
42, Female

Fort Wayne, IN

United States

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About Me:
My story in a nutshell...
I found my very first spot on April 28th, 2008. It was in the center of my head on top about the size of a quarter. I didn't think much of it...just thought I must have pulled it out somehow or something. A couple days later I woke up to see another spot about the same size a little to the side of my head. I kinda freaked out but pushed it aside pretending to myself like nothing was wrong. Then at work my friend came to talk to me...I was sitting and she was standing over me so she could see 2 more big spots in back that I couldn't really see myself before. So yeah...I had 4 spots in a week...the 2 in back were very large (check my photos - they are dated). So I went to the doctor that week on May 2nd. He diagnosed it right away as alopecia areata. I was terrified to be honest. I had never heard of AA. He did the first treatment of injections that day for treatment. I was so in shock that I didn't really know what was going on. I was very upset for the first couple days. I LOVED my hair. I was always blessed with some pretty kick butt hair. LOL. But anyway, I found this website right away after diagnosis. The first thing I did when I got home from the doctor was jump on the internet and research, research, research. Found this website in the process and I read every single blog post and every single forum discussion and response since its inception. I got more knowledge from this site than anywhere else. It's always better getting the facts from people that have actually gone through it, I think. After seeing all these brave women on this site as well as getting a phone call from my boss who basically said "get over it and move on with your life" I snapped out of it. I realized...I can either feel sorry for myself and be sad about what I've lost or I can accept the disease, move on, and be happy with what I HAVE. And I've honestly been fine ever since. It's ALL about attitude and acceptance. Your attitude affects the way your life will be. You can be perfectly happy with AA if you want to be. It's up to you! :o) This is mainly why I decided against the injections...they didn't work for me for one thing, but I also didn't see the point in it for so many reasons...I'm fine with letting what's going to happen just happen.

Overall, I have learned that treatments don't work for me, and honestly, even if they did, I wouldn't do them. It only adds stress to your life thinking of yourself as broken and needing to be fixed. Think of all the money and time you will spend trying to fight the hairloss...wouldn't you rather be living life? I love helping people and am more than willing to help in any way I can if you need a friend, some support, or want to talk about wigs and how to make pretty bandanas and scarves. But honestly, if you're looking for advice on treatment, you won't get that from me. :) I will only try to help you love yourself for who you are and move on.


I started a Chicago group as well as a Fort Wayne, Indiana group (I'm from Chicago, moving to Ft Wayne for school so I'll be there a while). If you're from either area, please join the group so we can start planning some get togethers! :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • carly

    o cool- i wish you could teach at our school
  • Jessica

    Hi Mandy,

    I'm so sorry that I'm just now getting back to you.

    Can't wait till tomorrow so 7 at BWW in Bolingbrook see you then.
  • claire

    mandy hope your well and your getting on well with the wigs x
  • beauty

    hi mandy! from the pics u seem to be handling this gr8! especially 4 it 2 happen this year! i dont even know u, but i'm proud of u for finding your way to accept this! Thru my years i realize the great parts about having aa! which is we can switch up our hair more than anyone and look so damn lovely! god bless
  • Emma

    Hey just a quick message to find out how the hair growth is going .
  • Pam

    Mandy, I started a group in Fort Wayne, The next one is next Tuesdya 8/12 at the Womes resource center at Dupont. it is from 5:30 to 7:00 on the 2nd floor. If you would like to give me a call and I can tell you all about it. My nam is Pam Fackler
  • Marisol

    Hi Mandy, how are you?
  • Christina

    Hey, so I tried to go to your page that you sent me and it isn't working. Can you try sending it again, or spell your last name for me again, I can't remember how to spell it. I tried to find you, but there are a lot of people on that site. C
  • carman

    thanks for telling me about it!
  • Carmella

    Hey girl! Hope your week is off to a super start. We're going to be in the business of telecommunications. Well rather he is going to be in the business. I'm going to continue nursing and help with simple stuff like data entry and billing. LOL. We're just working on the planning right now though and it's a big enough project for a while.
  • Carmella

    You hit the nail on the head! I just want it to be one way or the other - the not knowing what the hell is going on is a total mind trip. I'm going to buzz it today I think.
    Peace and Love
  • Marisol

    It's going. So u moved, huh. Are u liking it in Indiana? I wanted to let you that I'm also getting some white fuzz on my head, but it doesn't seem to getting any longer. I did notice some white eyelashes coming in. I hope it's coming back, but I'm not getting my hopes up just in case.
  • beauty

    sometime a change is good! you get to meet different people. which means more friends. thats gonna make your group grow a lot. people are going to want to join your group b/c of your personality! i dpnt even know u but from our emails and your profile u can tell u are a sweet person. good luck on your goals, dreams, etc! hope to meet the whole group when u come to chicago
  • Casey

