Phoenix 2.0

29, Male

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
has been awhile since i have been on this site an i am here to say if anyone needs to talk with me im here
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
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Comment Wall:

  • Angell

    Hey there. Love your page. I am in NJ, on the other side of the river if you would like to chat. Angell.
  • Phoenix 2.0

    and yet again hey guys check out theses very cool sites addicting cavie and i make comics my dearest ambition is to become a go kart racer i have lost 2 pets in the past, one's a guineapig it died 2 years ago and a chibull( a chiwawa mixed with a pitbull) AND I AM GROWING MY HAIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Drew

    Hey man, hows everything going your way? Hows your school year going?
  • Phoenix 2.0

    Hey has anyone been on lately? I haven't been seeing any messages from u guys! Where's your location,MARS?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Happy birthday, Isaiah! :-)