


United Kingdom

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Errrrm, well... i like music... work in the live music field... fav bands, fleet foxes, yeasayer... Justice....

Have AA in my beard which is disguisable but recently found a patch in my hair.... boo !!!!!
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mark,

    Welcome to Alopecia World

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Mark. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Roger

    Welcome Mark.

  • Jana

    hellooooo ..
    thanks for the add :)
  • Sally

    hey mark, thanks for the add and the comment! always nice to meet another londoner, let alone another londoner with alopecia! :) i'm from greenwich, south east london. i really like your profile song btw, may i ask who it is? How long have you had AA for?

    take care! x
  • Henrik

    heya Mark.

    Yeah I have a few. I was in school atm and had so much to do that I didnt have time to sleep for 3 days straight. At the same time I also broke up from a 7 year old relationship, which apparently was harder than I thought it would be :P

    What about you??
  • Henrik

    I dont mind at all. And it started about 8 months ago. and although its still spreading slowly it has started to grow back. So Im just hoping that the spreading will stop now =D
  • Jennifer M

    Hey Mark!
    Nice to "meet" you.
    How are you?
  • Jennifer M

    Sweden is okay!
    I've been to london when I was 11. But I wanna go back now! Think I'm gonna take a trip there this autumn or upcoming spring!
    Where in London do you live?
    You have alopecia?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Mark, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and I look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Nick

    yo. yeh good to see someone who likes live music and is in london haha. dont you find this condition dead weird and annoying... like one min i was an emo and bang!! ive got this LOL. its funny looking back at it.

    well it was last october and i was in uni at the time. i was going through the worst moment of my life and heavily stressed and suffered from depression during that peroid.. after i thought i had got over it i found a dead smooth patch on the back of my head and was like WTF... then it moved around and got pretty bad so i decided to clean shave my head.. about it lol.

    how about you?
  • Nick

    haha dont get me started on the beard area.. im usually clean shaven but now i dont have to have ever really... and it was really weird in the stages it went... for a while it left me with a bit of hair on the moustache (hitler style :S) LOL.. and its all pretty much disappeared apart from 1 or 2 odd hairs.

    yeh that is weird how kids get it..... must be certain triggers for certain people or something but stress appears to be a common one.

    ive had aa since about the start of november... its been like a curse. and nah i dont feel stressed much now.. soo my hair better grow back hahahaha. im from west london, ealing. how about you?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Mark, Thanks, that was our intention with the site, to make it a positive place of growth and learning. The do not have a cure for alopecia yet, so what do we do in the meantime... we keep living. So that whether they find a cure in our lifetime or not, we enjoy all that was meant for us. We are just taking a different route ;)
  • Nick

    haaha yeah my gp flogged me off saying it will grow back... i went straight back 2 wks after when i got another patch and it took ages to see a dermotologist. and now im getting light therapy... (puva) which ends up with me getting pretty horrible burn on my head sometimes and a really bad patchy tan on my head not to mention photo ageing lol nevermind.

    yeh i go to reading uni. i go back this october for my finals in law.
  • Jana

    yeah yeah im good .. what about you ?
    you like Justice ? awsome
  • Sally

    hey mark,

    Your right about this site, it is so nice to meet others. I've had alopecia since i was 4, and i get a bit carried away sometimes because i don't stop to talk with other alopecians about what its like, so it's a good place to keep grounded and of course meet interesting people- hair or no hair! I'm sorry to hear about the spread of your AA, but i hope this site reassures you.

    My Goldsmiths adventure has just ended- god that feels weird to say, but i have my graduation in a month! I'm now pursuing a career in theatre, (i.e. poverty!) I'm working for the national theatre's outdoor festival at the moment on the southbank, lots of fun! Have you always lived in E.Dulwich? I live in Greenwich if you know it!

  • Sophie Ray

    hii.. how are you? good to see another londoner on here! where are you from? isnt this english summer weather crap!? x
  • emma

    thanks for adding me hun, hope you well x
  • Jana

    wooow , awsome .. daft punk is veeery good too ..
    and yeah i live in iceland , the little island in the north hehe .. i live in a snowhouse

    kidding ..
  • Sophie Ray

    yahh i know, and to think i never thought i would meet, let alone talk to someone else with alopecia! how long have you had it? ohh cool- im from cranleigh near guildford, surrey, like 45 mins from london. but lived in wimbledon till i was 8! this weather is highly annoying me! its crap! have a nice day. x
  • Katherine Green

    Hey mark, thanks for the comment.


  • Nezz

    Hey Mark, I don't really have any theories.
    Yes I kind of going through the most stressful time of my life when it started and it obviously made me feel worse than I did already, then when I started feeling better about everything else it started growing back and then when I moved to england with all the stress of moving and leaving all fam and friends behind it started again. Im not actually saying it is or was stress, but if it is stress, its a vicious circle. I mean maybe its triggered by stress, i don't really know, but some ppl get it when they're babies! So I started to think it had no connection, that maybe its just on your hard disk. I really don't know.
    Anyway, better stop babling!
    I'm actually in Nottingham, but if a meeting is ever organized in London or something I would deffo sign up for it!
    I added u to msn by the way!
    Take care
  • Jennifer M

    You should add more photos!
  • TC

    i agree with the woman below re photos!!
  • TC

    lol...ur gorgeous...!!!
    me & cameras dont really get on i prefer takin pic's tho then bein in them!! lol
  • TC

    remember nowadays men look wel & cool with no hair...most of the sexy stars r bald anyway so really u have nothin 2 worry about!!
  • Bob Hershberger

