Bob Hershberger



United States

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About Me:
Hi everyone..Im Bob..Im 54 and single..Ive had Alopecia since I was 15 years old..Its been on and off all my life..It turned out to be a spiritual journey,allowing me to look inward at the real me,and my spirit,which has led me to many great things.Of course that didnt happen overnight..I had plenty of mornings,when I'd wake up and look in the mirror,and say..WHY ME !!!".I did that a lot for at least 3 years,.Its not easy to feel normal with AA..Especially for women..I say.."DEFINE NORMAL"..Anyway,Ive had AA for 35+ years,and I still dont like it.,but truly feel blessed to the things I learned by having AA...I think Alopecians are special people..They usually just glow in a unique way..Anyway,to all my fellow Alopecians,know I love you all,and may you find peace in you own skin..It takes time,but hang in there,and if anybody would like to chat,or seek advise,Im not the smartest,or the dumbest,but Id love to help if I can..So just who's out there anyway?? Maybe we should have a dating section here in AW??
Ps..I'd love to be friends with anyone seeking a friend,so hit me with a request,and I'll be here for you anytime you need..TX
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • traci

    hi bob, thanks for the add! i remember your article from the NAAF spring newsletter last year - it was published on the pages before my own pages! i'm also from northern california. how has your summer been? i hope you have a beautiful day! =)
  • Connor Chapman

    i read your article on the NAAF was very supporting
  • Geri

    Just got back the other day from Florida, and OMG, it was so hard too get back in the swing of things and even worse to get ready to go back to I had a great time although it was so so hot. Glad the walking in the heat thing made you laugh but it was the truth....Have a great day....Maybe we could talk on the weekend...
  • Roger

    Yes, Bob that was the NAAF thing! Dont worry =) It was was nice of you!

  • Roger

    Bob...are you far way from San Francisco? Im going there next month. And im going to there support meeting too.

  • Roger

    Bob. Lets try to meet in Houston for the conference next year?
  • Zoey

    Yes Bob... That would be awesome... Roger sent me the info.. Do you have the info
  • Zoey

    Yes.. Guess where we are going tomorrow!!!! BUGORAMA at the Sacramento Raceway! I cant wait.. I looove VW's
  • Zoey

    My Boyfriend will be driving :o) But, I will meet ya there.. It will be so nice to meet both of you! Heck, it wiull be nice to actually meet in person someone with alopecia...
  • Zoey

    Whats your email address-I will forward you the address and info :)
  • Zoey

    Mister Bob.. Did you get it?
  • Mark

    hey bob... hope youre well. Love the pic dude... thats a great beard you have... im jeleaous LOL... Ali p took my stubble ... have a patch in my hair as well. Do you have any theories as to the cause of this ? seeing as youve had it so many years ... any patterns ? Did it ever effect your beard?
  • Nezz

    Hey Bob, thanks for your comment.
    Its so nice 2 know I'm not alone :)
    Take care
  • Zoey

    I resent it Bob earlier today.. Did you get it now??
  • Zoey

    OKay :o) I was getting worried! I am hoping the Emilie this new gal I met, she lives kinda close to us. I think she said, she might go. Its going to be neat to meet you all..
  • Zoey

    I would like to go earlier and visit China Town. I like to walk around on the gift shop streets, once me and my friends were walking around trying to find the right street and we walked down the food/grocery street-BIG MISTAKE! I was in tears. They are savage on that street. Never again man, never again!
    So.. I gotta find that right street and walk up and around that street only!!
  • Zoey

    Oh yea.. Its sooo sad!!!! Should I dress up for the meeting too?? Maybe i will go as Princess Lea.. lol
  • traci

    thanks for the awesome comments bob! and of course i remember your article from NAAF, i loved it! having a good summer? i'm visiting family back home for another week or so before school's so hot here in norcal, i'm glad i shaved my head! (haha!)
  • Zoey

    Its okay mister B.. :)

    I forgive ya.. Muah
  • Bob Hershberger

    Marisa..I just found out,I did accidentally block you..I swear..Good thing Im not a computer repair man..I'll find out how to fix this ASAP..Sorry..Thats the last thing I wanted to do.. : (( : o
  • Lorena

    Hi Bob you are so handsome , thought I would tell you that ,I can't believe you are single. Have a great day ..nice smile.
  • Zoey

    I plan on it mister Bob... :o) Are you still going??

    I might not make the pizza before.. I hope I can.. But no promises.. Are you going for the pizza?? You should!!!
  • Roger

    Have a great time at the meeting! My friends will be there!

  • Bob Hershberger

    Wish me luck..I hope that navagitation system works good tonight..My sense of direction sucks..LOL..Bob : ))
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Bob,

    It was nice meeting you as well.
    I'm glad you made the trip to SF.
    You're a great guy thanks for sharing you life with us.

    See you in Nov and here too.

  • Roger

    Im glad you liked it! Jeff, Matt and Fred are really nice!


    P.S. Are you planning to go to Houston next summer too?
  • Zoey

    :( Im sad I missed it! It sounds like it was so much fun! I hope I can make it in November.
    I wish I could drive myself, then I would of made it there in time. Oh well... Next time.. How long did it take you to drive there? What time did you leave here?
    By the time he got home, it was already 5!
  • Geri

    Hey Bob,
    Just been kind of bummed out lately. Still worried about my daughter, although she seems to be doing
    better. I know this is going to be a long road for her and I want her to know that I am with her through it all.
    Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. It really helps. Have a great day and a great weekend. Maybe I will get a chance to call you this
  • Zoey

    Howdy Bob.. I might take you up on that, if I cant get him/mom to drive me.
    My mom is going to Texas with me next summer.. But, she lives in Los Angeles~So, I am going to ask her if she can come up here in Nov and take me to SF.
    My BF works for the government. and since all this curd is going on lately.. He has been quite busy....
    Just want the budget signed and finished... And everyone that lags next year should be FIRED!
    lol thats my opinion anyways.. I figure all they have to do is the budget, they have all year long.. Whats the deal?? Who knows....

