
43, Female

Fort Wayne, IN

United States

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About Me:
My story in a nutshell...
I found my very first spot on April 28th, 2008. It was in the center of my head on top about the size of a quarter. I didn't think much of it...just thought I must have pulled it out somehow or something. A couple days later I woke up to see another spot about the same size a little to the side of my head. I kinda freaked out but pushed it aside pretending to myself like nothing was wrong. Then at work my friend came to talk to me...I was sitting and she was standing over me so she could see 2 more big spots in back that I couldn't really see myself before. So yeah...I had 4 spots in a week...the 2 in back were very large (check my photos - they are dated). So I went to the doctor that week on May 2nd. He diagnosed it right away as alopecia areata. I was terrified to be honest. I had never heard of AA. He did the first treatment of injections that day for treatment. I was so in shock that I didn't really know what was going on. I was very upset for the first couple days. I LOVED my hair. I was always blessed with some pretty kick butt hair. LOL. But anyway, I found this website right away after diagnosis. The first thing I did when I got home from the doctor was jump on the internet and research, research, research. Found this website in the process and I read every single blog post and every single forum discussion and response since its inception. I got more knowledge from this site than anywhere else. It's always better getting the facts from people that have actually gone through it, I think. After seeing all these brave women on this site as well as getting a phone call from my boss who basically said "get over it and move on with your life" I snapped out of it. I realized...I can either feel sorry for myself and be sad about what I've lost or I can accept the disease, move on, and be happy with what I HAVE. And I've honestly been fine ever since. It's ALL about attitude and acceptance. Your attitude affects the way your life will be. You can be perfectly happy with AA if you want to be. It's up to you! :o) This is mainly why I decided against the injections...they didn't work for me for one thing, but I also didn't see the point in it for so many reasons...I'm fine with letting what's going to happen just happen.

Overall, I have learned that treatments don't work for me, and honestly, even if they did, I wouldn't do them. It only adds stress to your life thinking of yourself as broken and needing to be fixed. Think of all the money and time you will spend trying to fight the hairloss...wouldn't you rather be living life? I love helping people and am more than willing to help in any way I can if you need a friend, some support, or want to talk about wigs and how to make pretty bandanas and scarves. But honestly, if you're looking for advice on treatment, you won't get that from me. :) I will only try to help you love yourself for who you are and move on.


I started a Chicago group as well as a Fort Wayne, Indiana group (I'm from Chicago, moving to Ft Wayne for school so I'll be there a while). If you're from either area, please join the group so we can start planning some get togethers! :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Harmony Restored

    How are you doing today Mandy? Going to the outing?
  • Harmony Restored

    I just thought about it. Am I invited to the get together?
  • Salmezan

    That's really pretty Mandy! hehe Thanks :)
  • carly

    It is not a vacumn wig, but it is custom fit, so it was already cut the right shape when we got it... it is very nice... ;)
  • Drew

    hey mandy, how is everything? I feel like I haven't been on here much since I've been working the past week at a summer camp which means I have limited internet access. Now i have two days off and then another week of camp...its a lot of fun, but hope all is good.
  • willow

    Hi Mandy,
    You are so cute with your new haircut. I know its not easy, or accepted quickly. I was reading your posts, and you know Mandy, maybe on hard days, keep in mind, that some of us, have such perfect heads, that the higher power felt, hair just wasn't needed. Most of us who are bald, wear it very well. You're face, and your soul, is very beautiful, inside and out. For some of us, its easier, and I think more so because its been so long. It was not an easy journey by far. I'm sure you've noticed how much cooler it is. I feel you have already gone beyond, by not wearing the wig, something I didn't do until a few years ago. Congratulations for your courage, and faith in yourself. Be proud, your a very strong willed young lady.
    Brightest of Blessings
  • sgomez

    Aww, thanks for the cute good morning message! Loved the picture! (i'm so not a morning person lol!) but I appreciate the thought :-)
    Oh sweetie, I see you went ahead and shaved!!! How do you feel about it? I think you did the right thing. Especially if you are going to be wearing wigs now. Good for you, girly. I think your wig looks fab on you! Good choice!
    I'm a night owl, so I will end this message by saying...........
    Good Night!
  • Carol

    Hey Mandy,
    Thank you for the lovely good morning! I've been having a nice long weekend with my family before my husband starts a new job next week. I visited a friends store that she recently opened up and they have loads of butterfly stuff - it's great! Hope your weekend is going well also! :)
  • claire

  • Roger

    Hi little Nintendo nerd ;) joking. How are you?
  • Becky.

    haha my mom would deff. go, she is into all that kind of stuff, for me i will get wayyy to emotionall..
  • Becky.

    unless u would perfer me too goooo i mean, i would love to meet you!
  • Dotty

    Hi Mandy,
    Just wanted to say Happy Monday!!!! Hope you had a good weekend.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Roger

    Hi! Im fine thanks! Begin my new work today after a 3.5 months vacation =)=)=)
  • Liesl

