



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Lacey, i am 18 years old.I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in the summer of 2008. I joined this site to find other teenagers that are experiencing the same troubles and difficulty's as i am dealing with alopecia. I would love to hear your stories please contact me! I have met some amazing people on here already so thank you everyone xx

art is truly my passion gets me through everything

painting in the morning, warm tea, rain few of my favorite things

my darling boyfriend aiden sweetest and most supportive person in the world i love you.

" Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on" - John lennon

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Shana and Taylor

    Hey! I need some songs!!!!!!!

    Email em!
  • carly

    hey lacey
    ur new pictures are so pretty! :)
  • Nezz

    Hey Lace my lovee! How are you?
    I can't believe you might not be coming, I'm so upset! :(
    You need to send me an email and fill me in on stuff!
    So you met a boy, thats great sweetie, you can also tell me about him in that email your gonna send me :P haha.
    Yes that it a wig in my pic :O I can't believe i finalyy got one, it's synthetic and its taken a few days to get used to it but its growing on me, I mean I like how it looks its just hard. Went to school today and everyone liked it, though I didn't tell them it was a wig :S i just don't feel ready yet.
    Other than that ok, been off school for the past week and it was my bday on monday and i was so depresed until my brother surpised me at my door step after no seeing him for a year and half!
    Hope you are wonderful lovely,
    love you
    Nezz xxxxxx
  • carly

    ive been good
    just getting ready for school
  • Shana and Taylor

    Any songs would work!!!!!!!!!
  • Shana and Taylor

    any would be fineeeeeeee
  • Shana and Taylor

    when u gonna send some songs!!!! lolllllll...i will be waiting! Thanks

    How are you doing?
  • Hayley Burton

    hey i'm good, a bit chilly! how are you? xx
  • Nezz

    Hey beautiful! Happy birthday for saturday!! (the 15th right?)
    Hope you had a wonderful time!

    I'll send you an email now hun,
    love ya,
  • Jay

    hey im new to this site but not to alopecia I read your "About Me" and thinking back when I first got alopecia I was 15 and I didnt know anything about this and neither did may parents I tried to find a site like this and i couldnt so you expressing your self in a site like this I think is a great thing for you also a big mistake I made was pushing all my friends and family away. when I finally came around to accepting what i have and let my friends and family be there for me like they should every thing was easier leave me a comment if you have any questions.
  • Jay

    "wow" thanks for your comment. finally being able to relate to someone about AA makes me fill more normal. In a wired way AA also helped me out. before I got AA I was hanging out with a bad croud and I was making a bunch of wrong dicisions. After AA I found out who my real friends were and tried to surround my self with positive people. So far things seem to be working out.

    well thanks again
  • Jay

    "wow" Thanks for your comment, finally being able to relate to someone about AA makes me fill more normal. In a wierd way AA also helped me out. Before AA I was hangging around the wrong crowd and I made a bunch of wrong disisions. After AA I found who my real friends were and I now surround myself with positive people. so far things are working out.

    well thanks again hope to hear from you soon...
  • claire

    hi lacey hope your ok....
  • claire

    im fine thankyou, hope you are having a good weekend..
  • Shana and Taylor

    I am great!!!!
    How are you???~~~~~
  • Nezz

    lovely, just sent u an email! please let me know if u get it :)
    love u xxx
  • Shana and Taylor

    I cant wait for those songs!!!

  • Aspen

    hi how are u doing? =]
  • Aspen

  • Aspen

    how are u doing? i am aspen and u are a very pretty girl god bless u =]
  • Aspen

    hi iwaz diagnoised with alopecia about two mounths ago and it waz hard for me. it started on the sides then it moved to the front of my head then it moved to the back. i were a wig but i am not wearing a wig in my pic=]
  • Aspen

    thanks for talking to me i have had alopecia since 2 mounths ago
  • Aspen

    hi are u still there
  • Aspen

    thanks for talking to me how did ur alopecia start?
  • Aspen

    would u like to become my friend?
  • Aspen

    are u there
  • Aspen

    i have had alopecia for 2 months
  • Alexandra

    im doing really well
    thnks for asking
    how r u
    where r u from
  • Nezz

    whoop! hehe i answered last night hunneh :)
    love ya babe xx
  • Kimberly

    Hey Lacey. How are you? I have just been told I have Alopecia. Do you still have your own hair or are you wearing a wig?
  • Kimberly

    That is great to hear, and I have been doing the same thing. I hope thats all I get is just these few spots. They are getting harder and harder to hide. I had A LOT of hair. Very long and thick. I have since cut it to my shoulders becuase it makes it looks thicker. I'm going to keep taking the vitamins too and I hope and pray that helps. You are a beautiful girl. You remind me how I looked when I was younger.
  • Aspen

    i hope u have a very merry wonderful christmas!=]
    god bless u
  • Katie Jones

    Hey Lacey! I haven't been able to comment you back because i have been so busy. I had my 15th birthday last month:) it was a really good day... i haven't been able to go get my permit but i have really good news:):) my hair has all come back. i'm just waiting on it to get back to the lenghth it was before it feel out. But i hope you are doing good.

    Love you Girl,
  • Caroline

    Hi =] I'm doing alright thanks for asking. How are you doing? I'm being verryyy optimistic lately. I love your pictures you really pretty! Have a great holiday!
    love & hugs
  • Connor Chapman

    long time no talk
    how have you been
  • jennifer

    hi lacey. did you take natural supplements to help strengthen your immune system? can you tell me the names of what you took? i am interested in what your natural path told you. thank you! have a great holiday! jenn
  • Hayley Burton

    hi lacey!
    thats great to hear your spots are filling in! unfortunately my hair all fell out again (well my eyebrows have stayed). I don't mind really though, I'm getting a vaccuum wig in the new year which is really exciting!!
    hope you had a lovely christmas!
    love hayley xxx
  • Nezz

    hey lovely! how was your xmas!?
    you've gotta fill me in on the natural path!

    omg! really? ^^ excited!!!! :)

    love u hun! xxx
  • Kimberly

    Thanks. Keep in touch
  • Nezz

    Happy New Year my lovely!
    hope 2008 was a good year and 2009 is an even better one!
    love you hun :) xxx
  • Caroline

    Hi love! Taylor's new cd is quiteee amazing! She's making news headlines every day with it =] Verryy good news! I went to the doctors the other day to get my treatment and I only had 3 spots that wernt growing hair plus now I only have to go every 3 months because it's getter better!!!! Hope you had a good New Years!
    love & hugs
  • Ashton

    Hi Lacey my name is Ashton. i have aa too.
    love to talk to you sometime.!
  • Nezz

    Hey babe! Long time no talk :(
    how've u been? you have to get on facebook honey! :)
    let me know what you've been up to my lovely!
    ttusoon xxx
  • Ashton

    i have a couple of spots int eh back and then one in the front.
    i have gotten the shots twice so far. and my hair has started growing back in my biggest one.
    also i have only had it since july so i got it treateed early.
  • Ashton

    nah i just get the shots.
    what is that natural path.
  • carly

    hi lacey,
    how have you been?
  • carly

    oh sorry i added 2 comments, i thought the first one didnt work,
    ive been doing good, i just got in from ice skating on the lake.... brr its cold,
    how cold is it by you?
  • stacy

  • Meme

    hey, im also into art. i really like drawing in charcoal. it just relieves so much stress and its just so much fun, isnt it!?
  • Aspen

    hey sorr i have not talked to u in a while i have been tired of being on the comp talk to u later

    bye, aspen =]