



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Lacey, i am 18 years old.I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in the summer of 2008. I joined this site to find other teenagers that are experiencing the same troubles and difficulty's as i am dealing with alopecia. I would love to hear your stories please contact me! I have met some amazing people on here already so thank you everyone xx

art is truly my passion gets me through everything

painting in the morning, warm tea, rain few of my favorite things

my darling boyfriend aiden sweetest and most supportive person in the world i love you.

" Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on" - John lennon

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Lacey. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Lacey,
    I love the Audrey Hepburn quote. She was such a wonderful woman. Hey -- I wanted to say hello and welcome you.
    So you're an artist? Me too!
  • Katie Jones

    Hi Lacey! You sound like you are a VERY sweet person. But when i first found out i had Alopecia i couldn't help but cry myself to sleep at night for a little while. I remember going to school and telling my best friend. Just to think of the words to say to her were hard to find. And at first as people found out about i just had to tell them. At the time i was first diagnoised with Alopieca i didn't have a boyfriend, but the guy i'm dating right now was one of my really good friends and was one of the first ones to know i had it. It wasn't long after I had lost all my hair he asked me out. It ust goes to show that some guys don't just date you for your looks, but what's really on the inside.
    But hey don't be nervious about going back to school. Yes you might have a few people who thinks they are being cool by making fun of you adn calling you names, but i bet you that they wouldn't have the nerve to shave their head and just go. It takes alot of self confidence. Everyone has it you just have to be the one to find it in you. I promise you more people will look up to you instead of trying to tear you down and make you feel bad. God has a plan for everything he does and an AMAZING plan for you. Don't forget that. If you ever need someone to talk to i'm here for you. It's a great feeling to have someone with such a connection that you have never met.
    With Love,
    Katie (:
  • carly

    hey im good, how about you?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Lacey, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Brittany

    hi anwser your question... yes! i was on tyra in may!! i'm 16 almost 17 next month!!! i had alopecia since i was 12......=]
  • Anna

    Hi Lacey!
    I have no problem that you are 2 years older than me, would like to talk to you anyway :)

  • Anna

    I got alopecia in february this year. It began as a small spot and now it covers about 40-45% of my head. I dont wear a wig. I cover the spot with extensions and paint it with eyebrow pencils. But my hair keepon falling off my head so soon i mabye have to wear a wig. In june i was to a doctor but he said that he could not do anything , there was no treatment.
    How do you cover your spots ?


  • LeslieAnn Butler

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Goodie, I can hardly wait to see your art.
    I have had alopecia since I was in my mid-20's. I got universalis when I was 39 or so.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    By the way, you can get my book online at at a good price, and on my web site at the bottom of my page -- let me know how you like it, would you?
  • Becca

    ooh, thanks, so are you. yes, it´s a wig. How about you? have you a wig? :)
  • Gina

    Hey Lacey,

    Have you been on the alopeciaareatasupportgroup site? I know that there was a Lacey in the last few son Garrett was diagnosed last May, he just had his 17th birthday Sunday. :)
  • carly

    hey-im a little worried about school too-
  • Shana and Taylor

    I was diagnosed about 6mths ago. I have a lace wig glued on to my head, a bio-matrix. I was reading above and I love music also....I write songs. I am bald in about 7-10 places on my head.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Lacey, you can order it at your local bookstore. It's easier, of course, to get it online -- but just call your bookstore to order it and they'll get it in for you!
    Let me know when your pics are up!
  • Dina

    Hi Lacey - Just wanted to say you are adorable!
    You are going to find so much support and incredible information on this site. I wish it was around when I was first diagnosed, I know it would have helped me like I am sure it will you! :O)
  • Dina

    Hi again - Yes, it is a wig. I take all my wigs to my hairdresser who always styled my hair when I had it lol and she really makes them look natural. Trust me when I tell you this, you are going to be just fine! Look at the gorgeous women on this site, many choose to wear wigs like myself and many choose not to like Cheryl and others who are so completely glowing and gorgeous without hair. It is all just a personal choice only you can make for youself.
  • Dina

