Bob Hershberger



United States

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About Me:
Hi everyone..Im Bob..Im 54 and single..Ive had Alopecia since I was 15 years old..Its been on and off all my life..It turned out to be a spiritual journey,allowing me to look inward at the real me,and my spirit,which has led me to many great things.Of course that didnt happen overnight..I had plenty of mornings,when I'd wake up and look in the mirror,and say..WHY ME !!!".I did that a lot for at least 3 years,.Its not easy to feel normal with AA..Especially for women..I say.."DEFINE NORMAL"..Anyway,Ive had AA for 35+ years,and I still dont like it.,but truly feel blessed to the things I learned by having AA...I think Alopecians are special people..They usually just glow in a unique way..Anyway,to all my fellow Alopecians,know I love you all,and may you find peace in you own skin..It takes time,but hang in there,and if anybody would like to chat,or seek advise,Im not the smartest,or the dumbest,but Id love to help if I can..So just who's out there anyway?? Maybe we should have a dating section here in AW??
Ps..I'd love to be friends with anyone seeking a friend,so hit me with a request,and I'll be here for you anytime you need..TX
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • claire

    hi bob lovely to hear from you thanks for the nice comments i hope you are well would love to chat sometime soon takecare claire.
  • Roger

    Hi Bob!

    How was the weekend?

  • Roger


    Yes , its hot here too....early morning here now. Yes, im going for my first conference. Hope to meet som new friends there.

  • Jenn

    Thanks for the comment. Half an eyebrow does no good (for anyone), in case you were wondering. :) Have a great day!

    Bald Girls Rock,
  • Bob Hershberger

    Jenn..I just thought it was great how you could find humor in a otherwise trying situation..Ive found thats the only way to survive with AA,AT etc..I hope I didnt offend you,as I just found you great sense of humor a very positive tool..And one that has helped me keep my sanity..Best regards..Bob
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Bob,
    I really hadn't thought about it before now but yes it makes sense. Everyone has to make a living.

  • Jenn

    Bob, I was not offended or sarcastic with my response. The fact that half of my left eyebrow has been solidly growing through my AA is something that makes me giggle. I am truly upbeat about my situation and I laugh always.For me, finding humor is one of the things that helps me feel grounded when things are rough.I am so sorry that my tone didn't come through in my text, but please know I find MUCH humor and discovery on this path we are all walking called alopecia.

    Bald Girls Rock,
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi Bob, thanks for your words, a really apreciate them!! It's very good, to find yourself, the inner person that everybody has, sometimes is hard, sometimes i feel so down, but thanks to people like you, i know its possible!!!
  • Roger

    Hi Bob!

    Less then one week left for me before I head for the US! Im excited about the conference. Hope youre ok Bob.

  • Trina

    Hi bo,

    You seem very upbeat and positive about this condition. I have been battling AA and AU for years. I have had AA since the age of 8 and AU for the last 11 years. At least we can all vent here.
  • Drew

    Thanks Bob for the comments. Headblade is a great product and I love the moisturizor. They have a full line of products including shaving cream, and an pre-shave cream to take off dead skin from your scalp. I only have the blade and the moisturizer, but I may try something new in the future...
  • Billie

    Just dropping by with a warm Hello. In reading your 'About Me' section; I see similarities with all of us here. This is one place I value everyone that is a member. Common ground!
    Hope you day is a good one!
  • 3mee

    Sorry about that. I went outstation on a business trip. Just busy. I didn't mean to make you sad. I love to be part on this community and never thought of leaving. Really sorry...
  • 3mee

    Hi Bob! Its nice to have a caring friend like you. You make the world goes round. I believe with all the positive comments and supportive people from this community, I can be a better person with or without hair. Just wanna tell you that I appreciate your help.
    Recently, I visited the general hospital for treatment. I used to go to a private clinic but the cost is too expensive. However, the doctor from GH does not give injection shots - only steroid pills. The side effect of the pills is too much. Do you think I should take the treatment or go without it?
  • claire

    hi bob hope your ok lovely to hear from you how are things ?
  • claire

    Bob you look like one of the osmonds...........
  • Zoey

    Thats a cute word.... Yes, I am doing great!!! I have been out kayaking in Lake Natoma & American River..
    My entire family is coming up here the first week in July and we all plan to go down the American River to go rafting..
    Hey...On july 2ns the cattle run is going down Sutter Street. Are you going???
    We will be there!! I am going to make a Bright Blue Scarf :)

    What has my Folsomite been up to?? lol

  • Zoey

    Yes.. You funny boy!!! You should totally do that.. Then I can yell out.. "Hey Bob hows it going".. lol

    Yes, I like DM.... Was it hot here today, or was it just me???


    Just got home from seeing the new movie-Get Smart.. I loooove Steve Carrell
  • claire

    hi lovely to hear from you, i meant you were as goodlooking as the oldest osmond, hope your ok would love to speak soon.
  • claire

    merryl osmond is who you look like..............
  • Zoey

    Whats the smiling rule?? Please do tell... :)
  • Zoey

    Sounds like you guys will have a blast... I have yet to get to Capitola.... Will you take photos and share?
  • Zoey

    Oh no don't say that.. You will then pass up my favorite Holiday of them all!! HALLOWEEN!!! I loove to decorate and get all dressed up.. I am the queen of halloween :)

    Plus, I am starting to decorate for the 4th of July... Last year we went to the park and watched the fireworks.. It was soooo hot!!! I thought I was going to die! (But, I am still here) lol
    I sure hope its not that hot this year... We are all planning to do the same thing... We have a lot of family in town..

    What do you do on the 4th here in Folsom????

