Melani Molina


Pearland, TX

United States

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About Me:
Hello, my name is Melani and my daughter (6yrs.) was diagnosed with AA recently. I struggle everyday as I watch her lose more and more hair. I have found a lot of wonderful and supportive people on this site. Thanks Alopecia World!
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Melani. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Melani
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Amber Lounder

    Welcome Melani You will find the answers and information you are looking for here and great support too :0
  • Penny++Amy's Mom

    Hi Melani, I am also glad to find a friend. I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. But Amy is the only one of the 3 with alopecia. She is my youngest. She lost her hair when sh was 9, she is 14 now. My Dad and brother also have AA. I just never thought of it as something that could happen to a girl. At first things were hard especially at school, but she found her true friends stood up for her. We live in a rural area , so a lot of kids are used to her this way, she tried a wig but it was to distracting for the other girls who could not keep their hands off her hair. I can't lie to you and say its been all peaches and cream there have been some bad days, I think it has made her a stronger person. And i think she is beautiful any way she looks, and I am sure you will find that no matter if your daughter has hair or not you will still find her beautiful. I wish you the best of luck and god bless you and your daughter. Just remember to remind her that she is not her hair.
  • Maygensmom

    Welcome to Alopeica World. What ever questions you have, please feel free to ask. We are all here for each other.
  • Mia

  • Maygensmom

    Thank you....but I must say that it is because of Maygen that I am strong. I cried my eyes out for weeks when she started loosing her hair again. It was right after her 13th birthday. As if being a newbie teenager wasn't difficult enough, here my baby was loosing her hair. One day on our way to the dotor's office she asked "Mom, why are you so sad?" I said, "Because you are loosing your hair and there is nothing I can do to make it stop!" Then I went on to say, " I guess what I really need to know is, how is the affecting you?" That is when I realized that it is not always the parent that is the teacher with wisdom, but rather it was the child. She simply said, "A part of me is glad that I have this disease. I feel like alopecia keeps me humble. I could be one of those girls that is snobby and full of myself, but because of the AA I am not." This is when I had the courage to stop crying and stop being so angry. If my daughter realizes that she is a better, stronger person becsause of this disease, then I have no reason to be sad. But it is because of her wisdom and strength that I can make it through this journey with a smile and courage to face whatever the AA sends our way.
    Whatever happens with the AA in your daughters' lives, always emphasis the importance of inner beauty. We all come to realize eventually that outer beauty is only temparary. :-)
  • Maygensmom

    BTY - all three of your kiddos are beautiful!!!
  • Maygensmom

    How far is Pearland from Dallas? I live in Paris, TX and it is 150 miles north east of Dallas.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Melani, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Melani!
    How are you doing today? How is your daughter doing?
  • Paula Bowman

    Ray is doing well with it now, at first he didn't do well, he would come home from school crying about it because kids at school was picking on him. I've always told Ray Gods got a reason for it and his a good looking boy it could be worse, and I love him no matter what. Rays in the 3rd grade now and he takes his hat off at school, he plays a lot of sports. So his doing very well with it. Everyonce in a while he would wish he had hair, but after that he would go on and forget about it. Your daughter is very pretty. Have you tried any creams for it?
  • Cindy

    Hi Melani, I am Cindy and my 7 yr old daughter has been living with AA for almost 2 yrs now..My daughter has handled it quite well. She is having success with treatment now, but did lose it all including her lashes and brows. She does wear a wig now. You have a beautiful family and your daughter will be fine. There is an adjustment period and it takes time to absorb it all. I am personally still dealing with it. We need to be strong and supportive to our kids. Kids are more resilient then we give them credit for. If you need any info on anything please ask. Cindy
  • jennifer

    Hi Melani, I just realized I didn't email you back. i am sorry. I have a 2 1/2 year old and he keeps me very busy! Anyway, I would love to be a support for you. Questions, concerns, if you want to meet for coffee one day and talk, anything....I know how hard it was for me, but I can not imagine how hard it would be watching your daughter go through this. Please let me know how I can help! Jenn
  • Mommy

    Hi Melani,

    I live locally and have 2 daughters, a 4 1/2 year old and almost 3 year old. My oldest daughter started losing her hair around her 3rd birthday. It took about 6 months before she lost it all. She regrew her eyebrows and lashes last year and has been having some regrowth the past couple months- enough for hope- but not enough for a sure thing. With this condition, I don't think there are sure things. Anyway, I would love to get together to answer any questions you may have and help support you with this. Read my profile and send me an email. Lynn
  • emilie

