
38, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am Sally from London.

I have had Alopecia Universalis since I was 4 years old, and I started wearing wigs at 16. I have a strong sense of fairness that I think has come as a result of having to cope with my Alopecia for so long.

Other than that I love the theatre, dancing, laughing, travelling, glasses of wine, my nephews, and I care for dogs very much, most of all Labradors!!

Next step: To upload a picture of me with no wig!!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Kathryn Michael

    If you are around on the afternoon of Saturday 19th March Alopecia UK has a group meeting in London.
    If you want more details please contact me

  • Sophie Ray

    Sally! im so sorry i have taken about 5 months to reply to you, i keep fluttering on and off AW but i am back on and now and going to try make it a regular web page i visit!! How are things and how are the eyebrows holding up!? the new wig is lovely, had a brunette freedom wig since november ish, and ironically the blondey one is balding now!!! as much as i love my wig, i also resent it in a way.... i feel im not being true to myslef when im wearing and it and im finding it really really hard to meet new people when wearing it if they dont know i have alopecia... id been seeing and talking to this guy for a few months every second of every day and i absaloutely adore/d him, however we only met up a few times as he works etc im still at college and just was hard to find a time, but he didnt know i have alopecia!! ... so i told him, he told me he suffers from depression (which was a SHOCK!!!! but i guess it really avtually nice for me to feel like im not the only one with a problem in the relationship!!), he told me it doesnt bother him at all and doesnt change the way he feels about me... but then about a week later i was drunk and text him and said i cant be bothered with you if im never going to see you, which i did mean because i want all or nothing and i was fed up with not seeing him properly, i just wanted to spend time with him you know??!?, but i REALLY regret saying it, i sound like a desperate clingy loss!!!!! i apologised and explained the next morning, and he said dont worry about it...and now we havent spoken properly for about a week, when i started a conversation he did seem into it etc, but then we dont talk for 5 days or so and i really miss him- and im trying to figure whether he does have a problem with my alopecia, or if it was what i said. im feeling fairly love sick :(
  • Sophie Ray

    ran out of space hahahhh.....

    continued: but he was the first person i have ever told about my alopecia and i feel like i have made such a hugeeee step in my self acceptance and i beleive this is through the therapy i have been having... if it wasnt for my therapist i would have run away a month or two ago from him!! it was a really great/horrible feeling, but i sort of wish i didnt have to tell him. do you ever have this dilema or do you go out without your wig?? Hope all is well, upadte me on life!!! Soph xxxx