
41, Female

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About Me:
Hi all! I had started to accept AA as a reality. Its part of me and my life. If u can't go against it why not accept the fact! With or without hair, life is full of surprises.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Roger


  • Mandy

    Hi 3mee. I'm sorry that you're sad. I hope that the friends you make and the knowledge you gain from this website will help you in your journey to see that alopecia can really be a blessing. You are not your hair. You're a beautiful girl and everything will work out. ;)
  • Kristen

    Hello - great to see another Chinese person on here. Welcome! I can empathize with it being too hot to wear a wig. I'm in Texas and it is definitely hot and humid. I try to tell my friends wearing a wig is like wearing a beanie with hair attached - too hot!

    Adjusting to AA is tough but I'm glad you're here. There are a lot of supportive people. Feel free to message me if you want to talk. :-)
  • Bob Hershberger

    3mee..I think everyone here remembers that first year..What a nightmare...You will stand tall again,and love yourself even more..It takes a little time,and strength,but you will find your way,and be a better person after..I know,what about now?? Everybody here is very supportive,and its one of those things nobody can do for you,but we can help!!!..If you have any questions,or seek advise or comfort,Im here to help..Trust me..You'll be ok..Dont be sad..Takes up to much energy! I'll be praying for you,so you just recieved a small miracle..Careful what ya wish for..Bob : )
  • Mandy

    Aw thanks! I'm happy to know that my words have helped. ;o) This is such a great website. I have so many words of wisdom from so many people already and I'm grateful to be here.
  • Mandy

    Thanks for replying to my blog, too. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read it. I think I'm going to do this 2nd appointment on Friday...but that will probably be my last appointment. It doesn't sound like it's worth it.
  • Roger

    Hej(hi) in swedish.

    How are you?

  • Bob Hershberger

    3mee..Tips..Yep..I have a few..The biggest one is dont think about it at all,if you can help it..Dont use a mirror to look at the back of your head,just basicily try and treat it like it doesnt exist..Kinda like a mole on your back..Yeah,its there,but you'd never know it if someone didnt tell you..Dont let it take over your life as you know it..The first 3 years are the hardest..After that,it for some reason gets easier..Personally,it led me on a very spiritual journey,that has brought me much happiness and strength..The spiritual part is something I wouldnt trade for anything at all,,period..I love it that much..So many things have risen out of those small beginnings..Sure,I still dislike AA,but,like I said,I try and not even look at it..Sure,its not easy..Nothing good ever is,right?? Anyway,it seems to me,that when Im not stressed over it,it tends to grow back faster,longer..And the AA doc's have said many times,AA is stressed releated,soo,that is why I try and not give it the time of day,and when there is any people who think its funny,first of all,there not worth my time,and 2nd,it gives me a chance to educate someone who thinks its funny..You definitly grow a character with AA..Anyway.3mee,I think you'll do just fine..If any harasssment is at work,thats a legal matter for harassment?? Just thought Id mention that,as it can actually work in your favor?? Best regards,and I hope you stay in touch..Where do you live??..Bob
    ps..It does get easier,especially if you have a good man or woman in your life,or Mom or dad..Somebody!! I'll say a prayer for you..Is your real name 3mee?? Courious..B
  • Bob Hershberger

    3m33..did you notice there is a girl under the "new member" logo,her name is Erin from Florida..She states that she uses Endocrine Booster,and she swears that is why her hair stays grown in..It might just be worth a look..Hopefully you can find her at the New members thing-ee,and then check for Florida,,Maybe Miami..Good luck..Let me know if you find anything out..KK?? Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    3mee--It dawned on me that my biggest secret is to not think about it at all,and Ive noticed that since I have been coming to this site,and meeting people,my hair is hurting more,and falling more,so maybe I may have to shorten my time here..I call it,out of site,out of mind..Its kinda like food for people who are dieting..I know you already know,but your a extremely attractive Asian..You must have many men,if thats your interest,right where you'd like them..Hopefully thats good..Bob
  • Roger

    Hej =)

    Yes, Ive been to Japan two times. 2004 and 2007. To Tokyo. I really like asians cuz they are so calm and friendly.

  • Bob Hershberger

    3mee..Im sorry you have chosen to "shut in"..If you wont accept yourself,how can others..When I was in my 3rd year,I just snapped,when somebody took my hat for a beer collection..Right then,I decided that I wasnt going to hide it anymore..Everybody who knew me,already knew,so what the heck..Somehow,in my mind,my spirit knew i was telling the total truth..It was kinda like..Lord..Do whatever you want with me,but I shall not hide out no longer..Of course I thought I was losing my mind..It was only when I decided that if people wanted to laugh,so be it,and if they wanted to be my friend,so be it..Well,it was about a month after that,I started to see little white hairs growing in,and then they turned back to my dark brown color..Yes,it has come and gone many times since,but never as bad as the first time..I think that lesson was a huge lesson for me to learn,and actually accept myself AS IS.. Nothing more..Sure,I thought i was never going to date..Women wouldnt even look at me..I thought I was cursed..Well,things worked out for the best,and yes,its not easy..If it was easy,everybody would do it..I think your stronger than you know..So proove it!!! Dont let AU win..Go about your life..Sure its hard at first,but especially your family..Dont hide from them..My family used to torture me,like throw socks at my head and say,,"off the top"..My sister changed my name from Bob to bulb..Its was sad..But I stood strong,and told my older brother,you just wait,your the one thats going to be bald..Guess what..Now hes completely bald,and Im not..yes,I have spots,but I just live with them,,My brother isthe old man bald..He shouldnt of tortured me??Ill pray for your strength to grow to that of the lioness,and you shall be victorious..Trust me..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger


