Melissa Romanowski


Phila, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
That's me on the right. I've had alopecia in all of its shapes and sizes for 20 years. I've lived in Philly my whole life. I have been through tons of emotions and battles with alopecia and look forward to meeting others who are going through their own thing with their alopecia.
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Roger

    Welcome Melissa.

  • Roger

    Thanks Melissa.

    I didnt got so much time to talk with you in Louisville. Hope you will find this site intresting.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Dawn

    Hi Melissa!! So, you're from Philly?? My father lived there for several years.
  • Dawn

    That is how it is with my family. I think some people have a hard time because they are afraid they may say the wrong thing so they just say nothing at all. I am so sorry you had to go through those treatments alone. At that age I know it had to have been kind of hard. Is your boyfriend pretty supportive? My husband is really great about it.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Melissa, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • rj, Co-founder

    Melissa, we certainly will keep in touch, as I can never have enough wonderful individuals in my life. Do enjoy Alopecia World! :-)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Melissa, actually members on this site are REALLY amazing. They are really interactive and want to bring their coping to another level. You will make a great addition ;)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Melissa!
    I've had it for about 30 years! How are you doing? I am hoping you're well.
    Just wanted to say hello!
  • Alex

    I always love's the highlight of my summer:) I've been crazy busy since i got home but it's fun! I am having lunch with your twin on thursday! I'm super pumped. Have a fun forth!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hey! Thanks for the nice words! I didn't attend the conference this year, but I am going to go next year, hopefully! Sounds like you enjoyed it -- can't wait to go. Hope you are having a wonderful day!
  • Roger

    Hi Melissa.

    Hows life in Philly? On my way back from Louisville to Stockholm I changed flight in Philadelphia...I didnt got the time to see the city =(

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I've had alopecia for about 30 years. Wrote a book about it called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" That's my philosophy! To find out more about the book, check my page...
  • Roger

    Tack! = Thanks in swedish!

    Maybe we see eachother in Houston? ;)

    Take care, Roger.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thanks for asking -- I'm doing great! Getting a lot of publicity for my book. Also trying to do some painting! How are you doing? If you get a chance to read the book, let me know how you like it, okay? I'd love to know!
  • Angell

    Hi Melissa, I live in NJ on the other side of the river from you. Would love to chat if you would like to, also.

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Melissa. You crossed my mind today, so I thought I'd open your Alopecia World profile and leave a comment. :-) As always, I hope things are well in your life and relationships and that you're getting at least some rest. Today I was reflecting on my experience at this year's NAAF conference and thought to myself that it will be a great day, indeed, when your schedule will permit you to share more of your heart and wisdom with Alopecia World. I'll continue to be patient, of course, because I learned long ago that go things come to those who wait. :-)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Melissa, you are an amazing person with an amazing set of commitments. Alopecia World certainly can wait because it's my heart's desire that you achieve great and good success in all that you are doing. Please keep me abreast of your achievements.

    rj :-)
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Melissa. I hope you enjoyed the holiday and that you've a magnificent and memorable New Year planned. :-)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Melissa. I haven't had much of an opportunity to send greetings and messages via Alopecia World lately, so today I'm taking time to do so. I'm sure you're keeping busy. I hope you're doing well, too, despite the state of the economy at the moment. Keep in touch. :-)