
48, Male

Suwanee, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
AU, with an identical twin brother who shows no signs of alopecia. Have had alopecia since I was 21. The funny/weird thing is, I am the youngest of 6 (yes, twin brother is just 2 minutes older) and none of my siblings, parents, or extended family show signs of alopecia.

The absolute best thing I ever did to better my self with dealing with alopecia was to go to a NAAF conference. WOW! If you haven't been to one, you should really consider checking it out. Well worth it in my opinion!

Ok, so enough about that...more about me:
I teach and coach at the High School level. I live in Suwanee, Georgia (US) just North of Atlanta. I teach web design, and multimedia. I coach swimming and tennis. I live pretty close to my twin brother, his wife and their absolutely most adorable kid in the world!

Interesting note: I taught an 11th grader this past year who has AU. Think of the odds of that!
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Hi Jeremy!!! I just moved to Memphis from Loganville; are you a Georgia native?? How long have you had AU???
  • kastababy

    I'm a Navy brat, so let's see where the chain leads -- born in Washington, DC, grew up in Norfolk, VA and Nashville, TN; lived for a year in Omaha, NE, back to Nashville, then spent a year in Loganville, GA and worked in Alpharetta; now my job has transferred me to Memphis, TN. I try to get back when I can -- I just missed the tornadoes this past weekend! Did you get any damage? It's a good thing schools were out!
  • kastababy

    Nope, no relation! My aka is the closest thing to a nickname my family gave me as a small child and now that I'm older I guess I've gotten used to it! I will definitely go to and check it out!!!
  • Jennifer

    Hey there! How are you?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    We infiltrate everything :). Mind you, my better half (rj) is American and I will be moving to the USA this year. So then I will be taking over your country next! LOL!
  • Shannon

    I miss yoU!!! i am not kidding ... I am going on the 6 flags website right now to see when they open and when they do i am driving down there to see you!!! i miss you!!! But you better ride some coasters with me ... then we can go to the bar :) lol
  • Ashley

    Hi! No, I have only been to 2 conferences...Oakland & St. Louis so it has been a while. I am from Kentucky though, so I will definitely be there this year!
  • Roger

    Hi Jeremy.
  • Roger

    Im fine thanks. And you?
  • Shannon

    Of course I am comming it is like 3 hours away ... but im talking bout 6 flags in ATL baby!!!!
  • Nathan Paul Prince

    Jeremy!! you ROCK!! awesome seeing you here - it's been a while but again, this site reminds me of years ago when we all started finding each other online on MSN, only this time there's more colour and way cooler widgets! Happy Easter Bunny day! yer awesome :)
  • Sara

    Hey you... how's it?
  • Stuart

    whats up bud. How you been. Whats your intinerary for Kentucky. See you soon!
  • Sara

    I think that I lucked out and am facilitating on Friday! I get to sleep in on Sunday... ha!
    I have booked the hotel for Georgia and I, we are arriving Thursday and leaving Monday. I am still trying to work out the flights. It's hella expensive to fly out there from the West Coast! Thank goodness I have this new job to help pay for it!
    Do you have any other exciting summer plans? (Not that the conference won't be the highlight!)
  • Jill

    What's up Jeremy??? Hope to see you in Ky this year. Gonna be a big weekend for me... Getting married that Saturday!! I know a couple of the peeps are riding down to Somerset for the wedding, if you wanna come, you are more than welcome!! Anyway, hope things are good in your world. Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Stuart

    nice! We'll be doing some partying, did you book your flight?. You going to KY w/ your bro? Yeah, still in San Jose and at the same job. When are you out of school for the summer.
  • Jill

    Thanks. Yeah Bo and I are gonna try and make it for the closing ceremony on Sunday. We don't fly out for our honeymoon until that Monday. I hate that the two are on the same weekend especially with Bo and I living there now. Louisville is a very fun city!! Hope to see you this summer! Take care.
  • Sophie Ray

    hi, i know this is a really weird question , but what liek qualifictaions do you need to be a tennis coach? its somethnig i enjoy, and im not the brightest of people, so id kinda like to look into what i would need to study and stuff now, bear in mind im only 15, so a potential carrer im looking a tennis coaching as! Thanks!
  • Zanie

    Hey Jeremy, I am new to Alopecia World and Jennifer mentioned that you have a twin, I do as well and she has never shown a sign of Alopecia either which is great. I was excited to find someone else with the same situation, it would be great to chat sometime. I hope you are well and talk soon.
  • Sara

    Hi bug... conference was awesome. Miss you already!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Jeremy,

    What a fun and inspiring confrence eh?

    I really enjoyed meeting you and your brother Jonathon.

  • Jessica

    Oh no Jeremy, what happened to GA baseball! Good thing I can jump off that band wagon pretty quick:)
  • Kate Martino

    Hey Jeremy! Thanks again for the roomates are loving it!!! We need to find some Terrapin in our neck of the woods...Hope all is well in GA and you are coping with the loss...
  • Kate Martino

    Hahaha I actually have Otter Creek and Long Trail in my fridge right now! But it's always fun to find new beers!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Jeremy. It was great to meet you at this year's NAAF conference. Thanks for being an Alopecia World-class member! :-)
  • Roger

    Hi Jeremy.

    Did you have a safe trip back home from Louisville?

  • Jeremy

    Yes, safe and sound. Did you have a safe trip back over seas? Hope so! Good to finally meet you.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Jeremy, It was great seeing you again this year and your smile is absolutely contagious! Keep it up! Talk to you soon! Cheryl
  • Shannon

    hey goob whats your e mail address ????
  • Kate Martino

    happy birthday jeremy!!!!!!! have a good one!
  • Sara

    Happy Birthday... ;-)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Jeremy,

    Happy Birthday
    Hope all is good with you.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Jeremy,

    How are you?
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Jeremy,

    How is everything going?

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Jeremy, Where are you? How are you?