Gena King

41, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a 27 yr old single woman living with alopecia in the world. I got diagnosed when I was 10. It grew back when I was14 and 3 yrs ago it started falling back out. So I have been dealing with this all over again, with brand new things to go through and got my first wig in four yrs. I love to gamble, poker,horses you name it, I would bet on it. My favorite color is black and my favorite band is what ever im feeling at the moment. I can eat tacos any time any day.What do you want to do with the rest of your life,? "I wanna rock!" I have met some of you people on here at the conference that was here in louisville and I hope I meet you all every year... I know now that I am not the only one living with this and it rocks.Knowing your not alone has to be the best feeling in the world and alopecians, know how to party. I feel like I know who my people are. It gets better everyday and anything in my way I knock it down.Anythings possible no matter what your defliction is.It all depends on how you do you.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Gena, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I no longer wear hair, so I will get married without it as well. I seriously looking forward to seeing myself in a wedding dress bald. I am at a point that hair is not a part of me anymore and it is no longer something that I think I need to feel "beautiful" or whole. It took me many years to get to this point, but I am very content with my appearance.
  • barbara

    hello- Itoo am new to the chat room amd would love to chat with others
  • barbara

    my 20 year old daughter does. she lost all her hair last february- it was sudden and VERY upsetting
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Believe me they will be plastered all off this site! LOL! I truly believe as you continue to talk to others and interact your true beauty will be revealed to you.
  • Roger

    Hi Gena!

    Thanks for wrtiting! It would be awesome to meet up in Louisville!

    Ill will be there 18-23 june.


    Please look at for info about the conference.
  • Roger

    Hi Gena.

    Thats great. Cuz im going alone from Sweden and I dont know anyone down there =)

  • Dee Connelly

    H, We just wanted to say hello and welcome!
  • Carol

    No problem Gena! I was merely suggesting! I'd hate to think someone reacted to a situation uncomfortably and wished later that they hadn't done so because of me. ALWAYS do what you feel most comfortable doing. If you feel comfy enough to tell him that's super!!! Never be afraid of someone walking away because of your hair - they aren't worth your time. Keep your chin up kiddo!
  • Orbit

    Hi Gena! Just wanted to say hello! Keep smiling beautiful!
  • Billy Coutts

    thanks. i can only hope i did'nt pass the aa on to her.
  • Katie

    Thanks for the message! I have been getting the shots for a little over 2 years now. They have always worked, but they are sooo painful. I get anywhere from 5-30 shots every month. I am moving across the country this summer and worry about what is going to happen. I am afraid I won't get the same great treatment. I am also so worried that the stress of moving will cause my alopecia to get worse. Thanks a lot for the support. It is really nice to finally "talk" to someone is going through the same thing.
  • Roger

    Hi Gena.

    How are you?

  • Roger

    Sounds great!

    Yes, im very excited! How is Cinncinatti? I know its close to Louisville.
  • Roger

    Ill will be staying at The Marriott where the conference will be held.

    Im arriving to Louisville 8pm. My fight from Philadelphia will land at 5.45. =)

    I hope you win some money!!!
  • Roger

    Yes. Of course we can meet up there =) Like I said. I dont know anyone there. I just talk to some people in here and hope to meet some there.
  • carly

    thank you-i guess i am handling this well- and i like your dogs too

  • Billy Coutts

    yes, you are right. i have read that too. my mother, her mother and grandmother all have very thin hair. i must have gotten a mutated version of the jean.but who knows, everyone thinks something different triggered their aa.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    More proof that Alopecia does not hold us back... we only hold ourselves back.
  • Mom

