Chelsea McGee



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I recently was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. I'm having a hard time dealing with it, and looking for support from people that can truely understand.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Chelsea. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Nejy

    Hey Pretty girl... welcome! I'm sure you'll make a lot of great friends on this site. I'm sure you'll find this to be a great little community. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with:)Nejy.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Chelsea, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Roger


  • carly

    whats up,
    thanks fo the comment... :)
    do you have a wig... just in case...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Chelsea,
    I know how difficult having this condition can be. I have had alopecia for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It might make you feel better about everything. Check it out on my page -- and WELCOME!
  • Carmella

    Welcome. I like your blogs.
  • carly

    after i shaved my head and got my wig, i felt waaay better about my self... i wasnt having to go to the bathroom and check if my spots were showing in school and i wasnt like "are my spots showing?" all the time... i felt much more confident than i had before- and the shaved head feels awesome ;)
  • Nezz

    Hi Chelsea! Thanks for your comment!

    I'm also new to alopecia world and am also loving it! It's so refreshing to meet people that know what youre talking about and at some point have felt the way you do.
    And you're all so lovely too!
    My bald spots are like yours I was actually even scared to upload my photos on here, but now i will.
    I really really want to get a wig at this point, I cant stand it any longer! I've given up on wishing in would grow, i know it probably won't and if it does it will just fall out again and i really can't go through this 3 times around i would much rather just get a wig and be on my way to getting my self esteem back, if there is any possibility of that happening.
    Would love to talk to you some more!
    my msn is add me if u want :)
    take care,
  • Roger

    Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  • carly

    thanks... the first wig that i got had soooo much hair we tried and tried to thin it down, but after a couple months there was almost no hair left in it because i wore it constantly, so if you get i wig becareful not to get it too thin...
  • Rachel

    Thank you so much for encouraging me to get out of my house in my new wig. I am in the same boat as you are. I am definitely new to this whole alopecia thing. My first spot showed up about 3 weeks ago, and now, I have to wear a wig because of how quickly they spread. I loved coloring and doing fun things with my hair...I'm just trying the see that I can do all sorts of fun colors and lengths with wigs. Thank you for your comments!!
  • Victoria Laughren

    It so hard, I cried in tghe middle of my yoga class when I first found it. I always felt my hair was the attraction of my own femininity. I have lost on the top of my head, but not rapidly
    I am terrified and hope one day to be brave about it. I am so happy to hear that you have wonderful support from your boyfriend. and a puppy??? Wow, have lots of fun! I am using nioxin right now, drinking nettle tea and using a stress remedy as well as an Ashwaganda tincture. I went under an amazing amount of stress and thats when the AA became apparent. My mom has no eyebrows, wonder is its the same thing. Is there alopecia in your family? What part of AB you from?
  • traci

    hey chelsea, thanks for the add! how are you? have a beautiful day =)
  • ☆Joseph Giallombardo☆

  • Mauricio

    Hey, I was wondering how things are going for you. It's been a while since you've posted anything. Clue us in.
  • amanda~

    I am just wondering, where in Edmonton did you go for your wig? If you don't mind me asking, was it reasonably priced? It sounds like you had a good experience with that place. I'd be interested in checking it ou. Thanks.
  • amanda~

    Thanks for the info Chelsea. I guess I must have had a completely different experience at that place. I am happy to hear that you were able to find good people and good prices and an emotionally supportive experience overall. I will not be going back there again after my experience. It is always good to hear that things are improving in various places. All the best.
  • amanda~

    Hey Chelsea,
    Sorry it took me so long to reply, just been busy offline here. I did not have a good experience at The Wig boutique. The women was very rude about my desire to find human hair wigs. She talked to me like I was a child and like I did not know anything about alopecia. She later tried to convince me that synthetic hair was the only way to go and that human hair was "impossible" to get in Edm. Umm sorry lady, if you have internet access & visa, you can get whatever you want these days no matter where you live.
    Anyways, it was not a place I was rushing to go back to. Instead I am currently waiting for my new human hair wig to come from another place in Edm. where I've had fantastic service and experiences from day one of hair loss. Take care.
  • amanda~

    I have gone to Sir 101 from the beginning of my alopecia experience. However when I lived in Toronto and NY I found other places (pros & cons to anywhere). I have recently ordered another human hair wig in Edm from Sir 101 and it should be arriving shortly. I will keep you posted on the success. This time I got a full lace wig and they did a mold of my head to ensure perfect fit and secured to the head without glue or tape required. I am very excited. There is no doubt that human hair wigs cost more, but I personally find them to be more real looking, feeling and comfortable. They are lighter on the head and easier in various climates. Also you can curl, straigthen and style in any way you want. It's a personal choice I think.
  • chase

    hey babe...i joined in :) i love ya!!
  • Zoe

    Hey there,

    I like your new wig. What brand is it? You look great:-)
  • Jay

    hi im new to this site and new to seeing anyone that is going through the same thing I am and being so open about it. well, just want to say that I think your awsome. your boyfriend should know that hes a lucky guy to have a girl like you and he seems like a great guy too. well thanks for being some one to look up to