off. LOL The Tresseme is working good on the bangs so far. And everywhere I went today someone complimented me on my hair. Hmm on the toe and age thing. LOL Hey if I get that job as CNA I will look young compared to my patients. LOL And you don't look as old as I do. My friend that says I need to wear make up when I HAVE on make up LOL said the wig gives me more color. LOL I'm like I think that is the Boost. And no where else I have been does the chunky things look red...just in MY bathroom. LOL don't know why. Can't thank you enough for you patience. If I get this job I am gonna buy another one to put in my car. LOL Just incase they pull the hair out. LOL Yeah Yeah...I hear ya..."Great, can I not get rid of this girl???" LOL I didn't get the job at O'Charley's....two managers wanted me and the owner said..."You are a fake.." I'm like excuse me??? I thought he figured out I had a wig on. LOL And he said no one is so good of a person that two managers are going to agree on them. I'm like...hmm...must of talked to Sherry. LOL No really...I said I am who I am and what you see is me....and thanked him for his time and left. I spent 16 hours in that place...3 interviews in the same place and waiting for hours and hours for each interview...I had already looked around enough to know I didn't want the job...Not enough customers through the week and I figured up what one girl was making for the day and it was like 20 dollars...that would be like bringing home 100.00 a week??? NOT me. LOL OK OK...gonna go...Just wanted to say HI. LOL and of course had to tell ya about MY life...LOL You are such a sweetie and an angel to me...Now do you see that I really am a test from God? LOL No did great. LOL
  • Karen Martin

    Hmm...yep Tennessean IS a word...sorry but you didn't invent that one. LOL We even have a newspaper here called that. You are such a sweetie. I'm up late cause I got home late and needed to let Tobie run and play and when he crashed I was wide awake. LOL Haven't gone to bed yet...but headed that way soon. I'm sure you are snoozing by now...but you know that happens to the older people...guess their stubby big toes need more rest than us people that have the younger big toes. LOL Actually trying to save on sleep meds. LOL But soon gonna have to take it and go to sleep. LOL I haven't tried the wig on yet but will and let ya know how it is. Funny...used to I would rush in tear that box open fighting I just looked at it and said "oh...the new wig I bought from Sherry." "Will check it later." LOL I will open it when I get some sleep and then try it on. Gonna finish up checking email and then heading off to bed. Thanks for all your help.
  • Karen Martin

    I like that picture of Sherry too. But I love the one of me on here...I love looking like a gray man with big ears. LOL Lots better than the one of Sherry don't you think? LOL
  • Karen Martin

    OK OK...I know...Karen...take those sleep meds and go to BED and shut amazing...I can read Sherry's thoughts and even when she is asleep. LOL OK I know I really need to do I am getting the giggles and everyone is sleeping BUT ME. LOL Tobie just opens one eye and looks at me kinda worried. LOL Night...welp actually almost time for Sherry to get up I guess. OK going. LOL
  • Elizabeth

    Hi Sherry!
    Be sure to join the Alopecians All Over New York State group I started.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Sherry,
    How are you doing with your aa? I've had it for 30 years!
    Just thought I'd say hello. Beautiful picture of you!
  • Lolin

    Sherry! You are so beautiful :-)