    When I was first diagnosed I did try some treatments. I have to say this about myself, I have always been leary of taking medications if not absolutely necessary. When I started getting a racing heart with a couple and also, no results I just decided to accept what I had and let happen what may. We all have to take our own path and I am comfortable with myself and the disease. Take one day at a time and you will be fine. As you said, you may not need wigs. I spoke with someone years ago, when I was first diagnosed that had a few spots, they grew back on their own and he never had a problem again. We are all so different.
    Anyway, I have blabbed on long enough lol. You take care and if you ever have any questions or concerns please message me. My best friend lives in Belgium by the way. Looks like a beautiful place!
  • Connor Chapman

    ive been good..i kinda freaked out firt day of school with my 2 spots but no1 made any comments...i jus had this wierd feeling that wherever i went people were staring..i guess its sumthin ill have to get used 2
  • Connor Chapman

    how are you doing
  • Connor Chapman

    well im sure school wont be a problem because u are very beautiful...and yea good friends are probably the best thing to have..thats one thing ive learned
  • Connor Chapman

    well i mean i dont think its any different not trying to get racial but i assume its certainly harder for african american men because of the way our hair grows...i also believe that if it completely makes u bald...the way society thinks is that a bald woman is ugly moreso than a man so im sure it would be easier...but after seeing some of the ladies on this website society can kick rocks
  • Connor Chapman

    yes there when do u start school..i started today and i think i almost puked on the way cause i was so nerous about what people would say
  • Connor Chapman

    i got cortisone shots..i think they are pretty much steroids...they work really fast..then my doctor gave me some foam stuff to put on them which help a little
  • Connor Chapman

    well when i was diagnosed i didnt have time to react he jus layed me down and shot me up...the shots work really fast..the foam pretty much sucks...but its all good...i use alopecia to my advantage...i played a soccer game and sum1 on the other team asked me what happened...i told him i got attacked by a mountain lion...i guess i scared him
  • Katie Jones

    Hello! You will still be able to do the same thing you were able to do when you didn't have alopecia. But you just have to have the self confidence and go without your wig. I have been to six flags at least 3 or 4 times since i have had it. once i did wear my wig but it wasn't as fun as when you go without it. When i go without my wig i feel so free, and i don't think people will make fun of you. The only thing i don't like about having Alopecia is that when people find out you have it. Well they come and ask you if it's true, but then they start to treat you different, and I really don't like that. I feel like i should still get treated equal as everyone else. But i have faith that you will be able to make it through this. Just live life to the fullest, laugh all you can, love your friends and your enimes, and have fun doing it all.
    Love you,
  • Gina

    Hey Lacey!
    I gave Garrett your happy birthday message...he said "what, she doesn't even know me".....I also showed him your page and he said "Sweet! that's nice of her". He thought the group was pretty neat even though he didn't want to act overly He couldn't believe you live in Belgium. =) I hope he joins, I will take my computer home over the weekend and encourage him to.
  • Gina

    ps....Is that your mom with you in the photo? You are absolutely beautiful!!! Oh, and I LOVE your quote from Audrey of my fav's!!!
  • Caroline

    Hey Lacey! Thanks for the comment. Taylor Swift is totally my idol! Isn't she amazing!? I was reading your profile and it seems like we have alot of the same interests. Thats awesome! I love your picture! very pretty! If you ever need to vent about this whole thing just message me or drop a comment by my page I'm always here for you<3
    Keep in touch
    love and hugs
    Caroline xoxo
  • Gina

    Well you are both just beautiful!! I will tell Garrett hi for you tonight. He is quite a funny guy, very laid back and more sensitive than he lets on. You are so completely right that it is insane much more so I am sure for the two of you since you are physically going thru it. Of course, as a mom it is hard to watch so I think we feel the pain some too. I hope you have a good evening, I am at work but will keep checking back from time to time. I think you are a very strong and courageous young lady!
    Ton's of huggs =<]
  • carly

    im going into 7th grade- how about you?
  • Connor Chapman

    its been good..ive got another game 2moro after school which im excited about...diu get ur extensions today
  • Gina

    I think you are wise beyond your years. That is a wonderful idea! I would love to meet your mom and share some of our experiences....this is just the best place, so much love flows through here.
    I look forward to getting to know your mom.
    Much love to you sweets!
    Big hugs to your and your mom! :)
  • Brittany

    hi lacey!
    thanx for the comment!
    you are very sweet!=]
    to answer your question alot of the kids stopped after the show!=]=]
  • Connor Chapman

    lol yea im a pretty serious soccer player...ive been trying to get a rugby team at my school since one of my teachers plays but they wont approve of it...americans would jus rather play football :(
  • Brittany

    hi lacey!!
    thanx for the comment!
    you are very sweet!=]
    to answer your question alot of the kids stopped after the show aired!=]=]=]
  • Katie Jones

    hey kiddo!
    Here in Tullahoma our school scheduel is set up to where we go to school for 9 week and are out for 2 weeks. We have a shorter summer and usually start school back at the end of July. I have been school now for 4 1/2 weeks. This is my first year at the high school and so far i love it. What grade are you going into?
  • Connor Chapman

    hey...nothin much rite now...tryin to get a ride home from my soccer game 2moro....what are you up to
  • Fitzy

    hey, your very pretty too! How are you coping with it? its tough at first huh? x