
40, Female

Santa Clarita, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Tina and I was diagnosed with Alopecia in May of 2007. I have gone through various treatments including creams, shampoos, natural pills, steriods, and injections. Here I am a little over a year after being diagnosed, and I have finally decided to stop all treatment. Although my hair has grown back a couple times, it's fallen out each time, and it seems like each time it happens, it's just as hard to deal with as the first. I am trying to keep my hope and faith alive through this entire life changing experience, and finding a place like this helps so much. It's very comforting to know that I'm not alone in this and that everyone here feels the sadness, pain, and strength that I do. My hair was everything to me and this has been the most difficult and emotional experience of my life. However, I have learned a lot about myself, life, and the blessings I have because of my family, friends, and boyfriend who love me and have been by my side through it all.

So, even though I sound like I'm this totally depressed person, I'm not, and I don't let Alopecia run my life. Plus, I have a great wig! lol! I love going out, hanging out with my friends & boyfriend, spending time with my family, going to the gym, and just having a good time. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies, and am currently getting my teaching credential.

I look forward to meeting people who can share their stories, provide inspiration, be a shoulder to lean on, give advice, and just be a friend. =)
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Tina, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Kristen

    Hi Tina - welcome! I also have my teaching cert. What are you interested in teaching? I am certified for EC-4th. I really loved teaching 4th since it's the time right before they head off to middle school and get weird (you know what I mean). :-) I would do a lesson on genetics and we would talk about all different things and it was when I would introduce my students to alopecia. It was really awesome!
  • jennifer

    Hi Tina, I lost all my hair too and felt very depressed about it for a long time. It has been almost 2 years and I have finally accepted it. Time was really the only thing that helped me get used to it all. What kind of wig do you have, it looks very natural. Is is real hair? I am fort. Laud., Fl. I was just down there visiting last weekend. I also went to UF for my bachelor degree in Education and then went to FSU for my masters degree in Counseling....but i am a Gator at heart!
  • jennifer

    i meant to say i am from ft. laud. sorry i type fast.
  • Mandy

    Thanks so much, Tina. Don't get me wrong, I was HORRIFIED when I first started losing my hair. But once I knew what AA was and found websites like this one, I sucked in all the info and advice I could and I think that's helped me become accepting of it so quickly. I've very grateful for Alopecia World and people like you that make living with this so much easier. Thanks for the kind comment. ;)
  • Jennifer

    Do you have to be completly bald to wear one?
  • Daria

    Hey Tina. Love your pics. This is a great site and I'm sure you'll have no problems meeting lots of people here who understand you COMPLETELY! Take care, Daria
  • Jennifer

    Hey Tina, I just want to say hello. I live in the Antelope Valley. I was thinking about starting a support group in our area. Would you be interested in some thing like that?
  • Jennifer

    I wanted to do somethng up here cause I have a place for us to meet. there is one other guy up here that wants to go and i know 2 guys in L.A. that want to also. I will post something in the cali group soon and see what kind of reaction i get.
  • Jennifer

    your wig is really great.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Good for you -- I know how hard it is since I've had this for nearly 30 years! Ugh! But you might find my book helpful.
    It's called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" and it's full of great info, a fun and enlightening read, illustrated with my paintings. There's a link to the web site on my page where you can get the book. It's also available through Amazon & Barnes & Noble online.
    Let me know how you are doing!
  • Mandy

    Hi Tina! Thanks for commenting on my forum discussion. Your comment definitely eased my mind a little. Not so scared now. Thank you!!
  • gerald

    You are gorgeous!
    I love your look in a headscarf!
    My wife is bald and beautiful with alopecia universalis, and she looks gorgeous bald or in a feminine headscarf, with her long earrings.
    To me, an attractive lady often looks more beautiful bald, because you can really see her feminine features when she is bald.
  • merita hinnant

    What kind of wig do you wear? It looks great
  • merita hinnant

    thank you, i'm actually wearing a wig in my photo; its one i ordered off line; its a synthetic revelon
  • Zoe

    Hey Tina,

    I like you're wig. You look so pretty:-) Where did you get it or what brand is it?
  • Gina

    Hi Tina, the full lace I have now is from denovohair.com, the quality is good, mine is Swiss Lace which does not last as long as French Lace but looks more natural. But there's a store in L.A that has good quality wigs of all kind including Lace, it's called the Hair Shop (hairpiece.com) but I don't know why they don't have many different styles on their website, if you go to the store they do have plenty of them. Where in SoCal are you?
  • Gina

    That is the Full Lace from denovohair.com. Yes, I've heard about Godiva's Secret before but I've never been at the store, I'll have to check it out. I live in Burbank, not far from you at all, maybe you wanna go "hair shopping" one day :-)
  • Mandy

    Thanks so much for your blog comment. It really spoke to me and helped me very much. I have decided to shave the rest (well buzz it...probably not bic it yet) and reading your comment made me feel much more confident about my decision. I'll post a blog later today or maybe tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes.

  • Lee

    Hi Tina!
    I have had it for two weeks now and I love it!! Mine is 12 inches. I think the longest they do is 14 depending on long you can wait....not sure about that though, What questions do you have? Have you ordered it yet?
  • Lee

    o.k....vacuum wigs dont seem to knot at all. Ive been putting mine up and it looks natural. You just need to have your stylist cut baby hairs all around the hairline so you cant see the line. They are so comfortable. In fact, Ive had mine on for 3 straight days (which your not really supposed to do cause its not great for the wig), but I slept in it and everything...and its comfy!! I take it off somtimes to clean the inside of it...and my head...then Im good to go ; )
  • Lee

    by the way...I like the short hair on you...esp. the graduation pic! ; )
  • Lee

    no prob! anf you have anymore questions...feel free to ask ; )
  • Mandy