Elline Surianello


New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am Elline, and like so many of you, I have been living with my own hair situation for a very long time. I have andro-genetic alopecia and started experiencing the effects of hair loss at the early age of 9.

After finding no suitable, safe, high-end and all-natural alternatives for my accelerating hair loss - I took it upon myself to stand up for the 46 million women in the United States who suffer from some form of hair-thinning or hair loss. This has been the driving force behind the LeMetric Hair Centers, which I created, and continues to be my main focus.
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Orbit

    Hi there, I went to your website and am still not sure just what it is that you offer? Not wigs, weaves etc. Then what is it, I'm very curious.....
  • Roger


  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi Elline..Im Bob...I wanted to greet you personally,and say Welcome to Alopecia World..Its a great place should you have AA..LOL..Lots of people with good intentions..Welcome..Bob
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Elline, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Elline, actually we have seen your video before on youtube. Thanks for sharing.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Elline..I watched your story..It seems like we share a similiar story,only Im a man..I have found my own peace in my skin,and AA always seems to have a mind of its own..Its definitly a story with no boring parts..Like you,if it had not been for AA,I wouldnt be the person I am today..It has opened many aspects of my life I would of never found had there been no AA,and like yourself,I wouldnt trade a minute or change a thing..Besides my Mom.,and My Son,Having AA was the best thing that ever happened to me..No i dont love it either,but such is life..Nice work..Good for you..Bob
  • Alex

    Hi, thanks for the add! How are you?
  • Bob Hershberger

    Elline..That would be my hope also.I believe the key is,that I find a lot of people,including myself,who felt like a lepor or something,for something I had totally no control over..A girl named 3mee,sent me a letter saying how ashamed she was,and all she did was hide herself,and didnt want to involve her family,so they wouldnt worry..I wrote her,to mention that what she has,wasnt her fault at all,and if she could,of course she wouldnt have AA,AU..I told her,that if she had done something that was a embarrassment to her family,that would be one thing,but she's done nothing,but suffer silently..I told her that any man with EYES,would definitly see how much courage she has,and like myself,I find that very attractive,especially since I know how hard it is..to go out as is,and just be myself..It gets easier with time,,I dont know if it ever goes away,but I tried to show her that she had nothing to be ashamed of,and she would definitly find her a man who was worth her time..I asked her if there was a support group in Malayasia,and if not,START ONE..I bet there is way more people than she might think,.and in that group,maybe somebody she could find happiness with..But basicily,just be yourself,as you didnt choose this dilemina called AA..Thanks for your return note..I appreciate that..I think only a few certain people understand how hard it really is to life with this disease..I know you know,we know!!! ~~ Best regards..Bob
  • Danna

    Thank you for your courage and for helping others with this issue. I needed a term for the type of hair-thinning that I have suffered with since I was 25 or 26. I can tell you it would have made the difference at that age to know that there were other women out there going through this medical condition. Through the years I have been asked some pretty horrific things and all because I wore no wigs and very short (very sparse) hair. Thanks again for your courage.
  • Stacie Duda

    thank you for the invite! i will not be able to make this one because i'm moving into my new apartment on sunday, but if you ever have another please let me know and i'll try to make it down! :)
  • Danna

    Thank you for the invite as well. I will not be able to make this in the foreseeable future based on my location.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Thanks Elline...I can always use a ""atta boy"" every now and then,and back at ya..If I can even help one persons life,a little easier than mine,then its a good day..
    ..Keep the faith..give the love..share the happiness..Bob : )
  • Rachel

    Saw your video of you commenting on what it is like to walk down the street bald, and I completely agree. Friends ask me why I don't do it and to just "be myself" but its overwhelming to be the focus of so many stares from people wondering "is she sick" to people glaring or staring out of rudeness. So! I am going to use your words to help me explain to them why I don't want to prance down the street basically naked. Its uncomfortable and people think I'm dying or a radical punk rocker or something. Whew!
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    I love your videos of information and empowerment! You are a blessing! :) You are going to help so many with your words of wisdom, keep spreading your love! Thank you!
  • Carol

    Hi Elline
    I caught one of your videos just now and think that the awareness you are spreading is great! You have a wonderful attitude - keep up the great work! :)
  • Carol

    Hi Elline
    I checked out your website and I'll keep an eye open for a Toronto workshop but I'm curious about what goes on at a workshop. I'll let my support group know about it too, we've actually got a wig maker coming to our next meeting to talk about the different types of wigs and answer questions for us. Have you ever heard of Josef Tanti?
    I have to buy a wig, just to wear during interviews and certain social events, the ones I have are very frizzy (I noticed at the last meeting everyone had very nice wigs, I'd be ashamed to wear mine after that). I just wish they weren't so expensive! Anywho, I look forward to seeing you sometime! :)
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi Elline..Its funny were both trying to assist others..I think its a AA thing..Either way,its a good thing..God Bless..Bob
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Thanks for the heads up on your Phoenix connection; I am trying to work out a day of beauty consultations for a small group of ladies here called the Desert Divas. Mario is Sandy's make-up artist at the salon, who's putting the day of beauty tips together for us. Thanks again for the information! :)
  • Steve

    Good Morning! Hi, my name is Steve and I am in the city all the time! Where is your salon? Is it OK for guys to show up? I would love to meet some alopecians scalp-to-scalp! ;)
  • Laurie


    From my profile I'm sure you learned that I'm not sure if I actually have AGA or telogen effluvium. However, all I know is that I'm loosing hair! While I still have hair I just don't like it. It is so thin and lifeless. What would you advise while I'm waiting to see if things change? I've pretty much lost most hair in the temles and my part is widening at the front. I just want to feel like my old self again! Thanks for being such an inspiration - at least I know there is hope for the long haul!
  • Laurie

    Thanks, Elline. I saw the dermatologist yesterday - she still strongly feels it's telogen effluvium. The shedding is slowing down somewhat so we'll wait and see (and try not to think about it!!!). Glad to know there's options though....
  • Alexandra

    Hi Elline!
    I was recently diagnosed with Androgenic Alopecia and I see you have it too. I am not too familiar with it, but I would really appreciate it if you could tell me what to expect.
    Have a great evening!
  • Laurie


    Do you have any recommendations in the Houston area? THANKS!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are the BEST! Thank you for taking the time to make a video -- I can't tell you how happy I am that you love the book!!! Great BIG HUGS!
  • Julia

    I've been meaning to come over here to your "space" to just say hello.

    I've seen your videos and I'm just very proud how we ALL have just stepped up and out.

    Take Care


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Elline,
    I just wanted to let you know that my publisher put your "Thank You" video to me on the corporate web site...you are the BEST! You can see it at: www.nightengalepress.com. XO!