
51, Female

new york

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Roger

    Youre welcome.

    In here everyone are good friends =) we all share the same thing .
  • Roger

    Yes, its a wonderful picture =) love it. Where in NYC do you live?
  • Linda

    Hi, welcome to Alopecia World DollyDreadful!
  • emily

    thanks for your message! yep, 20's ladies. and many more....glad to have found you on here....keep in touch!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, and welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Victoria Laughren

    Social Workers ROck! Thanks for sharing your story with us. It's amazing how positive forces around us can change how we feel. You work in geriatrics? I'm pretty green still, recent grad and I work with the inner city population.
  • Victoria Laughren

    my dermatologist is a tool. She has to be the most unsympathetic person I know.
  • Dawn

    Hi and welcome DollyDreadful
  • Rachel

    Hello! I hear you on just being diagnosed. Some days are good day, some days...not so good. Everyone has something that they deal with health wise. Mine is AA, eczema, asthma, and hypothyroidism. I love the dog pictures. Pictures of my 2 are coming soon! Your last picture is the strangest thing ever :)
  • Rachel changed your last my comment looks like I was talking about the picture of you when I meant the one of the yawning cat thing :) Also, thanks for the eyebrow tips
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Dolly,
    I am an animal lover, too! I have a dog and two cats, and am on the board of the Oregon Humane Society which is one of the best shelters in the country!
    I am glad you're here...welcome!
    Hugs, LeslieAnn
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I know isn't she the cutest thing! Her name is Zsa Zsa.
    She was born with such small nostrils that she had trouble breathing, so I had to have them made bigger! Love your French Bulldog and black kitty!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thanks for commenting on Huey (the dog) too! He is the sweetest and smartest guy in the whole world. He and Zsa Zsa are angels.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I'm glad you like my painting "Olivia Has Options!!"
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • dollydreadful

    Ah yes raising hell - remember those days :) -
    and yeah it is cool in a way I met some really nice people on this site-
    its great you have your family's support though - that must be a handful 4 kids !! my friend has two little girls and we make jokes that she is being held hostage :) - jokes because they are actually really great -

    My boyfriend is sweet and all that its just he is a mess - I mean he has ISSUES - he is sweet though- he has some things that are great - but right now he needs to work on himself and over the last 3 months he is finally making progress and here I come with the IBD dog and my hair falling out :) ...the dog incidentally does have an upset stomach - I fed him very light tonight so far no vomiting I hope it will not progress into a full episode-
    I'll be calling the vet in the am - I do have meds here - the last times were hectic since I didn't have the meds because each time they thoguht he was well- they were trying to figure it out - I think unless the sick gets really violent they won't make me take him in - that's what causes so much stress - I mean that and him being sick - I feel so bad dragging him in a cab - then I start to feel really alone and terrified frankly and I get scared they will need him to stay...but I am pretty calm ... I guess because we have been through this ...I know now reduce food and water see if the episode can be controlled - we have the air conditioner blasting- my boyfriend is asleep with him -

    Where in Brooklyn doe the new member live?
  • Laura Zinger

    Ah! You found it! that's awesome! Thank you! I'm using it, and I have been seeing some results with it. The doctor who recommended it said that he sees new hair growth that he thinks is a direct result of this small hammer, I say, try it, be aware that it kind of hurts, but I'm getting growth where I didn't have any before. Most of my hair is growing back, but that's mostly because I was extremely iodine deficit I think and I changed my diet so that it's healthier now. I hope this helps! Thank you for the link!!!
  • Laura Zinger

    Hey! I started using the mallet way after I changed my diet. And the mallet is not supposed to pierce your skin, so please don't bang your head that hard. You're supposed to tap it lightly on the bald spots for 3 minutes every other day or at least that's what my doctor prescribed to me. ;) And really if you can handle tattoos, you can totally handle this! :) I'd love for you to keep my updated though on whether this works for you or not.

    Someone else I know is trying the onion on the head thing too. I'll find out from her if she's seeing anything happen. Hey, what's your email? If you want, I will get more specific with what I've done healthwise since I've gotten Alopecia.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Dolly,

    I enjoyed chatting with you too.
    All is pretty good here.
    Is the doggy better?

  • JeffreySF

    Glad the doggy is doing better.
    I've read about the onion juice thing. What kind are you using?
    I'm still on standby for jury duty. Lokks like I wont have to go in this time

  • DT Manno

    Your welcome. I saw you posted on Jeffery's page.
    Yes, she is a Pekingese. A very spoiled Pekingese LOL
    I'm very flattered that you take courage from my words. That means a lot. The best thing you can do though, is be brave and always keep your sense of humor. If you can laugh at yourself, it doesn't hurt quite as much when other people do. The Peke is one of 6 pets, 3 cats/3 dogs :)
    Glad you liked the tunes. I figured you might ;)
    Have a great night and thanks for the comments!

  • dollydreadful

    3 dogs !! Mine is like a tornando I can't imagine :) but if I had the space I would definitely do the same - I have a dog a cat and 6 gerbils thinking about another cat...Im afraid of the nails because my cat came to us declawed and I am afraid for my dogs eyes ... he can be pushy with the cat - pekingnese are awesome - there is one in my neighborhood that they shave and leave her head and tail with fur she is so cute she looks like a lion -take care have a nice night
  • DT Manno

    Is your dog a pug? I can't really tell :)
    The 3 dogs are 1) pekingese, 2) Cockapoo, 3)Basset hound.
    I used to have a Husky. She stayed with my parents when I moved to FL. She passed away early this year :(
    What is HGE? Sounds reaaly bad :(
    Nice tats BTW!!
  • DT Manno

    BTW, if you have a myspace acct, look me up at and add me :) If you want of course
  • JeffreySF

    There is a new blog post on onions post a note if you havent allready.

  • DT Manno

    I'll look you up :)
    French Bulldog, huh? He's cute! He is very fortunate to have you as his mommy :) He has a very rough life and need you to love him and take care of him :)

    Tattoos are addictive aren't they? LOL
    I have 3. I've wanted to get more but my g/f has issues with that for some reason... :/

    My Husky was just old. Not really old, she was going on 11. She started having a lot of health problems... poor girl.

    Well, that's about it for not.
    Talk to ya later!
  • DT Manno

    My tats are pretty simple. First one I got was the wolf head on my left upper arm (I love wolves!). Then I got a dragon wrapped around a dagger on my right upper arm, and a reaper on my right forearm. I don't know what I would get next if I/when I get more
  • JeffreySF

    No Worries.

    Click the Forums button and then type in onion and that will lead you to those discussions.

    Have a great weekend ( I work this weekend) Grrrrrr

  • JeffreySF

    I am a Respiratory Therapist. What do you do?