    You know,actually it never effected my beard,but it did effect the hair on my arms..I know,my arms..LOL..And of course my head..Hey,Ive been playing keyboards for 35 years,and I also write music,and paint..I noticed you mention playing music..Thanks for writing..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Oh yeah,my theory..I think my immune system is attacking the hair folicle,causing it to fall out..I guess my immune system think my hair folicle is my enemy..Thats my theory..I think my bodys PH gets out of balance..I know my hair hurts at the scalp line when its going to fall out..Great huh?? LOL..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Mark..You know..I thought I had theory,until I went to a support group meeting in San Francisco,and there was 25 or 30 innocent children..Well,Out the window went my theories..So much for that..Keep me posted..Bob
  • TC

    where in london r u frm?
  • TC

    im frm the other side putney dwn by the river!!!
    yes it wud be nice 4 the uk crew 2 meet up 1 of the other member suggestd it 2...we all cud meet sumwhere up london.
  • Nick

    im ok thanks.
    well i dunno what to make of the treatment to be honest.
    the uva has started to make the skin feel slightly more rough but thats about it... not seeing any great results atm... but nevermind.
    hows life?
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Mark..I love the ALI. P. slang from London..I'll have to remember that..Never heard that one.. Bob
  • stacy

    hiya =]
  • Jude

    Hi Mark

    It all fell out very quickly over a couple of months starting in January this year. After about half of it fell out I shaved the lot off as I looked like Terry Nutkins (remember him)!! It looked better shaved off. Then the remainder fell out too - and my eyebrows and eyelashes. It seemed to start growing back in May, first white then it turned black. It grew back quite rapidly. Now I have about 90% regrowth apart from the front hairline and most of my eyebrows and lashes. I keep it really short though still as I want to wait until it all comes back before I grow it. I'm scared it's all going to fall out again.

    How much of yours has fallen out?
  • Mike

    Hi Mark.
    Yes, like you, I first noticed my facial hair started disappearing. I grew a mostache in November last year to raise funds for a charity. This was when I first noticed a very small patch that didn't grow hair, but did grow hair the previous year. January of this year, my wife said, 'hey you have a bald spot on the side of your head!' That small patch grew and was joined my others, until they all joined up. Now I have about one fifth of my hair left, and have started losing hair on my eyebrows and arms. Not sure what causes it, but have found out what slows it down. Sunburn! Ihave recently shifted from cold wet Auckland, New Zealand, to hot sunny Queensland, Australia where I was able to get sunburnt in the middle of winter. After getting my first sunburn I noticed a sparse covering of small white hair, though not enough hair to stop me from looking bald. I have found that getting sunburnt slows the hair loss for about 6 days. Did a bit of research on this and found that the immune system is supressed by high levels of ultra violet light, and it is the immune system that attacks the hair causing it to fall out. Getting sunburnt regularly though is not something I would recomend and only seems to delay what is happening.
    I have noticed some similar factors that seem to be fairly common for some people. One being eczema. I have also heard there is a link somehow to Crohns disease and colitis. My mother has Crohns disease and I have had eczema, so maybe these are factors? I have been told by different people that stress or vitamin deficiency are to blame, but I would tend to dismiss these these later claims.
    Let me know if you find any other common factors.
    Hopefully, your hair does not get any worse.
    Take care;
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mark,

    Stopped by to say hello.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mark,

    Whats goin' on?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mark,

    Sorry the Alopecia is getting worse and not better.....Yet.
    I'm just hangin in the same place all year white fuzz on my noggin.
    Try not to stress too much.

  • Ray

    Hi Mark, good to hear from you. Most people think I look better with a shaved head than as I was before. I have had virtually full regrowth but I'm keeing my hair rally short about a number 3 for the winter. I'm going to save it all off again come spring as I fell much better with a shaved head than when I had lots of hair. I hope are well also.


  • Ray

    So many typos in my last comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • emma

    hey sweetie,
    looks that way hun, mine got bit worse tho on the other side of my head it thinned really bad so i decided to do sponsor head shave whilst i have abit left to raise money for a wig.. so i shaved it last week i raised that much mney ive manage to get 3 wigs and give the rest to my alopecia support group .. but now ive shaved it you can see other small round ones so i think ive shaved just in time i think mine is gonna go soon... really sorry to hear yours isnt getting better hun... how you feeling.. ive found out mine is due to my white cells .. i didnt think it was stress as im not really a stressful just run down i think need to take better care of my self

    hope you ok hun

    take care speak soon xx
  • emma

    oh ment to say yeah i got that white fuzz too in my main patch i also have some dark too tryed shaving it few weeks back thinking it all might grow back dark i was wrong lol.. now it all white again lol.. had to try tho.. are you finding your head being really itchy too xx
  • Mike

    Hey Mark, thanks for reading my post. I need to update the blog. No, unfortunately, I have not had any regrowth at all. I shave my head every morning. For me, it has gotten easier. I am more comfortable than I was when I wrote that. People I know say I would look weird with hair now..ha ha. And people I don't know just think I shave my head for the hell of it.

    Best of luck to's different for everyone.
  • emma

    when i was having blood tests done thyroid (as thats what they thought was causing it) something else came up so they just looked more into it.. brave thanks stupid and frustration more like just had brave wave wen a got patch at front i thought im lossing it anyway might as well raise money for my wig but ive raised so much ive gave rest to support group...

    if im honest it doesnt look that bad feels weird and hard getting use to wearing wigs but i feel loads better now i can keep a close eye on it and not worrying everytime i shower or wake up checking for hair on my pillow...

    ill up load pic soon

  • Ray

    Hi Mark,

    I can't remember the levels but I do know my problem was an under active thyroid rather than an over active one. Pretty soon after I started on the tablets I had some regrowth.

    The only problem now is that I have a patch again on my left hadn side of my head above my ear. I think I'll shave it all off again.

    Bald is cool.