    Thanks Gina, Carly said she likes your comments to her on her page... Thanks she really enjoys the positive support. It has been a rough alomst 2 years but she is doing ok, we have learned so much about Alopecia and wigs in the last year. She currently has some regrowth and we have not done any sort or treatments for a while now only the steroid inj helped but then the loss was too much.. The first photo on my page shows Carly in her first HH wig, we just received her custom wig and will go in tomorrow for a cut. It is a poly cap we have to tape on, that seems to work best for her. We also have a second custom coming with a full mono to and poly edge, i should have gotten that one first. I think our next step will be a vaccum wig. I guess I wish I would have done that for her right away but we didnt want to believe she would need a wig for a while, her loss was very slow over 1 year. I feel a bit guilty about that, i wonder if iam going about this the right way, It took me so long to even get a little educated about wigs and tapes, bonds its kind of hard to find out the details
  • Mom

    Thanks Gina, I showed Carly what you wrote last, about the boys, she smiled. Well today is her field trip Canoeing/rock climbing etc... We had a hard time this am with using the bonding (waterproof tape) It was too sticky and her wig is a snug fit we had to redo it about 6 times then we both started getting crabby about it, so she missed the bus and dad took her to school, we didn't have the best morning. Sometimes this situation really gets me mad!#%^. Her too!
    oh well we just have to keep plugging on!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Gena,
    Wow, I know what the deal is about dating and being afraid to have a man find out about your hair (or no hair)! After nearly 30 years with AA, I wrote a book about stuff like that with advice and personal experiences from a lot of other women like you and me, of varying ages. It also has makeup and wig tips, and lots of good info -- and it's fun to read! It's called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!"
    If you are interested, go to my page. There's a web site at the bottom: If you click on it, you will get to my author web site and be able to read more about the book, and order if you want to.
    Let me know how it goes with the guy!
  • sgomez

    Your welcome! I really meant it. We will always encounter poeple like Tom. There's nothing we can do to change them, but we can choose to be good and gracious poeple in spite of them. It will pay off one day, trust me. God will rain down His blessings upon your life. What goes around comes around.
  • Roger

    What goes around comes around....thats right =) "looking down"

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Gena, How was the rest of the conference for you?
  • Roger

    Hi. Ill be going and I think Kelly goes too =)=)=)
  • Ashley

    Hey Gena,
    I'm doing great, just been keepin really busy lately. How have you been doing?
  • Roger

    I like you dark!
  • manu

    I can make tacos ! . . . . $ 1.50 each....
  • manu

    Of course I can deliver some tacos for you, chicken, carne azada....I expect a tip also.....
  • Roger

    Im glad the power is back!
  • Roger

    Im curious what Ashley will say =)=)=)
  • Fitzy

    Hi, Sure thing. I wear a freedom wig and it is honestly transformed my life as an alopecian! They are superb, i get told I have beautiful hair from strangers who dont know, all of the time. Yes they stay on really well, would never fall off or anything like that, you have to let air in with your thumb at the back of the wig for it to come off. When I do speeches about alopecia I always get someone from the audience to pull really hard on the wig to prove the point. As they are real hair you can use hot rollers, irons or curling tongs etc. I use ghd's on mine as I think they are the best quality. You can dye them, best thing is you never get re growth! Um what can wear them in a pony tail, all you have to do is cut some whispy bit of hair shorter around the edges. So when you tie it up they cover the edge of the wig. Is there anything I didnt answer? thanks, Anna.
  • Ashley

    I definitely remember you telling me that!!! How awesome, I'll prolly grow mine out again, i just shaved it for the summer because I got so hot with "all this hair on my head!!!!" hahaha The best thing I got to hold mine up was gel and then hairspray. It works pretty well! Good luck, and proudly sport your hawk, because you look great with it. I will grow mine out soon and we will be the hot hawk chicks!! =)
  • Roger

    Hi Gena!

    How are you?
  • Ashley

    yay!!! how cool, i can't wait til our hawks can meet. =)
  • Roger

    Hey! Im fine thanks =) getting ready for bed soon. LOL

  • Roger

    Hi Gena! How was the bbq? And when are you starting the new job?
    Tomorrow thursday we having an Stockholm support meeting here. Im the only guy as always. LOL =)

  • Roger

    My Space Or Yours?.net