    Hey Mandy!
    Thanks for the comment!!
    I was reading your profile, youve only had AA for a short time and your handling it beautifully! that is wonderful! I wish i could only be that brave!
    Ive had AA since I was 14 and though Im okay with it I always feel that others arent, and that holds me back a lot!! My family and friend are wonderful they have all been there for me since day one! but people in general the people who stare and make you feel uncomfy i still dont know how to deal with them! me being afraid of what people think has alot to do with how my alopecia life started. I was made fun of in school and the people who i thought were my friends ended up not being. I never felt normal! though it did got better I never really accepted the fact that I was bald. it didnt help when my hair would come and go... I always just wished for it either to go completely or come back. ya know! but now im trying things out! im still nervous to go outside in just a scarf but its getting better.. right now im searchin for a wig i can wear with the hair ive been letting grow. do you have any wig advice? what kind do you wear?
    hope to talk to you soon!
  • kastababy

    Hey hun!

    I left you a message on MySpace -- I sold my laptop and I've been saving the money to get a new one! I'm also trying to relocate back to Nashville to be closer to my family and my babies (aka my nieces and nephew). I'm so glad you were worried about me -- I left you my cell phone number so you can call me and chat too when I'm not online. I've missed you too!

    Hugs, YoKasta :)
  • Pam

    Hi Mandy, The dupont resource center has opened their dorrs to us. they email the doctors in their network. I was disappointed the first meeting we hd one perosn show. Hopefully, word will spread. I will let you know when the next meeting is. See Ya Pam
  • Jennifer

    Hey Mandy. how have you been? How is the wig and hair going? I didn't do the tatoo eyebrows. I pussed out. lol but I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts. Plus the girl told me I need to do it before it all falls out so I can still have my natural shape. I just need to go do it, I'm sooo scared though. And I miss my eyelashes sooooo bad. I was an mascara freak! I LOVED mascara!!! sucks...and I hate those stupid fake lashes. iT TAKES ME forever, and then it looks stupid, so I take them off! I'm just havig a pity party. I'm done now. How are you!? :)
  • Casey

    Im going wig shoppin today. ill let you know how it goes!
  • Jennifer

    I know! I'm so scared it will look bad. Not that it looks good now. I just called the lady to make an appointment and I told my husband he has to go with me?? uuugggg, i'm scared. so maybe sat.?
  • baldiegirl

  • Melissa Harris

    Thanks for responding to my blog question. Where do you get your wigs and how do you like wearing them? Is it hard to get used to?
  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy,

    sorry i was unable to make your going away party. My mom came in for a visit so couldn't leave her I would have felt bad. But I can still come with you on the 13 th if you doin't mind. I'm gonna call to see if I can get in with Lisa.

    well hope you had a blast
  • Pam

    mANDY, wHAT SCHOOL ARE YOU GOING TO BE ATTENDING? i HAVE TWO DAUGHTERS. kILEE IS 23YRS OLD AND A HAIR DRESSER AT A SALON ON THE nORTH SIDE OF fORT wAYNE, SO IF YOU NEED SOMEONE TO GO TO WHO WILL BE SENSITIVE TO YOUR NEEDS, SHE IS THERE FOR YOU. mY OTHER DAUGHTER IS aMANDA, sHE IS A cna AT A NURSING HOME AND WILL BE ATTENDING ivy Tech this fall. If you need anything here in Fort Wayne, call me. My cell is 1-260-515-1436. there is also a girl who just got married and is from Indy that will be attending the meeting this tuesday. She found her first spots a few months ago. Hope your move to the Fort goes smoothly. see you soon. Pam
  • Melissa Harris

    Thanks for commenting back on the wigs. You new style looks great! Life to too short for us to let hair loss get in the way to living live to the fullest. I have my bad days too don't get me wrong, but I see that there is hope for us too. Wish you all the happiness in the world, you keep moving on girl! You look great! Thanks again!! Melissa
  • carl

    you look really good with or without the wig and i really mean that by the way not just saying to make you feel better
  • Becky.