    Oh MY God it's gone! You decided to take it off. That's awesome looks good. I really badly need to put some more photo on my page. My head looks a lot like yours but less hair. I've still got some hair little bits too. Wig looks really cool. How you been anyway?
  • Lexie

    Well, I could not get it off work :( Maybe next time?
  • susan

    hahah i sure will!! =) whenever i can get my hands on a computer xP
  • elyse

    i actually live in i think that i clicked the wrong option at the beginning, but now i can't see where to change it :)
  • carly

    hey mandy! i got one new pic of my new wig
    <----- new wig

    good luck on your regrowth

  • carly

    ! :)
  • Linda

    Thanks Mandy, I love my new look!
  • Tamara Dixon

    Thanks Mandy
    Did you mean May of this year?
    What was your first reaction to finding out about it?

  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy
    thought i sent a msg but not sure it went though oh well. It's so very cool your in Woodridge too! I met another women at Meyers with Alopecia our numbers are growing hope we can get together soon. Christina is the other girl maybe we can all go for a bite to eat. we went to chili's a couple of wks ago let you know when we do it again. I'll refer her to this site also. She has had it since 7th grade an now is 27 and has never met anyone else with it. can you imagine.
    I'll get a pic on as soon as i figure out how just got this computer so you know your not talking to some wacko lol.but you can find me on myspace too Jessica Lishamer
  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy,

    for sure will call her this week and plan a girls night out and let you know soon what days are good for you?

  • Jessica

    cool i left her a msg we will make it work.

  • claire

  • Roger


    How are you?
  • Carol B.

    Hi Mandy,

    Forgive me for taking so long to respond. I am still learning to navigate in this wonderful site. I want to thank you for your warm welcome and I would surely love to join the Chicago group.

    Carol B.

    P. S. Your page is Awesome.
  • Roger

    Hey! =) In fine thanks. Im planning to go to NYC and Chicago in october =)=)=)
  • Roger

    Ohhh. A new job or maybe something else ;)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mandy,

    Sorry I missed Chat last night.
    I was at a convention Sunday and Monday. Just got home this morning.

    Let's shoot for next week.

  • Deeptide

    Thank you for all your comments, gave me hope and made me feel accepted. Wish everyone was as accepting as the people here.
  • JeffreySF

    I'll give it a try and make sure I am there too.

  • claire

    my hairs fell out again check my photos, hope your ok mandy
  • Ashley

    i still have the hawk =) ...just not as thick. i've lost some. i will prolly lose it eventually. oh well.
  • Tony

    I can hear the excitement in your words...I'm very happy for you!!! And isn't often that we get to start over.
  • Jillian

    Thank you for the kind words. I'm trying to understand all this and not feel sorry for myself. Thess pages are helping. I'm grateful for the contact from everyone. I'm trying to figue out what to do next. Enjoy school, those are important and fun years! Jillian
  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy,

    Got ahold of Christina what day next week will work for you so we can plan a girls night out?

  • Jessica

    Great I will get you a for sure day tomorrow but lwts shot for wed.

    where do you like to go
  • Jessica

    Hey mandy,

    Talked to Christina today she thinking Wed or Thursday next week what day is looking better for you? Gosh I like those places you guys can choose.

  • Jessica

    Oh I go there all the time. When is the 6th movie due out. I'm a nerd too my oldest daughter and I love watching those movies over and over.

    ps wed is great for me.
  • Christina

    Hey, I can't wait to meet you next week. We still need to pick out a place to go. There are so many places in our area it will be hard to figure out where to go. But I'm not too picky, so I am sure we all can come up with something. Talk to you soon.
  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy,

    Got message from C today that Wednesday is not good for her. Do you think you can switch to Thur. if not let me know and we can figure out another day very soon to go out.
    Ps if it's ok to change to Thursday then chat with C to figure out a time and place. I'm ok with anything.

  • Christina

    Hey, so I sent Jessica a message, and I asked her what she thought about Buffalo Wild Wings at 7:00. What do you think, is that ok? Let me know if that time and place is ok, I'm sorry that I had to change the day, but we have a friend in town we had to push back dinner with my Dad because of the friend. So just let me know what you think. C
  • Jessica

    Great I'm glad you can still do thrusday.
    Which BBW on 53 or off in bolingbrook?

  • Christina

    I'm happy to hear that Thursday is good, I was thinking the BWW on Boughton Rd, by the Meijers. I figured that was pretty close for us. let me know if that is ok. C
  • carly

    hey mandy- whats going on by you?
  • carly

    o cool- what are you gonna teach?
  • Christina

    Hey, where abouts in Woodridge do you live? Cause depending on where you live the one on Rt 53 might be closer. But Jessica and I live right by Janes and Boughton so that oen is closer to us. So you let me know which you would rather go to, cause either one is fine with me. I keep forgetting that Woodridge is a big area, and Jessica and I live down the same street. So just let me know which one is better for you. Talk to you soon. C
  • Christina

    Sounds good, I can't wait to meet you too. It will be really nice to hang out. See you tomorrow. C