

Bellevue, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am 38 and have AU. I have had the pleasure of it being in and out of my life since I was 17 lol. I had the complete loss treatment to begin with- Bam off the bat! Man was that exciting let me tell you. Not sure about anyone else, but that experience was just divine for me. No one really had a clue what was up- at least in my area. So did lots of tests and stuff and when came down to it- stress. That's what they told me. Have you ever tried NOT to stress? Yeah, right! Anyway- grew back after a couple years and then would just have bald patches here and there. Then at 34 went on another hiatus- my Mom said that if it was every 17 years then wouldn't have to worry about it again until I was 51. I am thinking she is wrong though since no reappearence to this date. But that is fine with me! Save alot on hair products and no shaving LOL- what can be better than that :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Laurie

    Hey, thanks for the support. I really do appreciate it. I've seriously thought about shaving and doing the scarf thing but everyone thinks I'm crazy since my hair 'looks normal'. I guess they want me to continue to suffer until enough falls out that I don't 'look normal'. They need to spend a day in our shoes as they can still take their hair for granted!!
  • stephanie robertson

    Mari, Thank you! Stephanie
  • Kelsey

    Hey Mari it was nice meeting you to can not wait to chat. : D Thanks for commenting my page like i asked.
  • Val

    Flo brings out my silly side. I have had so much fun freaking people out with her (especially at traffic lights!). I love when people will stare at me because I'm rocking out to the radio. I look back so then they stop staring I take Flo off and then I wait for them to look back. The look on their faces is priceless!
  • Val

    I look like a total dofus! First of all I'm rocking out to country music and secondly I can't dance...but I love to do it anyway!
    I'm sure that people are only staring because I'm dancing like no one is watching, but I can't resist freaking people makes my day. I'm guessing this makes me a little sadistic, but it's great!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    How funny! I walk around the retirement community where I work with my shiny head and I go bald at home, but I still don't have the guts to do it anywhere else if I know people. The car is great though...I feel safe. I don't know that I could do it in a small town - although it would be freakin' hilarious! You're right, you do have to laugh at it or you'll go crazy. I live with my aunt & uncle and my aunt and I have had some of the best laughs over my hair, or lack thereof as it is now. Otherwise I think we'd both burst into tears.
    Keep laughing!
    Val (c:
  • Hugh Palmer

    Thanks Mari,
    Loved your last blog.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
  • Kelsey

    your a great person.
  • Scott Ostro

    Thank you for your well wishes. I see you have childern as well. Do they worry they may devlop AU someday. My boys do.
  • Trina


    No offense taken. I completely understand being young and riduculed by people who had no self worth I say. But it has indeed made us all stronger.
  • Val

    Hey Mari
    Long time no see. What's going on in your neck of the woos?
    I'm home for Christmas - YAY!!!!
    I see the dermatologist today - I don't really care for him personally, he's very condescending, but he is knowledgable. I had some injections, we'll see how it goes. He's not very optimistic, but I wanted to try.
    I went to a church Christmas dance last night and had a blast! I wore a hat that was an early Christmas present and had so many compliments so I felt gorgeous.
    Are you all ready for Christmas, I don't feel ready yet.
    Val (c:
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

    Tack (thanks) Mari.

    God Jul!!! = Merry xmas!

  • Roger

  • Val

  • Nini

    Thanks for your wishes, many blessings happiness for you and yours this year!!!!!!
  • Val

    Long time no type...How is everything in your neck of the woods?
    I had a fantastic time in Georgia with the family, but it's nice to be back in the normal swing of things.
    Did you enjoy your Christmas and New Year's?
    I hope you're having a wonderful first few days of the New Year and a great 2009!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    It's my hippie scarf...I love it because it goes with 98% of my wardrobe and it has smiley faces on it!
    I'm glad you had a good holiday.
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    Random question: Where do you find temporary tattoo eyebrows??
  • Val

    I've been looking into permanent ones, but like you I haven't found a person that I trust or who I think has done a good enough job...oh well. The conundrum is that I absolutely suck at drawing them on myself - one is always wasy too thick, one side looks suprised the other unhappy. I've tried stencils and that hasn't helped.
    Oh well...I was planning to go to the DMV today - I have to get a TN driver's license, but they're closed. I was disappointed because I was so looking forward to seeing the looks on their faces I pulled off my wig for my picture. Looks like I'll have to wait another day!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    Do you think your shop would ship them to me?
    I have asked every wig store in the area if they sell them or if they know of anyone who does. The closest thing I have found are those real hair eyebrows you have to glue on - the freaks me out!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    Thanks so very much for the temporary eyebrows!
    I haven't tried them out yet, I'm still waiting for my aunt to help ensure they go on straight...LOL
    I hope you have a fantasatic Friday and a Wonderful the way, how's the weather?
    Keep smiln'!
    Val (c:
  • Val