    Im 15 years old and started losing my hair when I was 12 years old.
    I completely lost it a year ago.
    Aww those pictures are so cute! your daughter is beautiful :D
  • emilie

    Hey Melani :)
    Thank you so much, it was really hard at first. I guess its because I got it when I was 12, and I was just starting to understand myself, and I had this other challenge in my life ( alopecia) so that kind of made it hard to try to know myself. If that even makes sense lol.
    It took me a while to understand that when I wear my wig, when people look at me, they dont nessecerally look at my tattooed eyebrows and no eyelashes. And when people just ask me what I have, its not to be mean its just that they are curious. Im still working on that, because some people do think im sick or have cancer or something. I just say no. And if I consider that person deserves an explanation, I simply explain that I lose my hair.
    I am sure that Genevieve is going to turn out very well when she will grow up and have confidence and pride with all of the support you are giving her!
    My parents have let me deal with it alone, but still support me alot. Whenever I say that I need a day to just figure things out or think or just that im tired of everything, they let me take a day off. But they will never let me miss out on an important thing because they want me to live my life no matter what. I am perfectly healthy and have good grades at school so I dont see why I shouldn't live my as I want to.

    I hope for you and Genevieve and all of your family the best! :)
    Good luck with everything! And I would love to keep talking to you to see how everything is going once in a while :)

  • Cindy

    HI Melani, I have a 7 yr old daughter living with AA. I can really understand what your going through as a parent. I know it is awful to watch your child's hair fall out. You almost don't want to touch her head in hopes nothing will come out. But, it does not work that way. How is your daughter dealing with this all? My daughter started losing her hair at age 5 and by the second half of K last year she was nearly bald and now wears a wig she loves. You will find the strength to help her and make good decisions. Unfortunately, there is no real cure of AA and this disease is somewhat a mystery. If you need any help on head coverings please feel free to write me..I am happy to share all my info with you. Also, have you contacted CAP yet? They maybe able to help you connect with other families in your area. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. Don't let a lack of hair change who she is inside or out...Cindy
  • Cindy

    Hi Melani, Thank you for the kind words..I bet your daughter is handling it better inside then she leads you to believe. Have you talked to her school counselor or your ped about having some counseling to help her understand what is happening. We have also been very upfront with Samantha, even at age 5 when she had her first spot. It amazed us how well she understood Alopeica. If it would help her to have a pen pal close to her age with AA let me know..I am sure Samantha would not mind having another one. I also created a grade school board here so that kids in this age group can post messages to one another. If Sam sees a post I know she will respond. You have to join the group and be accepted by me..It is moderated. take care, cindy
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Melani...your daughter is a doll!! I really wish I could tell you more about my alopecia...but I know nothing. I am just dealing with the hairloss on a daily basis. I know my scalp gets burning and itchy and recently I have gotten more dandruff...Awesome!! But, so far my hair is not regrowing. All I can tell you is that the more love and support I receive the better I feel. I am starting to tell all my friends about this and it really helps. I'm a teacher in high school, but what may also help, at some point when your daughter and you feel ready, is you can address the class about your daughter's condition. It's amazing how clearing the air helps in confidence with classmates and the person with the condition. We are all human. It would be hard watching your most loved little one going through this, but, everyone will make it through this. I know I have my good and bad days. Regardless, your daughter is beautiful.
  • Nicole

    Hey melani...sorry it's taken soo long to get back. I only come on here every so often because when I do I stress even more. LOL

    I'm constantly looking at her head seeing if it's any thinner or if there are any spots. I get upset if it looks like she lost any. I don't even know if she HAS lost more or if i'm paranoid about it. :/
  • Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA

    Hi there Melani! I'm sorry to read that your girls also have to deal with this darned AA! The first time around, my daughter had it for a ten month period, when she was eight years old. We first noticed hairloss in February of that year, it continued until she lost about 1/4 her scalp hair atop her head, then all of her hair regrew ~ this all happended over a ten-month period. We treated her with a prescribed cream and Rogaine twice daily. Then, a year and a half went by and May of last year my daughter got it again, and now has a total of four very small spots in different areas. My son got it for the first time last June, he also has about four very small spots (in different areas than his sister's spots. The kids are now old enough to receive the Kenalog injections every four weeks, and we apply Rogaine nightly. I believe that is the only thing keeping their hairloss from spreading rapidly, and the kids are under the same impression, as this is the treatment they want to proceed with. I'm going to send a secondary email shortly, as we are only allowed so much text . . .