Jodi Wertz


Kannapolis, NC

United States

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About Me:
I'm a happily married mother of 3 beautiful children. (10,8,4) I'm a stay at home Mom and we home school our children. My husband is a Middle School Counselor. Our 4 year old was a 23 wk 0 day micro-preemie. (1 lb 7 oz, 12" long) She is a walking miracle with no deficits. 3 months ago, her hair started falling out. She has been diagnosed with AA. She has now lost half of her scalp hair and all of her body hair, except for her eyebrows and eyelashes. It is now coming out pretty quickly. Now I'm spending lots of my time researching AA and trying to find answers for my daughter. I have autoimmune disease, as do my brothers. However, AA is new to me. I want to help my children be as healthy as possible to try to keep them free from autoimmune disease. I know God has His hand on all of us and will guide our steps and use this for His glory!
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Comment Wall:

  • Mandy

    Hi Jodi! What's your daughter's name? Welcome!
  • Mandy

    Thanks Jodi! Sarah Beth will be in my thoughts and prayers!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Jodi,
    I hope you are doing well. I know that aa can be harder on the parents than the kids sometimes -- at least when they are little. If you need more help, I've written a book with the latest on medical stuff, plus lots of tips, and a chapter about parents with aa kids. It's called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It's a fun read, too. You can find out more on my page.
    Take care!

    hi I have aa two so I wish the best for you and your family.
  • Cindy

    Hi Jodi,
    Welcome :) I have a 6 yr old with Alopecia. How is you daughter doing? Are you trying anything?
  • Miranda

    Hi Jodi,
    First of all I want to welcome you to the Parent's Group. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them on the site!

    My twins were also preemies, but 29 weeks, not as preemie as your little one. I have wondered if there was a correlation? Have you tried any treatments yet? How long has she had alopecia?
  • Cindy

    Hi Jodi,
    Yes, Samantha is currently doing a treatment that is an irritant. However, we have hit a road block because her whole body is producing rashes so we have to halt treatment until it clears and then we are going to try a lower dose. This came sudden as she has been doing this for awhile. Our doctor says this could be a good sign that her body is responding and has been upset. It is so frustrating waiting. Sam had bloodwork done it all came back normal.

    I am glad to hear you got the bloodwork done so you can treat your daughters' thryoid condition. We have tried a few other things before this current treatment and have been unsuccessful. I did give Sam Aloe Vera juice, but I am wondering if has something to do with her rash since we started it around the time she got her rash, but I can't recall before or after the the first set of rashes. They left and came back all in a week...My daughter has 100% loss and no lashes or brows and she wears a wig. While she loves her wig she is finding it uncomfortable to wear when she gets overheated. She is only wearing it to school, but once school gets out i dont anticipate she will be wearing it much. I have headbands with hair sewen into them that she likes to wear on the weekends. We are waiting for a new wig from the hair club for men that should be more comfortable to wear daily and in hot weather. It is designed to feel like your own hair and never want to take it off..In fact, she can leave it on for a days at a time if she wants...
    Sorry for the rambling....Cindy
  • Betsy Rachel's Mom

    hi jodi:
    glad to hear how well your daughter is doing. she's so lucky to have a mom who jumped right on this and is getting her the treatment she needs. i hope for her sake that her hair loss is related to the thyroid issue because that's an easy fix. rachel is one of those people with multiple autoimmune issues. she has had life threatening food allergies her entire life. so, the alopecia was like lightening striking twice. however, i believe that kids are the best at handling what comes their way and we can all take a lesson from them! rachel has certainly accepted all this far better than i can definitetly relate to your loss of sleep. but i can honestly say rachel is doing great. i hope her personality holds up through puberty!! i cannot claim to be an expert on essential oils....but someone we know is a fanatic for oils and told me to use a brand called Young Living. We mixed Rosemary, Lavendar, Cedarwood and Thyme. Then we mixed it all in a base of Grapeseed Oil. I forget the proportion we used but the recipe was found easily on the internet by googling essential oils and alopecia. as for the shampoo, we bought a product that contains lavendar essential oil but it was expensive. as for mixing your own shampoo, i can't opine b/c we never tried that.
  • Miranda

    i have read so many different "causes" for alopecia that sometimes I wonder if people are just looking to blame something. My daughter was ordered to take blood work with her first diagnosis from her pediatrician. Everything came back, but he did say that hyper and hypo thyroids can cause hair loss, so maybe that is her reason? With Della they can not find anything that relates to her hair loss. So, who knows. I just wish it would go away.
  • Janna

    Hello Jodi,

    Thanks for the friend request. My little Lynnea was diagnosed at about 1 yr. of age. What is your little one's name? She's adorable! Can't wait to learn more about you and your loved ones :)