    I have worn them (I got them to last a good 36 hours before they started to come off) and they are awesome!
    It's been a few days. Nan-naw (my grandmother) is in the hospital....thank goodness it isn't the pnuemonia we originally were told it was, nor her Congestive Heart Failure flaring up again. Right now the DX is bronchitis with some excess fluid. I spent yesterday and last night with her and got home about 2 hours ago to shower and sleep...I had no idea being the hospital sitter was so tiring!
    Anyway, thanks again for the amazing eyebrows and I'm sorry the fuzzy caterpillars didn't work for ya'!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Austin

    Thanks for the welcome, Mari.
  • Val

    It's been an interesting Monday to say the least...not bad, just weird!
    I hope you have a magnificent Monday and keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
    Thanks again for the eyebrows...I have gotten so many compliments!
  • Val

    I'm trying to get the local wig store to carry them...if that works out I will be so excited!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Theresa

    Thanks so much for the comment you left to my blog. I feel at home here, to say the least. I have found myself just being here for hours and reading what others have had to say.
    Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
  • Val

    School has left me feeling like I'm chasing my tail, but the school week is over...HOORAY!
    Thanks for the awesome comment!
    Totally made my day and I'll never look at my bra the same way again!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • Lori Black

    Hi Mari! How u r? I pray fine. JUst dropping you a "HI" and a :)!!
    Blessings to you!!
  • Carol

    LOL Just a simple necklace, that's all! If it has an adjustable chain length then find a spot where it fits best on your head and TA DA!! The one with the red jewel was given to me by my daughter for christmas and I'm so happy I have two spot to wear it now LOL
  • Carol

    Well you guessed right LOL I don't use anything, it sits on my head quite well on it's own, hence the adjustable part. Just wear it how it feels most comfy and thaks for the compliment too! Sparkles and temp. tattoos are also fun!
  • Roger

    Thanks! The Bratski is now 36 =) LOL

  • JeffreySF

    You are too Funny!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mari,
    Glad you enjoy my posts and humor.
    Sometimes I think maybe I am pushing the limit.


  • JeffreySF

    Well then fasten your seatbelt it's going to be a bumpy ride!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mari,
    I'm off to work. Have a great day.

    Vroom Vroom,
  • JeffreySF

    Glad you enjoyed your day.
    I had a good day just long. I work 12 hour shifts but only 3 days a week so thats the good part.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mari,

    Sunshine is in the forecast and 60's here too.
    My day will start with my regular aerobics class and plan on making a lobster bisque for dinner. What wine goes with lobster? I see a creamy chardonnay in my future.
    Whats going on in your world? Nebraska right?

  • JeffreySF

    Good Morning,

    Yikes the rain is back. Grrrr
    I'm off to the gym and then the store.
    Hope your day is going well.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mari,
    Working today and staying dry indoors.
    The Lobster Bisque was so rich and creamy. My favourite.
    Hope you are having a great day.

  • Val

    I'm doing well, just super busy. School is still going great, but the best news is I have fuzzies! I have two bald spots on my head, but the rest of the hair has come back and left eyebrow has come back in all her glory. The right one is wimpy so I'm still temporary tattooing her.
    How are you?
    I hope you are enjoying the last little bit of winter and looking forward to a superb spring!
    Love, Val (c:
    Keep smilin'!
  • John N.

    Hi Mari,
    Thank you for your response. I will keep you informed.
  • Dan

    Thanks! That's very nice of you. I read your blog for today and I feel the same way. I don't know that I'm "cool" with my appearance, but most of the time I don't even think about it when I'm out in public until I really notice someone staring. Then I get pretty uncomfortable.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mari,

    Big Hugz!!!

  • Val

    I love the cute comment! By the way, I am attending the NAAF Conference this year...YAY!
    I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
    Love, Val (c:
    Keep smilin'!
  • Dan

    Thank you Mari. I have been out of town and unable to reply. Thanks for your kindness.
  • Roger

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mari,

    Whats up?
    I havent been offended by you or anyone else for that matter.
    What are you refering too?
    I had a great birthday too. Thanks!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mari,

    Hope you are having a great day too.
    I'm actually off from work until Tuesday. Woo Hoo

  • baldmatt55

    I'm happy to know that I could do that for you. The fact is we spend so much time looking at things like this as a burden, neglecting to realize that for many of us, ESPECIALLY the women, loosing our hair is the best thing that could've happened.