    Dont keep everything in..Let it all out,,sing to the Gods..Shout out for everyone to see..Dont be ashamed for something you have absolutely NO control over..Thasts not fair..Its not your fauly,so anybody who makes fun of you is nothing more than a BULLY..I know you and I didnt choose this AA or AU..Of course not,so its not are faults,so get up girl,and live your life..There is a man who will know what strength you are displaying and find that very sexy..I do!! So if i do,then there is other's..Have you sought out a support group in Malayasia..If theres not one,START ONE!!!! Yes you,my little grasshopper..You will find your path quickly,and start to bloom,as God has planned for you..trust me..You've just been blessed..now go out,and find your destiny..Support group!!!What a great place to start..I know you'll be fine..I just know..Bob
  • Samantha

    3mee....I completely understand....I was JUST diagnosed and I am going through some rapid changes...losing it everywhere and fast. I think it just takes a different amount of time for everyone. Being here, and being able to talk to people who are going through the same thing, will definitely make the transition easier.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi 3mee,
    I understand exactly what is going on with you. I wrote a book to help women cope with what happens when you have AA. It's called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" and it's really a good book, fun to read and very informative AND inspirational. It will help you feel a lot better. You can get it by going to my author web site: www.leslieannbutler.npauthors com, or order it from Amazon or Barnes & Noble online. Easiest is just go to my page here on this site and click the web site at the bottom of the page.
    Let me know how you are doing.
  • Bob Hershberger

    hey 3..Just thought Id check in and see how your doing..I hope you feel a little better..Its not YOUR fault you have no hair..Please,dont be harsh on yourself for what you have no control over,.,That alone will get you on the journey your suspossed to be on..Just MY OPINION..Its true though..Ask me anything on that subject..I know quite a bit about acceptance,or at least a little..35 years worth..LOL..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey 3..you ok?? Just concerned..Im sure you good to go..Maybe you decided the out of site,out of mind approach..Its true..Hope your good..Bob
  • kim trivett

    just wanted to say that you are beautiful.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey 3 ?? Did you quit..I may have to also, if you did..Maybe your just busy,or on holiday..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey you..Are you ok?? I hope nothing bad happened..I havent seen you around for a while..Best regards..Bob
  • Samantha

    Hey....so, you're friends don't like that you are bald????? I'm not bald yet, but I think I would have a few "nice" words to say to my friends if they made comments about me being bald. Or really had anything to say about it. It is hard for you to be bald in Malaysia? It really isn't completely accepted in the US either...I mean, anything that is "different" is going to get you a second or third glance. You just have to be confident in yourself. I wear bandanas sometimes and hats a lot. People ask why I wear them all the time and my answer is "why not?" The heck with everyone else!
    It will get easier!
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi 3mee, thank you for your nice words!! You are so pretty, and i know how it feels, when this thing just happened, but you know what?? You, me, everybody have to get over it!! because we still the same, yes, we change, but we still the same people. I understand, how it is in other countries, because in my country it would be worst, there is not too much respect, like in USA, but anyway, you are a very intelligent woman, and you will find the way to avoid the people that are not good for you, keep the stress out,thats the best thing you can do!!!
    Nice to meet you!!!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey 3..I wasnt sad..I was concerned..You said you were just going to work and then home,so I thought you might of been in hiding,which isnt good for anybody..Welcome back..Im glad your ok..Stay in touch..Bob
  • kim trivett

    thank you , just wanted to let you know that you are very beautiful and everything always works out.take care and i am here if you need to talk. kim
  • Linda

    Hi 3mee,
    You are too beautiful to be depressed! If you need to talk contact me, I've had AA since I was 9, I am now 51...wow, did I say that, lol, anyway, if you want to talk, I'm here.
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi 3..I make the world go around !! Thats so nice of you to say,and that made my day..As far as a treatment for your hair,Im not a doctor,so I think thats a personal decision we all have to make,but personally,I dont,and never have had any treatments or shots or steriods..I just dont believe in them..Ive done just fine without so far,so I think I'll stay that way..The best medicine I know of,is to put it out of your mind,and dont catch yourself thinking of it,or looking in the mirror with another mirror to see the back..Just screw it,and be yourself..I bet it will start growing back in,just about the time your used to it..LOl..better late than never..It starts with little white hairs growing in..Boy,would I like to see that again..But,I think you must be georgeous,with hair or not..Just one mans opinion,but its true so?..You'll be ok..My heart tells me so...Your quite exotic looking...Anyway,Im glad were friends..If you ever go on holiday out here,holla...Id love to meet you..You seem like a strong individual..Good for you..Bob :: ))
  • Dina

    Ohh, don't feel depressed and sad!! You have a gorgeous face no matter what!! :O)
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi 3mee!!! Hope you're doing great!! You are such a beautiful girl! I hope you are adjusting to the alopecia very well! I know is hard sometimes, but it's not imposible, trust me!
    Receive a big hug, and let me know from you soon!!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey3..You still kickin?? How ya been..Anyway luck with the AA?? I hope all is well..Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey 3..Good to hear from you..Im glad your not focusing on AA as much..Thats a great thing..Good for you..If you'd like to know my personal info, like what do I so for a living?? Please send me a e-mail at my personal E-mail box..Its on my AW web page..Id be glad to tell you..You'd probably be susprised..Id prefer to not post it to the world however..Send me a e-mail..That'd be kool..Bob
  • Melvin

    Baby girl, dont look down on your situation.You are in a very select group of people.Not every person can survive what we do daily.Beauty comes from within, not someone else!!!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey3..Wow!!!! Is that all new...I am totally thrilled for you...May God have blessed you and watch over you..I am so happy for you....Bob..Thanks for letting me know.. : )