


United States

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About Me:
I've had alopecia universalis since 2007 and I've finally come to accept this is me now and I won't let alopecia hold me back from true happiness. I mean I do have those days when I say to myself "why me, why me", but those days come and go. I have a very supportive family and the support of my friends who help me through the tough times. I'm also very grateful for this website. I've met some wonderful people here who truly inspire me.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Choose one

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Marisol, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Billie

    Hi Marisol!
    Welcome. I hope you find some positive vibes with all the other members, here. I know I have and they have become someone I look forward to seeing every day even if it is from a computer screen. Love the picture of you with your mom and daughter!!! Nice to meet you and again, welcome!
  • Dawn

    Welcome Marisol! What a beautiful name! This is a great place. We are all like family!
  • jennifer

    i have au too. i wear wigs now and have found one i really love! finding a wig that i really liked made a huge difference for me. you may want to think about trying some one day. jenn
  • Dawn

  • jennifer

    i have a wig that looks like jenny mcarthy's new bob haircut. i love it! it is called codi by rene of paris. this is all fairly new to me too. it has been about 2 years since i lost it. i was a mess for the first year and then i started to accept it slowly over time. now i am ok with it.
  • Diane

    Bonjour Marisol,
    Welcome to this site. I've become AU 6 years ago... Things have also been hard but with time, it's getting better. Did you go to Louisville to the NAAF conference this year? I think we were in the same session on Sunday AM (women and alopecia).
  • Roger

    You had your mother there too? Am I right?

  • Roger

    Yes, I remember her from one session you were attending to. That was nice of her to follow you.
  • Roger

    Yes, it was intresting because it was my first conference. I met lots of new fiends face to face for the first time too. I hope you met some new female friends to talk about alopecia with.
  • jennifer

    i actually have gotten some wigs online without even trying them on. my rule is what cut and color used to look good on me, still looks good on i don't venture away from cuts and colors that i used to have before my hair fell out. but when i work out, i just wear a hat so it doesn't get gross and sweaty. the online site i have used is loris wigs site. it has pretty good prices. jenn
  • Mandy

    Marisol what a pretty name! Welcome! I wanted to let you know that I started a Chicagoland group on here if you're interested in joining us! Just go to the Groups tab up top and search for the Chicago group. Hope to see you in there!
  • beauty

    hey girl! long time no here. this is tiffany. nice pictures!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Marisol,
    Welcome to Alopecia World! How are you doing today? I've had aa for about 30 years. I just wanted to say hello!
  • Fitzy

    Hi, Thank you so much. Well I have had AU since I was 7 so I have had a long time to come to terms with it. You will one day also.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thank you! I like your pics, too. You are gorgeous!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    By the way, if you need to talk, let me know. I have been through it all! Wrote a book about it, too (just out), called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" That's my philosophy! (took awhile to get there!)
  • Mandy

    Hi Marisol! Glad you joined the Chicago group. ;) No, no treatments anymore for me. I did the steroid injections twice and that was enough for me. My loss progressed so quickly that the injections seemed pointless to me. Also they were painful and I hated the dents in my head that they caused. But that's just me. I've made my peace with it and decided to just let nature take its course. ;)
  • Mandy

    When I was doing the injections at first I had 2 very small spots of regrowth, but didn't see much at all. But then actually yesterday I was looking in the mirror and I saw several new white fuzz spots. I'm trying not to get too hopeful, but it was pretty exciting to see!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You can order my book in stores, but it's easiest to get it online. Click the link at the bottom of my page, or cut and paste:, or go to any online bookstore like Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
    Let me know how you like it, okay?
  • Dina

    Marisol -
    Trust me when I say it continues to get easier. It is amazing what we can adapt to. My family was worried about me when I was first diagnosed because I have always been sensitive in nature but now, I don't even remember what it was like to have hair and have completely adjusted to it. It becomes normal if that sounds crazy. You are in the right place here though, you will get so much information and support! Your photos are amazing, what great shape you are in, I am jealous lol. Hope to talk to you again! :O)
  • Dina

    You will adjust, it takes time as with anything. I have had AA for about 8 years now and never had re-growth. I was lucky to lose it slowly and I think that helped my outlook on the whole thing because I was able to adjust as it was progressing. I went from hiding bald spots with believe it or not, a powder the color of my hair, to wearing partial hair pieces to wearing a full wig. I didn't have to wear anything for at least 6 or 7 months. I tried some treatments but I have a dermatologist who is a family friend and he was up front with me from the beginning about there being no cure or miracle out there. We tried some things, when it didn't work, I gave up on chasing new treatments and I felt better as soon as I did that and that is when I really came to accept my condition. We are all different though and some people have great results with treatment and do go into remission. I wish for you all the best and you are in the right place here.
  • Mandy

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Marisol. We really haven't touched base since we met at this year's NAAF conference, so I thought I'd send you personal note to say hi and see how you and your mom are doing. Just in case you're wondering, I thought about you today because I saw the name "Marisol" on another website. Of course, I thought to myself, "Hey, I know a Marisol!" :-) In any event, I hope that you're treating life well and reaping every benefit of doing so. I'm really honored that you joined Alopecia World and trust that one day you will find our beloved community to be a great source of information and inspiration. Well, I hope to hear from you soon and very soon, as some say in church. Bye for now, Marisol. :-)
  • Mandy

    Hey girl! I'm doing well, how have things been going for you?
  • Mandy

    Haven't moved yet. Leaving next Friday! Eek! Good luck with your white fuzzies. I hope they grow for you!!

  • Roger

    Hi Marisol.

    Are you planning to go to next years conference in Houston?

  • Roger

    Yes, I will go to Houston =) I loved Louisville so much!
  • Jessica

    Hi Marisol,

    thanks for accepting my friend request.

    I'm in woodridge not to far from you.

    hope all is well and will write more later

  • Jessica

    would love to get together there is another lady in my area with AA. I've been dealing with this a little over a year. For the first yr I didn't know anyone with it. It's nice to have this site and new friends.