  • Pam

    Hi Bob, My name is Pam and I also have had AA since I was about 2 yrs old. This past weekend, I attended the NAAF conference and it was great fun. I was also in your neck of the woods in March. how long have you lived in Cali? I have family in LA, San diego, Rosarito and Mexicali. Have you always lived there?? I would love to talk to you and get ht male view on AA. take care.
  • diem

    Thank you for the welcome and your kind words!
  • Pam

    Hi Bob, My computer has been down. Thanks for writing back. I am looking forward to establishing friendships on the site. For the longest time, I knew of no one with AA. I am thrilled to finally meet you. I am scared to deatg in staring the support group. But I figure that is why I am here. Let me know how things are going in sunny California. Wish I was there. Pam
  • Pam

    I am from Fort Wayne, Indiana.. Hope you had a great 4th! My brother was out in Santa Barbara this week and said the weather was great. Have any of your family members had AA?? No one in my family has that I can reconize. We have a great night and keep in touch.
  • Zoey

    I have been good... From the fires needed to stay inside.. My poor lungs.. But, the air today is the best yet!! (You probably know that)
    Did you get out to see the cattle run on the 2nd? I have pictures.. WOW!! it was fun!!
  • claire

  • Zoey

    Howdy you!! We went to the Peach Festival today.. Very HOT!! Sizzling there..
    Ididnt try the deep fried peaches.. (I dont really eat anything deep dryed) But, I did have a strawberry & Banana Shaved Ice.. That was very nice and cool and yummy!!

    What have you been up to??? I notice Lake Natoma was up today.. The rock we usually stop at on our Kayaks is actually under the water!! Pretty cool huh...

    Muah Zoey
  • Linda

    Hello, just stopped in to say hello before I leave for church, have a blessed day!
  • Zoey

    How cool.. You luckies.. Tahoe is wonderful!! Did you take the MS Dixie II? We did that a couple years ago, It was a blast! I need to take my son back to go on it.. I bet you are in heaven with your son here... :) You guys have fun!! Dont forget to take him to Folsom Lake & Lake Natoma :) (I think those places are great too) But, I am crazy some people say.....

    Muah Zoey
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Bob, Haven't seen you around in a bit, so I thought I would drop by and say hi! Hi!
  • Maureen

    HI Bob, How are you doing? Been so busy this summer. I hope you r having a good summer. Just thought I would stop by to say Hi!

  • claire

    hi bob hope your well.........
  • Zoey

    Bob, How are you doing?? I havent heard from you in a bit.. Just checking in making sure everything is A-O-K :)

    Muah Zoey
  • Zoey

    Thank goodness Bob.. You had me worried.. I knew your son was down the begginning of July.. but, Did nt know you were going out of town.. (Or I forgot) I feel much better now that your okay!! I missed ya!!

    Muah Zoey
  • Roger

    Hi Bob.

    Hows life over there?

  • Geri

    Hey Bob,
    Thanks for the response. It is so nice to be here talking and exchanging email with someone who actually knows what I go through on a daily basis. We are all in the same boat and we all understand, that's what makes this place so special. It is also really nice to find a guy I could talk to about this and not have to feel at the last bit funny or embarassed. Maybe I will take you up on the phone call one day :) Hqve a great day!
  • Zoey

    Howdy there mister Bob.. I have been very good...
    My son starts school on Monday!! Nuts huh!
    My business has been going good.... :) thank you for asking sweetie....
    I found out about the bugorama in Sacramento the end of this month.. I want to go soo bad... When I was in college back in the day.. I was a member of the VW Club in Los Angeles.. I miss my little Cab & the clue..
  • Roger


    The conference was an amazing experience for me. I met so many wonderful people there. I already miss it! I loved to meet people from this site face to face in real life.
  • Geri

    Hey Bob, When my alopecia started I felt so alone, felt like I was the only one going through such a traumatic thing. I was telling my daughter the other day about this site and told her I searched years ago hoping to find a site like this but had no luck. Glad I didn't stop I told her I feel great sharing my inside thoughts and experiences with people who truly can relate. I really think there are so many other people like us out there, I just think it is hard for some people to talk about it so they just keep quiet and try to deal with it.
    Anyway, thanks for the message. You have a great weekend too. Hey, do you ever come on here and chat? Maybe we could do that sometime....Let me know :)
  • Jenn

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thanks for the nice note!!!
    How are you doing today?
  • Geri

    Hey, haven't heard from you in a few days...hope you are doing well...If I don't hear from you, have a really great weekend...:)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thank you for all the kind words! Yes, the little girls are so wonderful. Both of them have alopecia. There have been many young girls at my signings and they are all smart and fabulous. It makes me so happpy to be helping them.
  • Zoey

    Bob!! You are so cute!! You made me laugh when I saw what you wrote...
    Have a Wonderful Wednesday.. I go to the airport tonight and pick up my mom & brother. She is going to be here for about a week & half.. I cant wait.. I have been needing to see her, I miss here too much and cant wait for my parents to move back to Folsom...
  • Geri

    Hi Bob,
    Glad to get your messages, wondered what happened to you. Glad you had a great time with your son. I am going to Florida on Friday to visit my sister. Glad the storm in over in Florida, I kind of got crazy thinking about flying Oh, by the way, yes I have a job and I work very very

    I will try to write again soon. I was at the beach today with my daughter and grandkids. WE had a ball :)
  • Bob Hershberger

    Isnt it nice that laughs are still free..I hope they dont ever find a way to tax that..Wow!! Your folks are coming to Folsom?? Thats big...Hope you have a blast..Ba-Ba
  • Roger

    Hi Bob!

    Thanks for sharing this!
