Connor Chapman


Atlanta, GA

United States

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About Me:
I was diagnosed about a month ago with alopecia. My first spot appeared in May. For now i only have two spots which are going away slowly. Im learning to cope with it after i started school. Its not as bad as i thought it would be when i first was diagnosed. Besides passion is soccer..i hope to play proffesionally.. and pretty much my only other extreme passion is music...i play the drums, guitar, piano, and sing a little, and dancing.thats fun to
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Lacey

    ohhh cool. I am seeing a natural path. And in october i get to see a specialist hopefully that helps.
  • Roger


  • Lacey

    aahah, wowweee connor your just to funny.
    A mountain lion eh, i think i should come up with something like that. I read that to my friend she was almost peeing her pants laughing aha. Hows school going though, everything is going well?
  • Sophie Ray

    helloo. how are you? x
  • Lacey

    aha thats great. No i'm freaking out i want to get them before school. But my mom insists that i don't get them untill i make sure they wont make the spots bigger! So your really into soccer eh? I play rugby its pretty cool. I'm small so i often get a weird look when i tell people that. But i'm tough!
  • Lacey

    Heey connor!
    How are you?!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Connor..Thanks for writing..I didnt know my article was at the NAAF website..Thats kinda kewl I think?? It seems like more people have just recently noticed it and wrote me to mention it..Either way,thats nice to hear..If youd like to be friends,I could always use more friends..Its nice to know were not so alone... God Bless...Bob
  • Lacey

    Heey, nothing really
    Listening to some music and drawing.:)
  • Lacey

    Heey buddy
    Its actually not till tomorow, I got all mixed up aha. I'm kinda freaking though!!
  • Lacey

    =( No my mom wouldn't let me, not yet at least. Its gonna take some convincing and thanks Connor i hope your right! I'm just gonna draw alot and try to calm down. It seems to help aha
  • Lacey

    Definitely, it gets me through everything. Art is huge here aha.
  • Lacey

    Well, actually
    i love all types of art, poetry, drawing i LOVE drawing cartoons and portraits. I am working on painting aha. I like to perform to
  • Lacey

    Well, i've been in musicals
  • Lacey

    lmao, actually thats the one thing i cannot do:(
  • Lacey

    ahah i better still be cool
  • Lacey

    i do track, i love sprinting hbu besides soccer aha
  • Lacey

    lmao, your to funny ping.pong is pretty hard core not gonna lie:)
  • Lacey

    your owning my wall aha
  • Lacey

    Well its basically just what we do ;)
  • Alex

    hi, im alex...whats up?
  • Lacey

    Connor buddy,
    How are you doing?!
  • Lacey

    Im goood!
    School was good actually not to to shabby! Its not as bad as i expected no one could tell. Of coarse i was paranoid the whole time aha.
  • Alex

    im pretty good

    im kinda jealous that you can play the drums, im musically challenged haha
  • Lacey

    haha awee shucks, thank you darling we try ahah
    Its going SOO well actually, i can hide it well. soo. haah
    How is school going for you i hope well!
  • Lacey

    awee serious! that sucks ALOT! I'm suure you guys will get better.
    Isn't soccer in the winter?
  • Lacey

    ahah i see i see, i'm not exactly a soccer girl lol
  • Courtney

    hay conner. im courtney. almost 13. wanna talk sometime?
  • Lacey

    Rugby season is spring. Can't wait i play winger for small speedy kids aha
  • lauren

    i love to play soccer to. what postion do you play?
  • lauren

    Cool. i play left defender and left forward.
  • Lacey

    Dooo it, yeah its fairly hard but if you've ever played football you'll be fine. I dont know much about scrum or anything since i'm on the wing line, i think thats the only difference between rugby and football oh and you have to pass behind you instead of infront. That part of it is a tad weird aha. But its so fun. You'll probably get hurt alot my knees were ALWAYS scraped and scratched it was horrible. We call them our battle scars aha. You should do it. Are you small? Because if so you'll most likely be the same position as me!:)
  • Lacey

    WINGER then wooot. aha.
    I like your picture=), liken the glasses kinda feminine dont you think?
  • Lacey

    ahha sorta figured, i have some like that. I call them bug eye classes aha
  • Lacey

    Heey budday nothing to much.
  • Lacey

    Happy birthday Sorry REALLY LATE
    How are you doing?
  • Lacey

    Heey hun,
    i've been okie. School is getting harder.. people have started to notice , like if my hair moves weird or somthing :( Not cool.
  • Lacey

    welll thank you darling thats nice of you to say.
    But confidence is not soo great however
  • Lacey

    Well, me and this guy i have been seeing it kinda ended it. And we had been seeing each other for a year, but i just got tired of waiting on him. :( And i'm So SAD about that.
    And idn. i'm really scared i'll never find a boy who i loved like i loved him especially now..:(
  • Lacey

    Of coarse
    Its :)!
    Hope to here from you soon love.
  • Lacey

    thank you foor all the picture comments your too much=)
    They made my day.
    How are you!?!?
  • Lacey

    heey i havent been yet.
    not going till March silly . lol
  • Lacey

    I am doing Alright, no i'm not as upset anymore. I actually might like a new one :o hbu? how are girls and things?!
  • Lacey

    Heey now,
    what is that suppose to meean? lol
  • Lacey

    i put up a picture of the boy that broke my heart lol
  • Lacey

    red shirt and silver tye, i figured i should give you a visual eheh
  • Lacey

    eheheheh I love it. Thank you Connor. too bad he'll never see that..
  • Lacey

    i should eh?
  • Lacey

    rreally long story.,
  • TC

    hey...sweetie hows it goin??? xx
  • Sophie Ray

    hey, sorry ive taken ages to reply! im good thankyou. what have you been up to? i was just reading your info- i used to play the drums! woo! do you ever come to england for soccer camps or anything? x