  • Bob Hershberger

    Id love to stay in touch..Why not..Bob
  • traci

    hey bob, sorry for the late comment back, but i've been unpacking back down here in irvine and preparing for classes to start in a few days. "back home" would be sacramento! and man, that triple digit weather was definitely something i forgot about the valley. surprisingly it doesn't get too hot down here in irvine. so what's new with you lately? =)
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    bob! there is no need for a sorry, im glad i am in good hands :-) it was super nice to meet you at the meeting, and i certainly look forward to the next one! keep in touch
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Bob,

    It was one of those impulse posts without forthought. I hope I didnt offend you. If I did I am sorry. I think you are a great guy with a great attitude.
    I very much enjoyed your expressiveness and sharing at the meeting.
    Again no ill will or judging meant.

    Forgive me?

    Your friend,

  • JeffreySF

    Dear Bob,
    Again, I am sorry and I am glad we are friends.
    None of us chose this disease. I accept it and embrace it and even chuckle with its challenges.
    I just want to be happy and move forward with my life. I am so greatful to all the people here who accept me for who I am.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • Matt

    Hey Bob,
    It was great meeting you too! It nice to be part to be part of this club even though none of us wanted to be in it. I'm impressed you drove all the way from Folsom. I will definetly be there in November. You should join us for pizza before hand next time.
  • Zoey

    bob!! Guess what!!! I am starting to decorate for my favorite holiday ever!!!!!! I am having ahuge big 1 0 party for my son next friday.. His theme is Pirates sooooooo I get to decorate early for Halloween!! YIPPY!

    I got the pirate panels and spider webs and last night as my son and I were coming home from Karate- We saw inside Walgreen huge skeleton guy that are 12 feet high!!! So, of course we had to stop and take a look!!!
    After I get the entire downstairs decorated we might go back and get one of them.. if we have a place for it....

    Did you know there is a Spirit in the Walmart center here!! Oh yea.. I have already been there 4 times! My son got his costume!! This is going to be a great Halloween...... What are you dressing up as?????????

    Woah~Thats a bit much huh!

    Muah Zoey
  • Zoey

    Happy Birthday!!! I think its awesome to have your birthday in October.. being thats its my favorite month of the year...
    When my boyfriend got home last night, he was like it looks like a haunted house in here already!
    What he doesnt know, I havent even begun!! Muahahaha

  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    hey bob! i'm pretty good thanks, busy but good. San francisco has had some nice weather too which is always nice! And how have you been,?im sure it is tough for you to get out here for the meetings, but it would be great to see you again! you said you have something i might find interesting?? Id love to hear/see it! talk to you soon :-)-Rebecca Delete Comment
  • Matt

    Hi Bob,
    We always meet at 6pm before the meetings at a place called Georgio's pizza. I may have spelled it wrong. It's at the corner of 3rd and Clement. Email Peggy at and get put on the email distribution!
  • Matt

    Hey Bob,
    Things are good over here. The co-chair with Fred Wahl is Annette Perot. The only contact information I have for her is her number. (650) 571-0887. Have a good weekend! My cat's name is Hairy!
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    awesome! i am really trying to learn as much as i can about this, so i cant wait to hear what you found! you always leave such wonderful messages, i appreciate that, thanks! look forward to seeing you soon
  • Ellen Harte

    Hello Bob

    Thank you very much forh welcome, I appreicate all the wonderful people who have said hello to meEllen
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    happy belated birthday,...i hope that it was a good one!
  • Roger

    Hi Bob.

    Hows things over there?

  • Roger


    Im fine too thanks. Im having some lunch on saturday with some of my support group members here in Stockholm. And in november ill be going to Copenhagan, Denmark for an Scandinavian meeting.

    Yes, you have to come here someday. Specially on the summer.
  • Maureen

    hey Bob, How are you? Just stopping by to say Hi! How are you feeling these days? I hope all is well.
    take care Maureen
  • cheree

    We learn to do with what we have. I have changed to short blonde hair for now. LOL that is the great thing about AA, everyday can be a new day.
  • Zoey

    Well my sons birthday weekend went very well. On Friday when all the boys had their party/sleep over- They didnt sleep at all. Soooo they were very moody the next day. and the next day we had our family come over and had the family bday party- Craziness! I was ready to drop dead of tiredness.
    Then this weekend, we left Thursday night for Los Angeles. Went to Knotts Scarey Farm, Hollywood & Six Flags Magic Mountain~Had a ball.. I might be posting pictures soon!
    I have been doing school work since I got home Monday night. I have soo many testes and projects due by this Friday. Sooooo I am deep with studying since we got home.
    But.... I am looking forward to this next weekend.. I am going to RELAX!! If I had the money to go to a spa, I would sooo be there...

    How was your birthday??? Did you hear about Bogie trying to get something together for the Roseville area???? Like a lunch think on the weekend. She said October- I am not sure if I can do it this month due to I am soo busy! But, Nov or Dec I would be down.. Hey, I could drive myself! lol

    Miss talking to ya...

  • 3mee

    Hi Bob! Sorry 4 de late reply. I am fine. I found a new job and have been busy travelling around Malaysia. My hair's still de same. I didn't think about it much nowadys. I guess that's improvement :)
    What about you? by the way, what do you do to earn a living?
  • Craig

    Hey Bob, How come you didn't come to the lunch in Old Sac on saturday? Hope to meet you someday