    You look so beautiful with your wig! Truley, you enspire me. When i look at how happy and beautiful you look it makes me think, wow having halopecia isn't really bad at all. It makes us who we are honestly, your amazing <3

    -im so sorry i havn't been on in awhile, summer is amazing lol i hope you comment me back <3
  • Jillian

    I've been away. You look great girl...with or with out! Jillian
  • Carmella

    I just can't get over how awesome that new wig looks. I knew you could put it off, that smile fits with any hairstyle!!
  • Jessica

  • Jessica


    I'm so gald you are getting settled in, where are you going to look for work? Hey maybe you could get a job at a wig shop. I think you would have a lot to offer someone in your shoes that maybe isn't as positive about it. Just hey think of the discount on all the hair you could add to your collection.
    Will you be back here to maybe make a get together with us?
  • carly

    hey mandy, cute new wig
  • Harmony Restored

    Muah, ha, ha! You are so funny Mandy. I like the short style. Real cute!
  • carly

    hey mandy,
    thanks! next week i am getting my 2nd wig cute short with layers and blonde highlights! i am really excited- what is new with you
  • Pam

    Are you settled in??? The dates for the nex support group meetings are Tuesday September 16th 5:30-7, Tuesday October 14th 5:30-7 and Tuesday November 18th 5:30-7. Maybe you could post the information on campus? Welcome to the Fort . Pam
  • Pam

    I love the wig. It is adorable.
  • carly

    o sounds fun- school is getting TOO close i dont want summer to end
  • Becky.

    i love wearing one too!

    dude, i got blue clip in extensions and the 2cnd day of school the stupid teacher told me i had 2 take them out. bogus right?
  • Roger

    How is the new place Mandy?
  • Becky.

    lol i dont even know any of my teachers names and i am this close to falling asleep in all of there classes lol. except science, i sit next to one of my friends Josh, and in Gym i sit next to one of my other friends John and my crush Matt<3
  • Carmen Dayhoff

    hello. thank you for your reply. really i'm only about an hour or hour and half away. i live off of the interstate, so it would be real easy to meet somewhere. and just knowing there are others out there close by is a nice comfort as well. By the way... your hairpiece looks great on you. I believe you said that was Raquel Welch. I love her stuff. It's comfortable and pretty and AFFORDABLE. At least you found a good style for you.
  • Laurie


    We haven't spoken, but I have to say, you have one of the most positive attitudes about hairloss I have ever seen. You are an inspiration to the rest of us. You can read my profile for more info but I either have chronic telogen effluvium or pattern loss. Either way, it's coming out. I just hate the transition. I wish it would just stop falling out or just all come out so I could move on. I feel stuck right now in the transition (and I'm not a patient person). I'm sure I'll get to the other side like you did. Anyways, thanks for the good vibes you send out!
  • Laurie

    Probably about 40% of my hair. No obvious spots as it is pretty even through the scalp. To a casual observer, I just have fine, sparse hair.
  • Laurie

    Thanks for the advice. I think I am actually prepared if it all comes out. Honestly, I wish it would just make up it's mind one way or the other. All I need is for this to drag on for years!!
  • Mom

    Mandy, the short wig is really cute! you have come so far so fast. Your attitude is great and seeing the photos of you before you shaved reminds me So much of Carly's loss and brings back how tough it was about then. She is doing great in 7th grade and her new shorter cut on her wig is so cute. She has more good days than bad now, do you still have any regrowth? Carly is having a lot of growth lately , but she is realistic about it and just prays it continues.
    Take care, Amy
  • Jessica

    Hey Mandy,

    How are you? How's Ind. and school? well talk to you sooon.

  • Jessica

    busy, busy, so where are you working? Are you still in luv with your new hair? I'm starting my search for a new wig soon my hair has started falling out again but now it's where you can notice it.
    I think I'm gonna try synthetic this time they are so much easier to take care of I've heard.
    Do you think you will be back out this way any time soon?
    If you are please make sure to let me know so we can get together for a drink or something.

    take care

  • Mom

    Hey Mandy... Carlys having a tough time lately, could you give her a little pep talk? She is doing great in school and her sports/friends and is joining student council. She gets down on herself sometimes though, and stresses out about her hair at times. We talked about you last night and how she shouldnt feel alone because of great people she has talked to on this site.
    Thanks, Amy
  • elvira delgado

    hello mandy
    i also live in chicago 20 minute from down town
    i been with alopecia for about 2 years been to many doctors
    at firts they said it was stress then thyroid later alopecia
    i been going to a dermatologist am trying aroma therapy
    i want to hope it can grow again i been using a wig but am always scare that it might fall out or that someone might be able to tell mine started with small coin sizes patches but
    as i comb or shower it will just fall it started in the back
    then on the very from to the point that i could not hide it anymore so i shave it all and sense then it has not grow again .
  • carly

    hey mandy,
    yea now im doing ok
    just needing a little time with my friends :)
  • Mom

    Thanks Mandy, you are a great help to Carly