

Huetyown, AL

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I have had Alopecia for over 30 years. Mine began as Areata and eventually turned into Totalis (slowly becoming Unversalis). I am a RN in a local hospital ER. I spent 24 years in the military, served in Desert Storm. I knit, crochet, read and doodle some. I'm overall a happy, optimistic person that has learn to love myself with or without hair. It's always nice to find others like you.

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • as

    Hallo KnittyCat,
    welcome you upon this splendid place.
    Beautiful greeting from Czech republic. as
  • Wayne

    Welcome to the group.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Knitty!
    I have had aa for about 30 years as well! Good to meet you. Just wanted to stop by and find out how you are doing today!
  • Dotty

    Hi Knittycat,
    I wanted to thank you for the blog comment and the thoughts and prayers for Kristin. She is doing better and getting stronger every day. I saw a sign in the hospital that said "Every Day Makes a Difference." I realized how true that was while at the hospital with Kristin. I was there for 10 straight days and I saw my baby go from breathing by a machine to walking out of the hospital on her own!! It was an ER nurse that was able to calm me down initially on the phone by assuring me that she would be with Kristin every step of the way until I got there...and she was. Nurses are God's Angels!!! Thanx again for the message and I hope to get to know you much better. Thanx for the compliment on my tattoos also....BTW, I just won a tattoo contest for them!!!
    Hope to chat sometime with you. My email is if you'd like to chat. I also have Instant messenger services too. I love your outlook on life, it's a lot like mine.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    LOVE red hair!
    When you were in Desert Storm, did you wear a wig? When you say you doodle, does that mean you're an artist, too?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    AHA! That's where the red hair comes from, Ireland. I am also half Irish -- the Butler side, my Dad. Are you familiary with Kilkenny Castle? That used to be the Butler Castle until 1967.
    Thanks for telling me about your adventures in the garden, and the things you love to do.
  • Billie

    Hi Knittycat! Looks like your close to me on the map! Next door almost!
    Love the pictures you have posted. The red definatly looks good on you. You have the right coloring for it! I like your short hair & no hair, too. Your beautiful any way you are!
    Hey- Can we say that even at our age we still have got it going on! I checked our your blogger page- you are truly an inspiration!! Nice to meet you!
  • Tony

    Hi Marie, the horse was a 'rental' at a ranch were I stayed with my daughters up near Lake George, NY. That particular trip, we rode through the was absolutely breathtaking. The new barn I built a few years ago is empty and probably will be until the kids' finish school (please read that as until the college bills are paid off). BTW, your pictures are amazing...
  • Tony

    Hi Knitty, thanks for the add. I didn't realize you were a nurse. I worked in healthcare for many years so I know first hand that nurses are truly angels of mercy. Wow, from the military to the ER!
  • LeeAnna

    Where in Alabama do you live? We moved here a year ago from NYC (Staten Island). Do they have NAAF events around here?
  • Christine

    Seems like we have alot in common. I too like to crochet, (although I haven't in a few years due to nerve pain in my arm and neck), I have a black kitty that rules our house. I grew up in the Florida panhandle near Dothan, AL. Where in Al. are you? I bet we can share alot of stories about growing up with alopecia. It was not easy, and even now, I struggle at times with sharing it with others. I wish I could be more like you and go to work without my hair, but I am not there yet, and may never be. I applaud those that do though. Maybe if I looked as good as you do with or without hair I could. Your pictures are amazing. I hope we can chat sometime. Christine
  • Shannon

    hEY!!! I noticed you do not live to far from Nashville and I just wanted to stop by and tell you I am hosting a Links for Locks tournament here in the Nashville Area Friday Sept 19th and would love if you could make it!!! There are some people coming up from GA and down from KY !!! Would be awesome if you could come. It starts at 1:30 in the afternoon. Let me know if you would like some info. I am in need of golfers and maybe a few more sponsors ... if you have any connections or know of anyone who would like to play please let me know :) thanks

    Shannon O'Neill
  • Carla

    Ciao sono una signora Italiana mi chiamo Carla, ho letto il tuo profilo, mi piacerebbe diventare tua amica,potresti darmi il tuo aiuto per mio inizio alopecia areata.Io non parlo bene inglese , uso il traduttore.
    Ciao Carla.
  • Jenn

    I love knitters! I taught myself about 2 years ago and just tonight finished a beautiful shawl (it is getting cold here it Utah) from sock yarn. Any great knit tips or resources would be appreciated. ;)
    Bald Girls Rock, Jenn
  • Jenn

    Thanks for the resources. I will have to post pics of my projects. Today my 7 year old son asked me if I would teach him to knit. He said he wants to learn over the holiday break. How fun is that???