


United Kingdom

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About Me:
Well Im 24 an asian lass and i have had alopecia for about 10 years just looking to chat to people who also have alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Somaaya!
    How are you today?
  • Kayleigh George

    Heya Somaaya,
    how are you?
  • Kayleigh George

    Hey Im good thankyou,
    Ive had alopecia just over a month, so not very long!
    How about yourself?
  • Kayleigh George

    So quite a while... do you wear wigs???? sorry i hope you mind me asking.
  • Kayleigh George

    Yes i know what you mean i call mine "hair"!!! Im coping i think! Everyday is different. Sometimes i feel i cant be bothered with putting makeup on and eyebrows/eyelashes. Its alot of effort everyday just to look "normal"! But sometimes i like it!
    Wow that will be great meeting others who are going through the same. I have friends who went through chemo so its similar but of course theres grew back after the chemo stoped.
  • lynne

    hey thanks for the add,
    hope ur well, speak sn x
  • Kayleigh George

    I have patches that seem to move around my head, my arms and eyebrows hair have fallen out.
    I shave the rest of my hair on my head.. there isnt that much really but looks silly i think!
    How about you?
  • Kayleigh George

    Yes I am the same Im not sad or upset about loosing ahir anywhere but my head and eyebrows.... I really hope my eyelashes dont go!
    Well that is really good that some is coming back, but now in the patches where it should. Im still waiting to see a dermatologist! Got another month to go! BUt not sure if im going to go for treatment as some sounds painful!
    How are you today? I didnt go to work again, still in alot of pain.
  • Kayleigh George

    Aw thats not fair ok though?
    Ive been ill for a year, went for a colonoscope on tuesday and they took biopsies, waiting for results.
    Ive had a pain in my side for over a year just seems to be getting worse!
  • lynne

    hello, no i dont mind, it just started bout 7wks ago, i first took an allergic reaction to the sun then the week after my hair started fallen out, it started as a small spot then less than 2wks i had strands left, didnt know wat was happenin was so scared, i have now shaved off the rest and now waitin to see if my hair is gonna grow bak in, there is still hair growin but im not sure if thats the hair i still had left, im hopin it was my illness that caused it so theres some hope i'll get my hair bak, dont cope very well with no hair, anyway thanks for the message hope to hear from u sn, x
  • farzana zaman

    hi there, how r u? hope u ok, i have been to a dermatologist and they have confirmed it is alopecia areata, its just so annoying that it took nearly 9 months to tell me, its so upsetting to see my son that way as he had a beautiful head of hair, his eyebrows and eyelashes have also fallen. Odd hairs have come at the back of his head, i'm talking about 7 to 8 strands, but they have grown back white, i am hoping that is a good sign, anyway tell me about yourself, i see that you dont live to far from where im from, at what level is your alopecia and have you any regrowth, i hope that everything goes well for you, its just nice to know that i can chat to someone who understands, take care, and hope to chat to u soon
  • Kayleigh George

    Heya Somaaya, how are you? Sorry I didnt talk on sunday.. got back rather late and yesturday I could bare being inside whent eh wearther was so good!
    Weekend went brilliantly, really needed a break! Fell in the sea with all my clothes on so ended up walking around shops soaking wet!!! Good times though!
  • Kayleigh George

    Aw hun xx Its ok its prob cos ur going to a interview and your nervous about that and its making everything seem so bad. I agree alopecia is crap and i hate it too.*cuddles* to make you feel better. wear you hair straight today and your look fab! xxx
  • Kayleigh George

    Yes completly... Everyone always says i understand and i reply but you have hair! (not in a nasty way but no 1 can understand unless they loose there hair!)
    Well give it your best shot and thats all you can do!
    Nah Im not at work today, working tomorrow on a late :(! But nevermind!
    I got a human ahir wig yesturday it was onlt £50!!!
  • Kayleigh George

    I found this little shop in the city centre where i live.... long ones £100 or £50 and synthetic from £25!!!!
    Yep keep your chin up ok!
    I got to go and see the nurse :( but i hope everything goes ok and let me know ok
  • Kayleigh George

    Yeh you can be jealous lol only joking hun. Aw never mind about job penty more enit.. there lose not urs!
    What u think about the vacuum wigs any good?
    the make of wig is seensationnel if u wanna look up!
    Im good luvy and u?
  • Linda

    Thanks for adding me
    Hav'nt been on for a while but look fwd to chatting as ur in my neck of the woods
  • KD

    Hey Somaaya ;) wassup milady ?? thx4ya friendship ^^
  • Linda

    have been a hairdresser for longer than I care to remember...."Work" at a Salon and have done for the past 13 years dealing with hair loss of all kinds. Learn something new every day. Try my best to be the best help I can. have great workmates who range in ages from 20 - 50 so bounce ideas off each other all the time....If you have had alopecia for 10 years you may have heard of A+A Studios. If not please come and see us hard charges for consultations honest advice..honestly
  • Ashley

    Hey Somaaya!
    Thanks for the friend request. I'm always here if you ever wanna talk, or tell me your story, or if you want to hear mine. =) Hope you are doing well.
  • Kayleigh George

    Heya Somaaya,
    How are you? Sorry havnt spoke sooner been working! BUt got a couple of days of now.
    Im seeing the dermatologist tomorrow!
  • Kayleigh George

    Yeah im good thanks
    Yeah dont worry its there job to let me know about medications lol!
    by the way u on facebook?
  • Karina

    Somaaya..are you wearing a wig...what type of it ? Is it comfortable?