
47, Female


United States

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About Me:
I had alopecia when I was a child and had complete regrowth for years. Then in the last 3 years I have lost about 50-60% of my hair. I have a very hard time with this and am having a harder and harder time covering it up. I just can't make myself go look at wigs even though I know I will look better. I also don't talk to anyone about this except my husband. I am glad I came across this site, I guess I thought I was the only person in the world dealing with this.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Jamie. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Jamie,
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Jamie!
    I know how hard it can be. I have had alopecia for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It might make you feel better. Check it out on my page -- and let me know how else I can help.
  • Royalty

    Hi jamie, I have never heard of Virtuesse Hair System but I just read a little about it. It seeems like it is similar to a lace wig without the lace. Instead it is made with a material that replicate skin and thin enough that it is undetectable even to touch. It also mimic the direction of your natural hair growth pattern. I guess so that it looks real natural. Btw you look pretty in you photo and your hair looks nice.
  • Royalty

    Thanks for the compliment! I was wondering the same thing about the chance for hair regrowth. It is not really clear and I'm not sure how that will happen. I am going to try to read some more about it.
  • Benjamin

    Jamie The Chat is in The Right side of the Page u can see there
  • Kimbim

    Hi Jamie,

    I'm new here. I understand that youré looking for a hair system but wanted to ask you about youré picture: that looks like great hair? Is it your own or am I not getting it?

    Thanks, Kimbim
  • Royalty

    Hi Jamie, did you ever get your hair system? If so how do you like it.
  • Royalty

    Ok great!! Good luck with that and keep me posted!!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Jamie,
    Read your blog. I'm getting the results on my Pituatary this Friday. I just went for a CT scan for a possible tumor...yikes. I'm losing my hair rapidly although still able to cover up all spots. I'm wondering what to do in the meantime before my search for hair begins. Hope your meds are working for you. how are you doing?
  • Tanya (Ash's mom)

    We are on the 2nd trial hairpiece now and are awaiting her custom one. The first one she hated she said it was too big(full) and looked fake althought everyone else loved it. The 2nd trial one she loves it was little thinner and we did a little different haircut. My daughter loves it however it does feel a little courser than my own hair and after awhile doesn't quite move as freely as normal human hair. My daughter is very active and straightens it everyday so this does not help it. She also doesn't wash it enough because it is a little more difficult because she cant lean her head back. i'll send more a little later got to get back to work.

  • julie

    You are very pretty and should not be upset.. I know how you feel as I have FPB or dr says so sometimes i just dont know what to believe as my hairdresser says nothings wrong... Its hard I know.. and i have had a REALLY hard time my fault is I have shared it too much and have found out the hard way that does nothing to help the situation as I always feel people are looking at me there all the time because I've aired it so... I think you look beautiful in your pic! Have a great Easter!
  • ashlee

    oh its all wig...and its time for a change. i have had this style forever! but thanks for the sweetness! its so nice to feel like you can actually talk with people about this....i feel like out in the "real world" hehe i cant stand saying the words of hairloss or even the dreaded word wig! if you know what i mean
  • ashlee

    its synthetic. cost me 59-74 bucks. beauty trends was the company. Im so ready to invest in something more real and nautral!! you do any research on what way to go?
  • Natalie

    Thanks for the compliments on the wig! It stays on terrific! It has 4 pieces on the inside of the wig that have to be taped, but it is really easy and quite comfortable. I got it from a place called Kathleen's Creative Expressions in McHenry, Illinois, and the owner Kathy deals with cancer and alopecia patients and provides all kinds of fabulous hair alternatives. She was so nice, too! It is specifically a Rene of Paris, 14 inch, real human hair full lace wig. Let me know if you have any others questions!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Jamie,
    Thanks for the post. My wig is a human hair piece. It's really comfortable. My scalp is super sensitive so I was having trouble with any wig that had the thicker lining. This lining is ultra breathable and there are 4 places where tape is adhered. Pretty comfortable. i stll have cropped hair that I wear with hats and bandanas but soon it too will be gone. This was from a lady named Giselle here in Winnipeg. She has had alopecia for 20 years and she was awesome.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Jamie,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How are you?

  • MiNAH

    I had no hair for years, then cortisone injections may have helped it grow.That's one theory! Then spars fluffy hair on top grew back check my video..My daughter searched for a solution to my emotional lack of self worth"when it came to my image"She new that I couldn't wear synthetic wigs due to allergies.....besides...they were way to big for my head.She found a prosthesis company..for vacume wigs, suction/silicone wigs.freedomwigs....although, like all of us with patchy hair...have a hard time making that decision to shave it all off.Although you must have a clean hairless scalp for the prothesis to work and suction effective.
    Now, i did finally shave and it actually took years of MY FRUMPY HAIRLESS LOOK. "ONE ADVANTAGE" The fact that I have to shave my whole head every day...is annoying.
    Then I just don't wear the wig.Also for me due partly to age and sensitivity I get razor burn.Yet that settles down.
    I don't mind walking bald "NOT" but what's a girl to do!
    My son had been telling me to shave the hair off and go sleek for years.
    Wow..I waisted a whole lot of years looking Frumpy!
    Yet it's all a learning experience...and not always easy to see ourself as others see us.
    I don't mean the negative perceptions from people..I'm talking about the positive energy that comes our way.