gabe inostroza


Bluffton, IN

United States

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About Me:
I HAVE 2 KIDS WITH ALOPECIA. . 1 HAS TOTALIS AND THE OTHER ONE HAS AREATA. I GOT SIGNED UP ON THIS SITE HOPING TO CONNECT WITH OTHER PARENTS. WHO HAVE CHILDREN WITH ALOPECIA. MY KIDS ARE 17 AND 13 **** Update**** 02/02/21 - Both my boys have Totalis one is 23 and the other one is now 27. The 27 year old has a child and no signs of Alopecia he is 2. The 23 year old is in the Navy and married.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • April & Alyssa

    Hi gabe.. just wanted to say thanks for requesting alyssa and that you have a beautiful family.. ..... have a good week.. :o) april
  • Linda

    Hello Gabe, welcome to AlopeciaWorld!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Gabe. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA

    Hi Gabe! Welcome to this awesome site! I can't tell you how much its helped me to be in touch with other parents whose kids have AA, etc. Thanks for sending the friendship invitation, now I don't feel so alone, having two kids with AA. My kids are 10 (next Wednesday) an 11. They both have AA. It is very very cool that your son plays football! My son also aspires to play tackle football. He tried out for the toughest local team. 45 kids were cut ~ my son was one of the last five cut, and the poor guy took it sooooooo hard. He is very determined to go back next year and make the team. How many years has your son played football? Is your daugther also athletic? My daughter loves Track & Field. How long have the kids had AT & AA? Does it run in the family? Has it been chronic, or has it gone away for some time then reappeared? Are the kids interested in, or receiving treatment? How have you and your wife coped with this situation? We don't have a history of AA on either side of the family ~ very frusterating that it starts here ~ out of the blue. This is the second time my daughter's had it. My son is a newbie, and we noticed his first patch last June. I'll look forward to you or the wife emailing anytime!!
  • Jessica Picardi

    Hi, Welcome to Alopecia world. I am so glad you joined. I am interested in hearing more about your experience with your 2 children. My son, Adrian was diagnosed with alopecia when he was 5, he is 9 now. He has AU. My daughter started withi it when she was 4 and has had about 2/3 of her hair grow back. She is 6 now. I have not treated my kids at all. Have you tried anything? Welcome again and hope to hear from you soon.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Gabe,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA

    Hi again Gabe! Sounds like you are doing a great job with the boys. It sure is nice to chat with other parents who understand AA. There are so many wonderful parents here who are very honest with information and helpful!! I've finally stopped talking to my co-workers about my kids' AA ~ since I've been lucky enough to stumble upon this website. The co-workers just don't understand, and have that attitude of "its only hair ~ what are you worried about." When it is your kid with AA, sometimes there is very tricky parenting you need to perform. Seems like, until you accept the AA ~ it is like you are the one loosing your hair or really grieving. We love our kids so much, and with AA we are not in control to help ~ and it hurts! So far, my kids' patchy AA is minimal, they are treating with shots every four weeks, and by looking at them you can't tell they have AA (unless a big wind blows up!). Even with the shots, AA will run its course, only slower. The dermatoligst says the kids will be into remission well within a year. We are six months into the shots treatment, and sometimes I wonder if I am only prolonging the inevibility of their hair loss. I know what you mean about wondering what you may have done wrong, as a parent for your kids to have this. It sounds like your family is just as healthy and active as mine!! I'm so glad you have a new wife to help you and the boys through this. It must have been tough going through a divorce, and not trying to worry the kids. My kids didn't really know my brother, but he died last June, and I hide my grief from the kids, worried that stress would cause additional hair loss. On the 4th of July, I drove his ashes back home to our family (four hours away). My husband couldn't go & I just had to do it alone. Between the worry over the kids' AA & grief at the lose of my only brother, I thought I'd have a nervous breakdown, but I made it through it! I guess it is true: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger ;o) You know, if the boys ever decide to try treatment, we got my daughter's hair back last time with a steriod cream & Men's Roggaine (each applied twice daily). Does your son with AA have to clean shave every day? Do you help him shave each time? What kind of shaver do you use? I'm just wondering, in case my son decides to do the same in the future. Well take care Gabe, and write back when you have time.
  • Jessica Picardi

    I know just how you feel in allot of what you said. From the diagnoses to the school experience. I racked my brain wondering what I did wrong or what I didn't do right as well. I searched and searched for the cause...never to find one, or an answer I was happy with. It took a while for me to accept thier condition, I wanted to fix it. School is a whole other experience. It has for the most part been okay, with a few issues with teasing here and there. There seems to always be a couple of kids that are just plain mean. This year for my son has been the hardest so far. He has been teased quite a bit and feels like he has no friends. It breaks my heart. My son is more of the artsie type. He plays the piano and loves to draw. He is really great @ both. I actually just enrolled both of them in Karate, we start Saturday! I thought that it might help them both with self confidence. I think as parents the best thing we can do for our kids with this condition is give them lots of encouragement, let them be themselves, and give them the tools they will need to face this sometimes very cruel world. I am trying. I just had a new baby too! I as well wonder if my new little one will develope the condition or if it was just the combo of me and my ex. I am sorry your youngest is not dealing as is tough. I think my daughter is still a little young to completely understand. Well feel free to vent feels good to be able to talk about it, and know you are not alone. I don't know if you have considered attending a NAAF conference, but they are really great. I have taken the kids twice and they loved it. We didn't make it this year since I had just had a baby. We hope to go next year though. You should check it out, I think your boys would enjoy it. Charlie Villenueva with the Bucks attended last year to visit the was great. Well take care, talk to you soon!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Gabe, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • John Paul

    For what it's worth, Gabe, I had full blown alopecia when i turned 11 (6th grade) and - for a number of reasons I guess - i wore a wig until i was 27. Wow...hard to believe....but it was a different world back in the 70's and even the 80's (pre MJ, i like to say). Anyway, i was a complete jock and played football in to college - all with that ridiculous wig! So when i see your handsome son here, and he's doing what he loves as God meant him to be, I can't tell you powerful and uplifting it is for me (i could only dream of simply being the bad-ass football player, instead of the guy who was afraid to take his helmet off). Can't be easy - it isn't for any of us - but he's already at a point of acceptance that is years beyond mine...and that will only help to further his development and strengthen his sense of self. All the best...