

Noblesville, Indiana

United States

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About Me:
My 12 year old daughter has Alopecia and I'm looking for some help with finding support groups, hair products for this specifically, and just some information. My daughter has recently lost most of her hair after years of only spot loss. I'm very concerned about self-esteem, and other emotional issues.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Dawn

    Hello and Welcome Renee and daughter
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Renee, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Cindy

    Hi Renee, I have a 6 year old daughter with AA. She started wearing a wig in Dec and loves them. I saw you post somewhere that you were looking for wig ideas. First of all, I spent a big buck on a wig that was not custom because I needed it quick and I liked its functionality. It was not my daughters style but we could not wait weeks to get a custom. I tried locks of love and it was a stressful process and then did not qualify. Children with hairloss is easy to work with, but I did not follow through with them. In the end, we are now waiting for a custom hair replacement from the Hair Club for Men. They have a kids club which will provide 3 free hair pieces a year for kids 6-17. They are nationwide and you can get the info on the website. We should be getting her hair any time now. My daughter also wears headbands with hair sewn into them and it has been a great alternative to the summer and days when she is doing errands. I got that from I hope you find this info helpful. Please feel free to ask my any questions. Is your daughter trying any treatments? Sam is and we are finally seeing some regrowth, but we have a long way to go if it starts to grow in more..Cindy
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Renee,
    I understand how hard it is for parents with children who have alopecia! I did a lot of research on it for my new book (which is just out!) called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You might look on my page and check out the comments from the women who have read my book -- in particular, Liz, who has a teen daughter, Emily. I think it might help a lot! You can get it on, or on the link at the bottom of my page. Let me know!
  • Mary Sarra

    Hi Renee, You can do a search of the members here for Olivia Rusk. Her mother and her have a support group that meets at the Fishers library. Hope that helps. Best of luck, Mary
  • Ashley

    Hi Renee. Since you are not too far from Kentucky, the best place I can recommend on personal experience is the Hair Institute in Lexington. Their contact and website information is listed in my blog on my page. The owners, Eric & Jeletta Johnson are the nicest people, and they have really beautiful natural looking hair pieces. The costs vary, but I'm guessing the vacuum pieces are somewhere around $1500-$2000. But if that's too much, they have many other options as well. I hope that helps a little. Good luck, and let me know if you have any other specific questions.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Girlfriend, let me know how you like the book, okay?
  • Ashley

    Thank you very much! That's great! I really believe that having a natural looking hair piece really does make all the difference in the world in a person's confidence. It does for me at least. :)
  • Cindy

    Hi Renee..I am sure you have it in you to help your daughter get through this rough patch and you sound like a wonderful mother to want to grow your hair for you daughter. I have thought about it myself, but I don't think I can get my hair to grow that long. I just started taking something to help me grow it faster. What kind of treatments is your daughter doing? It amazes me how much my daughter is willing to endure to get her hair to grow. Sam has been very good about the whole thing ( treatments) and now that we have having regrowth she just wants to keep at it. As much as it hurts to see her with no hair, I know she will get through life just fine with her spunky outgoing personality...Cindy